3.2.1 Main content
High-dimensional data
- Feature projection / Manifold learning
- 4 popular feature projection techniques: PCA, MDS, t-SNE, UMAP
Distribution plot
- Within 1 variable:
- Weighted box/ violin
- Density
- 2 Separate variables:
- 2D density
- Marginal histogram/ box plot
- Population pyramid
- Within 1 variable:
Deal with large number of observations
- Binned scatter
Deal with multi-dimensional data
- Feature projection/ Manifold learning >> high-dimensional
- Correlogram
- SPLOM - Scatter PLOt Matrix
- Chorophleth
Honorable mentions
Feature projection/ Manifold learning
Principal Component Analysis
Multidimensional scaling
t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)
Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)