Homework 7

Problem 1

Assume a Poisson(μ) model for the number of home runs hit (in total by both teams) in a MLB game. Let X1,,Xn be a random sample of home run counts for n games.

Suppose we want to estimate θ=μeμ, the probability that any single game has exactly 1 HR (for Poisson(μ), P(X=1)=eμu1/1!=μeμ). Consider two estimators of θ:

  • θ^=X¯eX¯
  • p^=sample proportion of 1s=number of games in the sample with 1 HRsample size
  1. Compute the value of θ^ based on the sample (3, 0, 1, 4, 0). Write a clearly worded sentence reporting in context this estimate of θ.
  2. Compute the value of p^ based on the sample (3, 0, 1, 4, 0). Write a clearly worded sentence reporting in context your estimate of θ.
  3. Which of these two estimators is the MLE of θ in this situation? Explain, without doing any calculations.
  4. It can be shown that p^ is an unbiased estimator of θ. Explain in words what this means.
  5. Is θ^ an unbiased estimator of θ? Explain. (You don’t have to derive anything; just apply a general principle.)
  6. Suppose μ=2.3 and n=5. Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the bias of θ^ in this case.
  7. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and approximate bias of θ^ when μ=2.3 and n=5.
  8. Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the bias function of θ^ when n=5.
  9. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and plot the approximate bias function when n=5. For what values of μ does θ^ tend to overestimate μ? Underestimate? For what values of μ is the bias the worst?

Problem 2

Continuing Problem 1.

  1. It can be shown that Var(p^)=θ(1θ)n. Compute Var(p^) when μ=2.3 and n=5. Then write a clearly worded sentence interpreting this value.
  2. Suppose μ=2.3 and n=5. Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the variance of θ^.
  3. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and approximate the variance of θ^ when μ=2.3 and n=5. Then write a clearly worded sentence interpreting this value.
  4. Which estimator has smaller variance when μ=2.3 (and n=5)? Answer, but then explain why this information alone is not really useful.
  5. Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the variance function of θ^ (if n=5).
  6. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and plot the approximate variance function. Compare to the variance function of p^. Based on variability alone, which estimator is preferred?

Problem 3

Continuing Problems 1 and 2

  1. Compute MSE(p^) when μ=2.3 and n=5. (You can do the next part first if you want, but it helps to work with specific numbers first.)
  2. Derive the MSE function of p^. (Hint: use facts from previous parts.)
  3. Suppose μ=2.3 (and n=5). Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the MSE of θ^.
  4. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and approximate the MSE of θ^ when μ=2.3 (and n=5).
  5. Which estimator has smaller MSE when μ=2.3 (and n=5)? Answer, but then explain why this information alone is not really useful.
  6. Explain in full detail how you would use simulation to approximate the MSE function of θ^ (if n=5).
  7. Coding required. Conduct the simulation from the previous part and plot the approximate MSE function. Compare to the MSE function of p^.
  8. Compare the MSEs of the two estimators for n=5 and a few other values of n. Is there a clear preference between these two estimators? Discuss.