Chapter 3 Probability and random events

Probability is a mathematical system for modeling a random process. Probability is an essential tool for casinos, as well as for banks, insurance companies, and any other organization that manages risk and uncertainty. It also provides the mathematical framework for the statistical analysis of data.

This chapter will introduce the terminology and rules of probability.

Chapter goals

In this chapter, we will learn how to:

  1. Define the outcome and sample space for a given random process.
  2. Use set theory to define and manipulate events for a given random process.
  3. Apply the axioms and derived rules of probability.
  4. Calculate event probabilities from elementary event probabilities.
  5. Calculate and interpret joint and conditional probabilities.
  6. Interpret and evaluate the claim that two events are independent.
  7. Use the law of total probability and Bayes’ law.

To prepare for this chapter, please review the sections on Sets and Functions in the Math Review appendix.

3.1 Randomness and uncertainty

Economics studies choice behavior and its consequences, and nearly every choice we make is affected by randomness and uncertainty. That is, we often cannot predict future conditions with certainty, and we do not even have full information on current conditions.

As in other areas of economics, we can better understand random and uncertain events by building a model. The first step in building a model is to describe the situation of interest.

Example 3.1 Example application: Roulette

We will develop ideas by considering the casino game of Roulette. The picture below shows what a roulette wheel looks like.

roulette wheel image Source: Roulette Vectors by Vecteezy

Here are the rules:

  • The game features three physical objects:
    • a ball
    • a spinning wheel with numbered/colored slots
    • a table with a grid of numbers on which to place bets
  • The slots on the wheel are numbered from 0 to 36:
    • Slot number 0 is green.
    • 18 slots are red.
    • 18 slots are black.
    • The picture above depicts an American roulette table, which has an additional green slot labeled “00”,
    • I will assume we have a European roulette table, which does not include the “00” slot.
  • Players can place various bets on the table including
    • Red
      • This bet wins if the ball lands on any red number
      • Winning bets pay out $1 per $1 bet.
    • Black
      • This bet wins if the ball lands on any black number)
      • Winning bets pay out $1 per $1 bet.
    • A straight bet on any specific number
      • This bet wins if the ball lands on the chosen number
      • Winning bets pay out $35 per $1 bet.
    • Even
      • This bet wins if the ball lands on any even number other than zero.
      • Winning bets pay out $1 per $1 bet.

Like other casino games, a roulette game is an example of a random process: something will happen, someone (the players and the casino) cares what will happen, but no one knows in advance what will happen.

The house always wins: The economics of gambling

The core economic principle of the gambling industry is that “the house always wins.” The “house” is a general term in gambling referring to the organization that is operating the game, including operators of casinos, lotteries, sports betting, and online games of chance. The house generally exists for one purpose: making money. As a result, every game and every bet the house offers is designed to make nearly-certain profits for the house and nearly-certain losses for the players. The house advantage is typically quite small - less than 5% in many popular casino games - but it is always positive.

Over the course of the semester, we will use the tools of probability and statistics to calculate win probabilities, the house advantage, and related numbers. But keep the economics in mind: if your calculation implies that the house loses money, it is probably wrong.

3.2 Outcomes and events

The first step in constructing our model is to define the outcome we are interested in. The outcome is a variable, and is often represented by the lower-case Greek letter omega (\(\omega\)). But we can choose any variable name we like.

An outcome can be a simple yes/no result, a number, a group of numbers, a picture, a document, or a complete description of the history of the universe. At minimum, the outcome should describe everything about the random process that we care about.

Example 3.2 Outcomes in roulette

All bets in roulette relate to the number the ball lands on. So if we want to model a single game of roulette, that number should be the outcome: \[\begin{align} \omega &= \textrm{the number the ball lands on} \end{align}\] Alternatively, we could define a more limited outcome (“the color that the ball lands on”) or a more detailed outcome (“the color and number that the ball lands on”). The outcome is a choice we make in setting up the model.

The set of all possible outcomes is called the sample space. The sample space is usually represented by the Greek capital letter Omega (\(\Omega\)). But we can choose any variable name we like. At minimum, the sample space needs to include every possible value for the outcome.

Example 3.3 The sample space in roulette

The sample space for a game of roulette can be defined as the set of all numbers the ball can land on: \[\begin{align} \Omega = \{0,1,2,\ldots,36\} \end{align}\] This sample space has \(|\Omega| = 37\) elements.

