10 Vector autoregression model

  • Vector autoregression (VAR) is a system of equations assuming that all variables are endogenously related (there is no exogenous variable)

  • It is a multivariate dynamic model with number of equations equal to the number of endogenous variables \(k\)

  • Reduced form of VAR(\(p\)) model is commonly used in applications, which means that all RHS variables are lagged with \(p\) time lags (\(t-1\), \(t-2\), \(\dots\), \(t-p\))

  • System of equations with two endogenous variables (\(k=2\)) and only one time lag \(p=1\) is called bivariate VAR(\(1\)) model

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} y_t&=\beta_{1,0}+\beta_{1,1}y_{t-1}+\beta_{1,2}x_{t-1}+u_{1,t} \\ x_t&=\beta_{2,0}+\beta_{2,1}y_{t-1}+\beta_{2,2}x_{t-1}+u_{2,t} \end{aligned} \tag{10.1} \end{equation}\]

  • Using matrix notation bivariate VAR(\(1\)) is

\[\begin{equation} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}y_t \\ x_t \end{bmatrix}}_{z_t}=\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} \beta_{1,0} \\ \beta_{2,0} \end{bmatrix}}_{a_0}+ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} \beta_{1,1} & \beta_{1,2} \\ \beta_{2,1} & \beta_{2,2} \end{bmatrix}}_{A_1} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}y_{t-1} \\ x_{t-1} \end{bmatrix}}_{z_{t-1}}+\underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} u_{1,t} \\ u_{2,t} \end{bmatrix}}_{u_t} \tag{10.2} \end{equation}\]

  • For simplicity, a matrix equation is written as

\[\begin{equation} z_t=a_0+A_1 z_{t-1}+u_t ~~~~~~~~~u_t\sim WN(0,~\Sigma) \tag{10.3} \end{equation}\]

  • In matrix equation (10.3) \(z_t\) is a vector of two time-series, \(a_0\) is a two dimensional vector of constant terms, \(A_1\) is matrix of coefficients \(k \times k\) with respect to two dimensional vector of lagged time-series \(z_{t-1}\), \(u_t\) is two dimensional vector of error terms, while \(\Sigma\) is error terms covariance matrix \(k \times k\)

  • Note that every equation in the system (10.1) is a special case of ARDL(\(1,1\)) without contemporaneous or instantaneous terms (non-lagged time-series on the RHS are omitted)

  • To include contemporaneous terms, we would need to impose certain restrictions in the structure, such as using structural VAR (SVAR)

  • Main advantage of reduced VAR(\(p\)) model is OLS estimation for each equation separately

  • Number of estimated parameters in reduced VAR(\(p\)) model is \(k+pk^2\)

  • Additionaly, \(k(k+1)/2\) terms should be estimated in the covariance matrix \(\Sigma\) (e.g. two variances on the diagonal and one covariance off-diagonal)

  • It is assumed that error terms from both equations \(u_{1,t}\) and \(u_{2,t}\) are independent and follow white noise with zero mean and constant variances

  • This indicates that \(\Sigma\) is diagonal matrix (equal diagonal elements and off-diagonal elements are all zero)

  • Matrices \(A_1\) and \(\Sigma\) are most important in this type of multivariate time-series analysis

  • Matrix \(\Sigma\) can be estimated using residuals from both equations

\[\begin{equation} \hat{\Sigma}=\frac{1}{T-1} \begin{bmatrix}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\hat{u}^2_{1,t}~~~~~~~~ \sum_{t=1}^{T} \hat{u}_{1,t} \hat{u}_{2,t} \\ \sum_{t=1}^{T} \hat{u}_{1,t} \hat{u}_{2,t}~~~~~~~~ \sum_{t=1}^{T}\hat{u}^2_{2,t} \end{bmatrix} \tag{10.4} \end{equation}\]

  • Consistent and efficient OLS estimates require that all time-series are stationary

  • Stationarity of every time-series can be checked by Augmented Dickey Fuller test - ADF

  • Estimated parameters of VAR(\(1\)) model are not interpreted in a traditional way

  • Results of VAR(\(1\)) are interpreted in context of:

  1. Granger causality
  2. Impulse response function
  3. Cointegration