30  Mean and Autocorrelation Functions of Stochastic Processes

Example 30.1 Harry and Tom play a game which involves flipping a fair coin. Each time the coin lands on heads, Tom pays Harry 1 dollar; each time the coin lands on tails, Harry pays Tom 1 dollar. Let \(X_n\) denote Harry’s cumulative winnings after \(n\) flips, with \(X_0=0\), and with negative values denoting losses.

  1. Find the mean function.

  2. Find the variance function.

Example 30.2 Consider the stochastic process \(X(t) =A \cos(2\pi t)\), where the amplitude variation \(A\) has an Exponential(0.5) distribution.

  1. Evaluate the mean function at \(t=0.5\).

  2. Find the mean function.

  3. Evaluate the variance function at \(t=0.5\).

  4. Find the variance function.

Example 30.3 Consider the stochastic process \(X(t) = s(t) + N(t)\), where \(s(t)\) is a non-random signal (e.g., \(s(t)=3\cos(2\pi(100) t)\)) and \(N(t)\) is random noise, for which at any time \(t\), \(N(t)\) has a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 2.

  1. Evaluate the mean function at \(t=1\).

  2. Find the mean function.

  3. Evaluate the variance function at \(t=1\).

  4. Find the variance function.

Example 30.4 Let \(X(t) = A \cos(2\pi t)\), where the amplitude variation \(A\) has an Exponential(0.5) distribution.

  1. Evaluate the autocorrelation function at \(t = 0.5\) and \(s=2/3\).

  2. Find the autocorrelation function.

  3. Find the autocovariance function.

  4. For \(t=0\), plot the autocovariance function as a function of \(s\). Explain why the plot makes sense.

Example 30.5 In radio communications, the carrier signal is often modeled as a sinusoid with a random phase. (The reason for using a random phase is that the receiver does not know the time when the transmitter was turned on or the distance from the transmitter to the receiver.) Consider the stochastic process \(X(t) = \cos(2\pi t + \Theta)\), where the random phase shift \(\Theta\) has a Uniform\((0, 2\pi)\) distribution.

  1. Find the mean of \(X(1)\).

  2. Find the mean function.

  3. Evaluate the autocorrelation function at \(t = 1\) and \(s=1.2\).

  4. Find the autocorrelation function.

  5. Find the autocovariance function.

  6. Find the variance function.