Like the outcome, the sample space is something we choose. We could have defined the sample space for the game as the set of all positive integers, all integers, or all real numbers. As long as the sample space includes the 37 specific numbers in \(\{0,1,2,\ldots,36\}\), we will be OK.

Next, we define a set of events that we are interested in. We can think of an event as either:

  • A factual statement about the outcome OR
  • A subset of the sample space

These two concepts are equivalent, though the subset concept makes the math clearer. We often use upper-case letters to represent events, but we can choose any variable name we like.

Example 3.4 Events in roulette

These roulette events are well-defined for our sample space:

  • Ball lands on 14: \[\begin{align} \omega \in 14Wins = \{14\} \end{align}\]
  • Ball lands on a red number: \[\begin{align} \omega \in RedWins &= \left\{\begin{aligned} & 1,3,5,7,9,12,14,16,18, \\ & 19,21,23,25,27,30,32,34,36 \\ \end{aligned}\right\} \end{align}\]
  • Ball lands on a black number: \[\begin{align} \omega \in BlackWins &= \left\{\begin{aligned} & 2,4,6,8,10,11,13,15,17, \\ & 20,22,24,26,28,29,31,33,35 \\ \end{aligned}\right\} \end{align}\]
  • Ball lands on one of the first 12 numbers: \[\begin{align} \omega \in First12Wins = \{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12\} \end{align}\]

You can see many other bets on the table such as “Even”, “Odd”, “1 to 18” and so on. We can define an event for each of these bets, or for any other combination of values for \(\omega\).

An event that contains exactly one outcome is called an elementary event.

Example 3.5 Elementary events in roulette

The sample space for roulette contains 37 elements, so there are 37 outcomes: \(0,1,2,\ldots,37\) and 37 elementary events: \(\{0\}\), \(\{1\}\), \(\{2\}\), \(\ldots\), \(\{37\}\).

Events are sets, so we can work with events using the same terminology and mathematical tools we use for sets.

Example 3.6 Relationships among events

In our roulette example:

  • Two events are identical \((A = B)\) if they contain exactly the same outcomes:
    • Suppose that Al and Betty both bet on 23. The events “Al wins” \((AlWins = \{23\})\) and “Betty wins” \((BettyWins = \{23\})\) are identical.
    • Intuitively, identical means they are just two different ways of describing the same event.
  • An event implies another event \((A \subset B)\) if all of its outcomes are also in the implied event:
    • The event \(14Wins= \{14\}\) implies the event \(RedWins\) since \(14Wins \subset RedWins\).
    • When an event happens, any event it implies also happens.
  • Two events are disjoint \((A \cap B) = \emptyset\) if they share no outcomes:
    • The events \(RedWins\) and \(BlackWins\) are disjoint since \(RedWins \cap BlackWins = \emptyset\).
    • Two disjoint events cannot both happen because there is no possible outcome that makes them both true.
    • But two disjoint events can both fail to happen. For example, if the ball lands in the green zero slot (\(\omega = 0\)), neither red nor black wins.
  • Any two elementary events are either identical or disjoint:
    • The events \(14Wins\) and \(25Wins\) are disjoint since \(14Wins \cap 25Wins = \{14\} \cap \{25\} = \emptyset\).

If terms like disjoint, subset, intersection, and union are unfamiliar to you, you should review the section on sets in the Math Appendix before proceeding.

3.3 Probabilities

Our final step is to define a probability distribution for this random process, which is a function \(\Pr(\cdot)\) that assigns a number \(\Pr(A)\) to each possible event \(A\). The number is called the probability of event \(A\).

Probabilities are normally between zero and one and can be interpreted as describing how likely an event is:

  • An event with probability one definitely will happen.
  • An event with probability zero definitely will not happen.
  • An event with probability between zero and one might happen.
  • An event with a higher probability is more likely to happen than an event with lower probability.

Where does this probability distribution come from? That’s a good question, but we will take it as given for the moment.

3.3.1 The axioms of probability

All valid probability distributions must obey the following three conditions, which are sometimes called the axioms of probability:

  1. Non-negativity: The probability of an event cannot be negative: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A) \geq 0 \end{align}\]
  2. Unit measure: One of the outcomes in the sample space must happen: \[\begin{align} \Pr(\Omega) = 1 \end{align}\]
  3. Additivity: For any two disjoint events \(A\) and \(B\), the probability that either \(A\) or \(B\) happens is the sum of their individual probabilities: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A \cup B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B) \end{align}\]

The first two axioms are straightforward. The additivity axiom is a little trickier because we need to confirm that the events are disjoint before we apply it. Remember that events are disjoint when they have no outcomes in common.

