9 Dynamic models and cointegration
- Different types of dynamic model can be used and each of them is a special case of autoregressive distributed lag model ARDL(p,q)
- ARDL(p,q) dynamic model combines two parts:
- autoregressive part AR(p)
- distributed lag part DL(q)
Autoregressive part includes a lagged values of dependent variable yt−1, yt−2, …, yt−p, while a distributed lag part includes a lagged values of independent variable xt−1, xt−2, …, xt−q.
Due to simplicity ARDL(1,1) will be considered to explain commonly used other dynamic models in econometrics
- If β2=0 a model ARDL(1,1) reduces to ARDL(1,0) and it is known as a partial adjustment model PA
- If β3=0 a model ARDL(1,1) reduces to ARDL(0,1) and it is known as a finite distributed lag model FDL
- If β2=β3=0 a model ARDL(1,1) reduces to ARDL(0,0) and it is known as a static model
- If β1=−β2 and β3=1 then ARDL(1,1) is transformed into a model in the first differences
In the static model yt=β0+β1xt+ut the most common issue is first-order autocorrelation ut=ρ1ut−1+vt under the condition |ρ1|<1
By including the error terms first-order autocorrelation in the static model, the following is obtained:
- Substituting ut−1=yt−1−β0−β1xt−1 a static model becomes dynamic model
Dynamic model (9.7) is ARDL(1,1) which absorbs the error terms autocorrelation
On the other hand, it would be incorrect to include the dependent variable with a one lag yt−1 as RHS variable when the autocorrelation problem does not exist, because in that case the OLS estimator is biased
Models ARDL(1,1), ARDL(1,0) and ARDL(0,1) are of special interest to users because they provide information about the short-run and the long-run relationship between two variables xt and yt, assuming that variables xt is strictly exogenous (xt couses yt)
Moreover, a unit change in the variable xt (impulse in the first period) results in changing the variable yt in all future periods (responses)
This means that effects of variable xt on variable yt are distributed over time
Function that give us such information is called impulse response function IRF