1  Randomness and Probability

Probability comes up in a wide variety of situations. Consider just a few examples.

  1. The probability you win the next Powerball lottery if you purchase a single ticket, 4-8-15-16-42, plus the Powerball number, 23.
  2. The probability that a “randomly selected” Cal Poly student is a California resident.
  3. The probability that the high temperature in San Luis Obispo next Friday is above 90 degrees F.
  4. The probability that the San Francisco 49ers win the next Superbowl.
  5. The probability that extraterrestrial life currently exists somewhere in the universe.
  6. The probability that you ate an apple on April 17, 2009.

Example 1.1 How are the situations above similar, and how are they different? What is one feature that all of the situations have in common? Is the interpretation of “probability” the same in all situations? The goal here is to just think about these questions, and not to compute any probabilities (or to even think about how you would).

Example 1.2 One of the oldest documented problems in probability is the following: If three fair six-sided dice are rolled, what is more likely: a sum of 9 or a sum of 10?

  1. Explain how you could conduct a simulation to investigate this question.

  2. Use the simulation results to approximate the probability that the sum is 9; repeat for a sum of 10.

  3. It can be shown that the theoretical probability that the sum is 9 is 25/216 = 0.116. Write a clearly worded sentence interpreting this probability as a long run relative frequency.

  4. It can be shown that the theoretical probability that the sum is 10 is 27/216 = 0.125. How many times more likely is a sum of 10 than a sum of 9?

# single repetition

# 3 rolls
rolls = sample(1:6, size = 3, replace = TRUE)
[1] 6 3 2
# find the sum
[1] 11
# number of repetitions; each rep is set of three rolls
N_reps = 10000

# vector to store results
sum_of_rolls = vector(length = N_reps) 

# for loop for the simulation
for (i in 1:N_reps) {
  # roll the dice
  rolls = sample(1:6, size = 3, replace = TRUE)
  # compute the sum of the rolls, and store the value
  sum_of_rolls[i] = sum(rolls) 

# display the results of the first few repetitions
[1] 16  9 12 11 10  9
# count repetitions where sum is 9
sum(sum_of_rolls == 9)
[1] 1133
# proportion of repetitions where sum is 10
sum(sum_of_rolls == 10) / N_reps
[1] 0.129
# tabulate the results
   3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18 
  48  141  285  478  674  896 1133 1290 1220 1191 1009  757  442  259  136   41 
# create a "spike" plot (type = "h")
     type = "h",
     xlab = "Sum of three rolls of a fair six-sided die",
     ylab = "Number of sets of three rolls")

Simulated distribution of sum of three rolls of a fair six-sided die
# Find the plot the relative frequency of a sum of 10
running_frequency_of_10 = cumsum(sum_of_rolls == 10)

running_relative_frequency_of_10 = running_frequency_of_10 / (1:N_reps)

     type = "l",
     xlab = "Repetition number",
     ylab = "Long run relative frequency of 10")

Running long run relative frequency

Example 1.3 As of Jun 21, 2023, FiveThirtyEight listed the following probabilities for who would win the 2023 World Series.

Team Probability
Atlanta Braves 19%
Tampa Bay Rays 16%
Los Angeles Dodgers 10%
Houston Astros 7%
New York Yankees 7%

According to FiveThirtyEight (as of Jun 21, 2023):

  1. Are these probabilities most naturally interpreted as long run relative frequencies or subjective probabilities? Explain.

  2. What must be the probability that the Braves do not win the 2023 World Series? How many times more likely is it for the Braves to not win than to win?

  3. What must be the probability that either the Braves or the Rays win?

  4. What must be the probability that one of the above five teams is the World Series champion?

  5. What must be the probability that a team other than the above five teams is the World Series champion? That is, what value goes in the “Other” row in the table?

  6. Donny Don’t says, “These are subjective probabilities, so I can’t use them to perform a simulation.” Explain to Donny how you could conduct a simulation that reflects these probabilities, say using a spinner (like from a kids game).

  7. What would you expect the results of 10000 repetitions of a simulation of the World Series champion to look like? Construct a table summarizing what you expect. Is this necessarily what would happen?

Example 1.4 In each of the following parts, which of the two probabilities, a or b, is larger, or are they equal? You should answer conceptually without attempting any calculations. Explain your reasoning.

  1. Consider a Cal Poly student who frequently has blurry, bloodshot eyes, generally exhibits slow reaction time, always seems to have the munchies, and disappears at 4:20 each day. Which of the following events, A or B, has a higher probability? (Assume the two probabilities are not equal.)

    1. The student has a GPA above 3.0.
    2. The student has a GPA above 3.0 and smokes marijuana regularly.
  2. Randomly select a man.

    1. The probability that a randomly selected man is greater than six feet tall.
    2. The probability that a randomly selected man who plays in the NBA is greater than six feet tall.
  3. Randomly select a man.

    1. The probability that a randomly selected man who is greater than six feet tall plays in the NBA.
    2. The probability that a randomly selected man who plays in the NBA is greater than six feet tall.
  4. Flip a coin which is known to be fair 10 times.

    1. The probability that the results are, in order, HHHHHHHHHH.
    2. The probability that the results are, in order, HHTHTTTHHT.
  5. Flip a coin which is known to be fair 10 times.

    1. The probability that all 10 flips land on H.
    2. The probability that exactly 5 flips land on H.
  6. In the Powerball lottery there are roughly 300 million possible winning number combinations, all equally likely.

    1. The probability you win the next Powerball lottery if you purchase a single ticket, 4-8-15-16-42, plus the Powerball number, 23
    2. The probability you win the next Powerball lottery if you purchase a single ticket, 1-2-3-4-5, plus the Powerball number, 6.
  7. Continuing with the Powerball

    1. The probability that the numbers in the winning number are not in sequence (e.g., 4-8-15-16-42-23)
    2. The probability that the numbers in the winning number are in sequence (e.g., 1-2-3-4-5-6)
  8. Continuing with the Powerball

    1. The probability that you win the next Powerball lottery if you purchase a single ticket.
    2. The probability that someone wins the next Powerball lottery. (FYI: especially when the jackpot is large, there are hundreds of millions of tickets sold.)