Chapter 1 Start Page

1.1 About This Guide

This is a comprehensive instructional guide for using the Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 managed by the Tumor Cartography Core of the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research at MGH. This guide is meant to serve two purpose. First, it should help any user perform imaging on this microscope without needing to have a technician present. Second, it should serve as a repository for explanations of high-level imaging concepts that relate to this microscope. Learning about and understanding these concepts will aid in users getting as much out of this scope as possible. This guide is a living document; it is continually updated and maintained by members of the Core. Thus, if you find a mistake in this guide, or if you believe that a topic should be added, reach out to the Core at the following email address: . This guide was made with Bookdown (Xie 2024).

1.2 About the Tumor Cartography Core

1.2.1 Address

Tumor Cartography Core, Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research
Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute
Room 7.147, 149 13th Street, Charlestown MA, 02129

1.2.2 Contacts

Linda Nieman, PhD
Director | Cartography Core
Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research
Instructor | MGH & Harvard Medical School


Danielle Bestoso, MSc, PMP
Program Operations Manager |Tumor Cartography Center
Project Manager | KF-CCR Cartography Core  
Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research
T 617-643-0048  

These are contacts for discussing prospective projects that the TCC could help with. These are not contacts for troubleshooting inquiries.

1.3 Billing Information

Users must book the LSM 980 using a fund number on Research Cores. TCC staff bills:
- $32.50 per 60 minutes of unassisted usage
- $83 per 30 minutes of guided imaging or troubleshooting
- Nothing for training sessions (free of charge!)

1.4 Troubleshooting

If you run into problems while using the LSM 980, we kindly ask that you take the following steps:
1. Consult this guide. Most likely, the solution to your problem is in here.
2. Email the Core for help. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that a technician will be available when you email. You may have to set up an appointment for guided imaging or troubleshooting at a later date.
3. Come to room 7.147 and ask for assistance. This only applies if your problem is urgent (i.e. equipment or work will be destroyed, if you do not receive immediate help).


Xie, Yihui. 2024. Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with r Markdown.