Example 3.7 Disjoint outcomes in roulette

The events “zero wins” and “14 wins” are disjoint: \[\begin{align} ZeroWins \cap 14Wins &= \{0\} \cap \{14\} \\ &= \emptyset \end{align}\] so the additivity axiom applies. Therefore, the probability that either zero or 14 wins is: \[\begin{align} \Pr(ZeroWins \cup 14Wins) &= \Pr(ZeroWins) + \Pr(14Wins) \end{align}\]

The events “red wins” and “14 wins” are not disjoint: \[\begin{align} RedWins \cap 14Wins &= \{14\} \end{align}\] so the additivity axiom does not apply to \(RedWins \cup 14Wins\).

3.3.2 Additional rules for probabilities

Probability distributions have many other properties, but they can all be derived from the three axioms.

Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two (not necessarily disjoint) events. Then our three axioms of probability imply several additional rules:

  • Upper bound rule: The probability of an event cannot be greater than one: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A) \leq 1 \end{align}\]
  • Complement rule: The probability of an event not happening is: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A^C) = 1 - \Pr(A) \end{align}\]
  • Empty event rule: The probability of nothing happening is zero: \[\begin{align} \Pr(\emptyset) = 0 \end{align}\]
  • Implied event rule: An event cannot have higher probability than another event it implies: \[\begin{align} A \subset B \implies \Pr(A) \leq \Pr(B) \end{align}\]
  • Subadditivity rule: The probability of either \(A\) or \(B\) happening is: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A \cup B) &= \Pr(A) + \Pr(B) - \Pr(A \cap B) \\ &\leq \Pr(A) +\Pr(B) \end{align}\]

These results are not hard to prove, but I will not go through the proofs. However, I will use these results so you should be familiar with them.

Example 3.8 Derived probability rules in roulette

We can use our derived probability rules in various ways:

  • The event “Red loses” is the complement of the event “Red wins.” So if we know the probability that Red wins, we can use the complement rule to calculate the probability that Red loses: \[\begin{align} \Pr(RedLoses) &= \Pr(RedWins^c) \\ &= 1 - \Pr(RedWins) \end{align}\]
  • We know that 14 is a red number, so \(14Wins\) implies \(RedWins\). We can use the implied event rule to determine that: \[\begin{align} \Pr(14Wins) \leq \Pr(RedWins) \end{align}\]
  • We earlier determined that the events \(RedWins\) and \(14Wins\) are not disjoint, and so we could not apply the additivity axiom directly to find \(\Pr(RedWins \cup 14Wins)\). However, we can use the subadditivity rule to find an upper bound on the probability: \[\begin{align} \Pr(RedWins \cup 14Wins) \leq \Pr(RedWins) + \Pr(14Wins) \end{align}\] or to calculate the exact probability: \[\begin{align} \Pr(RedWins \cup 14Wins) = \Pr(RedWins) + \Pr(14Wins) - \Pr(RedWins \cap 14Wins) \end{align}\]

3.3.3 Calculating probabilities

To calculate probabilities, we use information or assumptions about the random process, and then apply the axioms and derived rules.

Since this is an introductory course, our sample space will usually contain a finite number of outcomes, as in our roulette example. In that case, probability calculations can be made in three simple steps:

  1. List the outcomes (elementary events) that imply our event of interest.
  2. Calculate the probability of each outcome, based on information or assumptions about the random process.
  3. Add up the probabilities.

The reason this works is because the elementary events are disjoint, so we can apply the additivity axiom.

We can summarize this procedure with a formula: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A) &= \sum_{s \in A} \Pr(\omega = s) \end{align}\] or equivalently: \[\begin{align} \Pr(A) &= \sum_{s \in \Omega} \Pr(\omega = s)I(s \in A) \end{align}\] If you are unfamiliar with the notation here, please refer to the sections on summations and the indicator function in the Math Review Appendix. These formulas might look intimidating, but they are easy to implement in practice.

Example 3.9 Elementary event probabilities for a fair roulette game

Casinos are required by law to operate “fair” games, and are subject to heavy penalties if they operate unfair ones. In the context of roulette, a fair game is one in which each number has the same probability.

Let’s assume that the roulette wheel is “fair” in this sense. Note that fairness is just an assumption, and may not actually be true. Later on, we will use data and statistics to evaluate whether a roulette wheel is actually fair.

