2 Model specification

  • Model specification refers to: (1) variables selection, (2) causality direction and (3) functional form selection

  • Based on economic theory (specific subject of research) we should select appropriate variables, and assume causality directions between them in advance

TABLE 2.1: Examples of dependent and independent variables
\(~~~~\)dependent \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)independent(s)
\(y=\) height \(x=\) age
\(y=\) consumption \(x=\) income
\(y=\) demand \(x=\) price
\(y=\) production \(x_1=\) labour, \(x_2=\) capital
\(y=\) interest rate \(x_1=\) money supply, \(x_2=\) inflation
\(y=\) crop yield \(x_1=\) temperature, \(x_2=\) rainfall, \(x_3=\) number of sunshine days, …
  • Variables in TABLE 2.1 are all numerical. However, standard econometric analysis requires continuous dependent variable, while independent variables are allowed to be qualitative (non-numerical) as well!

Qualitative variables can also be included in the equation on the right-hand side by using binary values of \(0\) and \(1\). These variables are known as dummy variables!

  • In the most simple application a single dummy variable with two categories can be included, e.g. we could examine if there is a difference in average weight between males and females, i.e. if the weight (variable \(y\)) depends on the gender (variable \(x\))?

\[\begin{equation}y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_i+u_i~~,~~~~~~y=weight~~,~~~x=\left\{\begin{array}{cl} 1& for~males,\\0& for~females\end{array}\right. \tag{2.1} \end{equation}\]