7.3 Queuing Notation

Recognizing the diversity of queuing systems, a notational system was introduced in the 50’s which has been widely adopted. The convention is based on the format A/B/c/N/K, where the letters represent the following system characteristics:

  • A represents the inter-arrival time distribution

  • B represents the service-time distribution

  • c represents the number of parallel servers

  • N represents the system capacity

  • K represents the size of the calling population

Common symbols for A and B are include M (exponential or Markov), D (constant or deterministic) and G (arbitrary or general).

For example, M/M/1// indicates a single-server system that has unlimited queue capacity and infinite population of potential arrivals. The inter-arrival times and service times are exponentially distributed. When N and K are infinity, they may be dropped from the notation. For example M/M/1// is often shorted to M/M/1.

All systems will be assumed to have a FIFO queue discipline.