8 Nonstationary time-series
As already emphasized in previous section a static model provides spurious results due to common issues when dealing with time-series data
Very often 3 problems might appear:
- Heteroscedasticity -> Var(ut)≠σ2u ∀t=1,2,…,T
- Autocorrelation -> Cov(ut,ut−j)≠0 ∀j=1,2,…,p
- Endogeneity -> Cov(xt,ut)≠0
When these problems exist OLS estimates are no longer BLUE
Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation problems are expected when a time-series is nonstationary
A time-series is nonstationary if it has time-varying moments, i.e. the mean, variance and autocovariance of a time-series are not constant over time. Nonstationary time-series is defined as a radnom walk (RW).
Pure random walk is an autoregression of the first order AR(1) with α=0 and β=1 yt=α+βyt−1+utyt=yt−1+ut
It can be shown that the variance of a random walk (8.1) is not constant even it’s mean is constant, i.e. the variance of pure random walk increases as a liner function of time
- If a random walk also exhibits consistent upward or downward trend then a constant term α≠0, and model (8.1) becomes a random walk with drift
- Both, the mean and the variance of a random walk with drift are not constant
No matter if a drift term α is included or not, both random walks (pure RW and RW with drift) are special cases of autoregression AR(1) when β=1
If time-series follows any type of RW we say that it has a unit root or exhibits a stochastic trend
Nonstationary time-series is usually heteroskedastic and highly persistent
A highly persistent time-series has a long-memory, i.e. autocorrelation function ACF decays very slowly and it takes a long time to converge towards zero
Differencing the data removes the stochastic trend and makes it stationary. Therefore, a time-series can be transformed into first or second differences Δyt=yt−yt−1 t=2,3,…,TΔ2yt=Δyt−Δyt−1=yt−2yt−1+yt−2 t=3,4,…,T
If the time-series of the first differences is stationary then it is integrated of order one yt∼I(1)
If the time-series of the second differences is stationary then it is integrated of order two yt∼I(2)