3.11 Rsp_Age

Age distributions of the panel respondents.

Table 3.102: Values and distributions
Value N Age N Age N Age N Age N Age N
18-22 87 18-22 76 18-22 40 18-22 377 18-25 236 18-22 44
23-34 344 23-27 183 23-27 78 23-27 382 26-35 349 23-27 109
35-44 543 28-32 204 28-32 90 28-32 383 36-45 388 28-32 149
45-54 626 33-37 216 33-37 130 33-37 325 46-55 536 33-37 169
55-64 507 38-42 186 38-42 176 38-42 401 56-65 572 38-42 161
65-75 361 43-47 218 43-47 204 43-47 406 66-75 498 43-47 190
76+ 39 48-52 330 48-52 190 48-52 446 76+ 127 48-52 203
NA NA 53-57 340 53-57 217 53-57 474 NA NA 53-57 236
NA NA 58-62 292 58-62 203 58-62 527 NA NA 58-62 290
NA NA 63-67 267 63-67 212 63-67 613 NA NA 63-67 320
NA NA 68-72 193 68-72 134 68-72 584 NA NA 68-72 450
NA NA 73-77 151 73-77 124 73-77 379 NA NA 73-77 175
NA NA 78+ 45 78+ 122 78+ 325 NA NA 78+ 3
Sum 2507 NA 2701 NA 1920 NA 5622 NA 2706 NA 2499
Missing 0 NA 1 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 8
Total 2507 NA 2702 NA 1920 NA 5622 NA 2706 NA 2507
Iceland, Netherlands, and Sweden have continuous age variables. In this table, they have been aggregated to 13 categories in line with the German variable. Variable names : France = CAL_AGE10, Germany = year_of_birth_cat_16, Iceland = aldur, Netherlands = gebjaar, Norway = R9P5_1, Sweden = age3