The assumption of fairness implies that each elementary event has the same probability, so let that probability be: \[\begin{align} p = \Pr(\omega = 0) = \Pr(\omega = 1) = \cdots = \Pr(\omega = 36) \end{align}\] We can then use the axioms of probability to find the correct value of \(p\):

  • By the unit measure axiom, one of the outcomes will happen: \[\begin{align} \Pr(\Omega) = 1 \end{align}\]
  • Since the elementary events are disjoint, the additivity axiom implies that: \[\begin{align} \underbrace{\Pr(\Omega))}_{1} = \underbrace{\Pr(\{0\})}_{p} + \underbrace{\Pr(\{1\})}_{p} + \cdots + \underbrace{\Pr(\{36\})}_{p} \end{align}\]
  • Since there are 37 elementary events, we can rewrite this equation as: \[\begin{align} 1 = 37p \end{align}\]
  • We can then solve for \(p\) to get: \[\begin{align} p = 1/37 \approx 0.027 \end{align}\] That is, each of the 37 elementary events have a probability of \(1/37\) or about 2.7%.

Equal probability is an assumption

In our roulette example, all elementary events have the same probability. Is this the case for all random processes? No.

Equal probability makes the math easy, and applies to some specific cases like roulette or dice games, so we often use those cases in examples when teaching basic probability theory. But equal probability does not apply to random processes in general. For example, suppose I run in a race against 11-time world sprinting champion Usain Bolt. There are two possible outcomes:

  • I win the race
  • Usain Bolt wins the race

but it would be unreasonable to think that these two outcomes have equal probability.

Once we have the probabilities of each elementary event, any other probability can be calculated by simple addition.

Example 3.10 Event probabilities for a fair roulette game

In the roulette example, the probability of any event \(A\) is just the number of outcomes in \(A\) times the probability of each outcome \(1/37\): \[\begin{align} \Pr(A) = |A|*1/37 \end{align}\] The notation \(|A|\) just means the size of (number of elements in) the set \(A\).

For example: \[\begin{align} \Pr(\omega = 25) &= |\{25\}|*1/37 = 1/37 \approx 0.027 \\ \Pr(RedWins) &= |RedWins|*1/37 = 18/37 \approx 0.486 \\ \Pr(EvenWins) &= |EvenWins|*1/37 = 18/37 \approx 0.486 \\ \Pr(First12Wins) &= |First12Wins|*1/37 = 12/37 \approx 0.324 \end{align}\]

This procedure works when our sample space contains a finite number of outcomes. We will usually stick with examples where that is the case, but there are some applications where it isn’t. For example, maybe we are interested in using probability to model the unemployment rate, or a person’s income. Those are real numbers, and can take on any of an infinite number of values. We will learn more about those cases in Chapter 4.

What do probabilities really mean?

What does it really mean to say that the probability of the ball landing in a red slot is about 0.486? That’s actually a tough question. There are two standard interpretations for probabilities:

  • Frequentist or classical interpretation: we are thinking of the random process as something that could be repeated many times, and the probability of an event is the approximate fraction of times that the event will occur. That is, if you go to a casino and bet 1000 times on Red, you will win about 486 times.
  • Bayesian or subjectivist interpretation: the random process is a one-time occurrence, but we have limited information about it and the probability of event represents the strength of our belief that the event will happen.

The frequentist interpretation of probability is well-suited for simple repeated settings like casino games or car insurance, while the Bayesian interpretation makes more sense for predicting one-time events like the results of a particular election.

Chapter review

Probability provides a rigorous mathematical language for describing and managing uncertainty. It also provides the foundation for serious statistical analysis.

In this chapter we have learned the basic terminology and concepts of probability: events, outcomes, joint/conditional/marginal probabilities, and independence. We have also learned various tools for calculating probabilities, including the axioms of probability, their associated rules, the law of total probability, and Bayes’ law. You may have seen many of these terms and ideas in high school, but we are approaching them at a higher level. Be sure to review these terms and concepts in detail, and do the practice problems to test your knowledge.

The next step is to take the general framework of outcomes and events developed in this chapter, and apply them to random variables: random outcomes that take the form of a number.

Practice problems

Answers can be found in the appendix.

Most of the practice problems for this chapter are based on the casino game of craps.

