1.2 Citation requirements for using EIPS data

  • If you have used data from the 2017 EIPS survey, please cite each of the following:

    • France: Sveinung Arnesen, Laurent Lesnard, Anne Cornilleau, Anne-Sophie Cousteaux, ELIPSS team (2017): Few questions on Europe, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) , Data Archive: Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP), Version 0.

    • Germany: Blom, Annelies G.; Felderer, Barbara; Gebhard, Franziska; Herzing, Jessica; Krieger, Ulrich (2018): German Internet Panel, Wave 29 (May 2017). SFB 884 Political Economy of Reforms, Universität Mannheim, GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA6903 Data file Version 2.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12976.

    • Iceland: Hafstein Einarsson, Guðbjörg A. Jónsdóttir (2017): Þjóðmálakönnun - Social attitudes - Democracy and international relations, Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland.

    • The Netherlands: Marcel Das, Joris Mulder, Anne Cornilleau, Anne-Sophie Cousteaux, Laurent Lesnard, Annelies Blom, Sveinung Arnesen, Gudbjorg A. Jónsdottir (2017): European Internet Panel Study (EIPS) wave 4, CentERdata, Tilburg.

    • Norway: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, NCP team (2017): Norwegian Citizen Panel Wave 10, University of Bergen and UNI Research Rokkan Centre. Data available at The Norwegian Center for Research Data, first NSD edition.

    • Sweden: Martinsson, Johan, Andreasson, Maria, Markstedt, Elias, Lindgren, Elina. (2018): Technical report Citizen Panel 28 – 2017, Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, LORE.

  • If you refer to the current document, please cite the following: