33  Linear Filtering of Stationary Stochastic Processes

Example 33.1 (RC circuit.) A pure white noise signal is passed through a LTI filter with impulse response h(t)=1RCet/RCu(t) where u(t) is the unit step function (u(t)=1 for t0, and u(t)=0 otherwise).

  1. Find the transfer function.

  2. Find the power spectral density of the output signal.

  3. Find the expected power in the output signal.

Example 33.2 A signal can be modeled by X(t)+N(t) where:

  • The intended signal X(t) is WSS and has autocorrelation function RX(τ)=5000+30000cos(2000πτ)+45000sinc2(1800τ)
  • The noise N(t) is WSS with mean zero and autocorrelation function RN(τ)=2000exp(10000|τ|)
  • To filter out the noise, we pass the waveform through an ideal lowpass filter with transfer function H(f)=1,|f|<1800Hz
  1. Find the power signal-to-noise ratio of the input signal.

  2. Find and graph the power spectral density of X.

  3. Find and graph the power spectral density of N.

  4. Find and graph the power spectral density of L[X], the signal part of the output.

  5. Find and graph the power spectral density of L[N], the noise part of the output.

  6. Find the power signal-to-noise ratio of the output.