Craps is played with a pair of 6-sided dice. Players take turns rolling the dice, and the player currently rolling the dice is called the “shooter”. There are various bets - pass, don’t pass, come, don’t come, field, place, buy - that can be placed on the results of multiple rolls of the dice. These bets and their probability calculations can be quite complex, so we will focus on a few “single roll” bets:

  • A bet on “Snake Eyes” wins if the total showing on the dice is 2.
  • A bet on “Yo” wins if the total showing on the dice is 11.
  • A bet on “Boxcars” wins if the total showing on the dice is 12.
  • A bet on “Field” wins if the total showing on the dice is 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

For this example, assume that:

  • One die is red and the other is white.
  • Both dice are fair, that is each side has equal probability.
  • The dice are independent of one another.

An outcome for a single roll of the dice is a pair of numbers \((r,w)\) where \(r\) is the amount showing on the red die, and \(w\) is the amount showing on the white die. For example an outcome \((2,4)\) means that the red die is showing 2 and the white die is showing 4.

GOAL #1: Define outcomes and sample space for a simple example

  1. Let \(\Omega\) be the sample space for the outcome of a single roll in craps.
    1. Define \(\Omega\) by enumeration.
    2. Find the cardinality of \(\Omega\).
  2. Using enumeration, define the following events:
    1. Yo wins (\(YoWins\)).
    2. Snake eyes wins (\(SnakeEyesWins\)).
    3. Boxcars wins (\(BoxcarsWins\)).
    4. Field wins (\(FieldWins\)).

GOAL #2: Use set theory to define and manipulate events

  1. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. The events \(YoWins\) and \(BoxcarsWins\) are identical.
    2. The events \(YoWins\) and \((r,w) = (5,6)\) are identical.
    3. The events \(BoxcarsWins\) and \((r,w) = (6,6)\) are identical.
  2. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. The events \(YoWins\) and \(BoxcarsWins\) are disjoint.
    2. The events \(YoWins\) and \(FieldWins\) are disjoint.
    3. The events \(YoWins\) and \(BoxcarsLoses\) are disjoint.
    4. The events \(YoWins\) and \(FieldLoses\) are disjoint.
  3. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. The event \(YoWins\) implies the event \(BoxcarsWins\).
    2. The event \(YoWins\) implies the event \(BoxcarsLoses\).
    3. The event \(YoWins\) implies the event \(FieldWins\).
    4. The event \(YoWins\) implies the event \(FieldLoses\).
  4. Which of the following are elementary events?
    1. \(YoWins\).
    2. \(YoLoses\).
    3. \(BoxcarsWins\).
    4. \(BoxcarsLoses\).
    5. \(FieldWins\).
    6. \(FieldLoses\).

GOAL #3: Apply the axioms and derived rules of probability

  1. Let \(A\) be an event. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. \(\Pr(A) \geq 0\).
    2. \(\Pr(A) > 0\).
    3. \(\Pr(A) \leq 1\).
    4. \(\Pr(A) < 1\).
    5. \(\Pr(A^c) \geq 0\).
    6. \(\Pr(A^c) > 0\).
    7. \(\Pr(A^c) \leq 1\).
    8. \(\Pr(A^c) < 1\).
    9. \(\Pr(A^c) = 1 - \Pr(A)\).
  2. Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two events. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. \(\Pr(A \cup B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B)\).
    2. \(\Pr(A \cup B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B) - \Pr(A \cap B)\).
    3. \(\Pr(A \cup B) \leq \Pr(A) + \Pr(B)\).
    4. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = \Pr(A)\Pr(B)\).
  3. Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two disjoint events. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = 0\).
    2. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B)\).
    3. \(\Pr(A \cup B) = 0\).
    4. \(\Pr(A \cup B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B)\).
    5. \(\Pr(A \cup B) = \Pr(A) + \Pr(B) - \Pr(A \cap B)\).
    6. \(\Pr(A \cup B) \leq \Pr(A) + \Pr(B)\).
    7. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = \Pr(A)\Pr(B)\).
    8. \(\Pr(A | B) = 0\).
  4. Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two events such that \(A \subset B\). Which of the following statements are true?
    1. \(\Pr(A) \leq \Pr(B)\).
    2. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = \Pr(A)\).
    3. \(\Pr(A | B) = 1\).

GOAL #4: Calculate event probabilities from elementary event probabilities

  1. Calculate each of the following elementary event probabilities:
    1. \((r,w) = (1,1)\).
    2. \((r,w) = (3,4)\).
    3. \((r,w) = (6,6)\).
  2. Find the probability of each of the following events:
    1. A bet on Yo wins.
    2. A bet on Snake eyes wins.
    3. A bet on Boxcars wins.
    4. A bet on Field wins.

GOAL #5: Calculate joint and conditional probabilities

  1. Calculate each of the following joint probabilities:
    1. \(\Pr(YoWins \cap BoxcarsWins)\)
    2. \(\Pr(YoWins \cap FieldWins)\)
    3. \(\Pr(YoWins \cap BoxcarsLoses)\)
  2. Calculate each of the following conditional probabilities:
    1. \(\Pr(YoWins | BoxcarsWins)\)
    2. \(\Pr(YoWins | FieldWins)\)
    3. \(\Pr(YoWins | BoxcarsLoses)\)
    4. \(\Pr(FieldWins | YoWins)\)
    5. \(\Pr(BoxcarsWins | YoWins)\)
  3. Which of the following pairs of events are independent?
    1. Yo wins and Boxcars wins.
    2. Yo wins and Field wins.
    3. Yo wins and Yo wins.
    4. \(r = 3\) and \(r = 5\).
    5. \(r = 3\) and \(w =5\).

GOAL #6: Interpret and evaluate the claim that two events are independent

  1. Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two independent events. Which of the following statements are true?
    1. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = 0\).
    2. \(\Pr(A \cap B) = \Pr(A)\Pr(B)\).
    3. \(\Pr(A|B) = \Pr(A)\).

GOAL #7: - Use the law of total probability and Bayes’ law

  1. The main bet in craps is a multi-roll bet called “pass.” The first roll is called the “come out” roll, and has the following rules:

    • Pass wins if the come out roll is 7 or 11.
    • Pass loses if the come out roll is 2, 3, or 12. Otherwise, the game continues and the value of the come out roll becomes the “point”. The shooter keeps rolling the dice until one of the following two outcomes occur:
    • The shooter rolls the point value again \(\Rightarrow\) Pass wins.
    • The shooter rolls 7 \(\Rightarrow\) Pass loses. For example, if the shooter rolls a 5 on the come out roll, the point is 5 and the game continues until the shooter rolls either a 5 (Pass wins) or a 7 (Pass loses).

    Let \(c\) be the value of the come out roll, and let the event \(PassWins\) include every outcome in which Pass wins. The table below reports both the probability of each value of the come out roll, and the probability that pass wins for each value of the come out roll.

    Come out (\(c\)) \(\Pr(c)\) Win probability \(\Pr(PassWins|c)\)
    2 1/36 0
    3 2/36 0
    4 3/36 3/9
    5 4/36 4/10
    6 5/36 5/11
    7 6/36 1
    8 5/36 5/11
    9 4/36 4/10
    10 3/36 3/9
    11 2/36 1
    12 1/36 0

    Use the Law of Total Probability to calculate \(\Pr(PassWins)\), the probability that a bet on Pass wins.

  2. During World War II, the statistician Abraham Wald worked in a research group analyzing bullet damage on returning planes in order to assess risks. Suppose that planes can be hit on the engine (event \(EngineHit\)) or on the body (event \(BodyHit\))3 and that planes can either return safely (event \(Return\)) or crash (event \(Return^C\)). In addition, suppose that:

    • A plane is equally likely to be hit in the engine or on the body: \[\begin{align} \Pr(EngineHit) = \Pr(BodyHit) = 0.6 \end{align}\]
    • Many of the returning planes show body damage: \[\begin{align} \Pr(BodyHit|Return) = 0.7 \end{align}\]
    • Few of the returning planes show engine damage: \[\begin{align} \Pr(EngineHit|Return) = 0.1 \end{align}\]
    • Most of the planes return: \[\begin{align} \Pr(Return) = 0.8 \end{align}\]

    Based on this information, calculate \(\Pr(Return|BodyHit)\) and \(\Pr(Return|EngineHit)\).

  1. You may wonder: if it makes more sense to describe independence in terms of conditional probabilities, why do we define it in terms of joint probabilities? The key is the requirement that the events have nonzero probability. When \(B\) has zero probability the conditional probability \(\Pr(A|B)\) is not well defined since its denominator is zero.↩︎

  2. If you are interested in learning more about this, an article in Science provides an overview of the controversy, and a blog post by statistician Andrew Gelman provides a thorough discussion of the statistical issues.↩︎

  3. Note that it is possible for a plane to be hit in both places, or to not be hit at all. So these two events are not necessarily disjoint, complements, or independent.↩︎