3.6 EIPS2017F

How much would you say that the political system in EIPS2017F_entity allows people like you to have an influence on politics?


France: Dans quelle mesure estimez-vous que le système politique actuel en EIPS2017F_entity permet aux citoyens d’exercer une influence réelle sur les décisions politiques ?

Germany: Aus Ihrer Sicht: In welchem Maße gibt das politische System in EIPS2017F_entity Menschen wie Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Einfluss auf die Politik zu nehmen?

Iceland: Að hversu miklu leyti telur þú að stjórnmálakerfið á EIPS2017F_entity leyfi fólki eins og þér tækifæri á að hafa áhrif á stjórnmál?

Netherlands: In hoeverre stelt het politieke systeem in EIPS2017F_entity mensen zoals u in staat invloed uit te oefenen op de politiek?

Norway: I hvilken grad vil du si at det politiske systemet i EIPS2017F_entity gir folk som deg innflytelse på det myndighetene gjør?

Sweden: Hur mycket skulle du säga att det politiska systemet i Sverige gör det möjligt för människor som du att påverka politiken?

3.6.1 EIPS2017F_dv

Table 3.18: Panel variable names and values
EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
0 Not at all 0 Aucune influence 0 überhaupt nicht 0 Að engu leyti 0 Helemaal niet 1 Ikke i det hele tatt 0 Inte alls
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
2 2 2 2 2 3 2
3 3 3 3 3 4 3
4 4 4 4 4 5 4
5 5 5 5 5 6 5
6 6 6 6 6 7 6
7 7 7 7 7 8 7
8 8 8 8 8 9 8
9 9 9 9 9 10 9
10 Completely 10 Influence réelle 10 voll und ganz 10 Að öllu leyti 10 Volledig 11 I full grad 10 Fullständigt
No answer 99 -90 97 NA 97 99
Variable names. France = pe03_EIPS2017F, Germany = ZH29055, Iceland = EIPS2017F_dv, Netherlands = EIPS2017F & EIPS2017Fcheck, Norway = eips2017f_dv, Sweden = EIPS2017F_dv
Table 3.19: Distributions
Value EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
0 Not democratic at all 489 99 64 68 123 71 64
1 302 32 39 34 66 71 60
2 671 68 92 78 155 148 130
3 1085 132 169 127 260 211 186
4 1230 156 192 139 350 192 201
5 2794 508 363 311 851 378 383
6 2364 285 293 224 963 265 334
7 3519 395 535 361 1299 442 487
8 3293 418 538 337 1115 479 406
9 1369 199 231 138 314 298 189
10 Completely democratic 762 207 179 82 119 115 60
Sum 17878 2499 2695 1899 5615 2670 2500
No answer 74 0 7 21 7 36 3
Missing 12 8 0 0 0 0 4
Total 17964 2507 2702 1920 5622 2706 2507

3.6.2 EIPS2017F_entity

Table 3.20: Panel variable names and values
EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
1: (Panel Country) 1: qu’en France 1: Deutchland 1: Ísland 1: Nederland 1: Norge 1: Sverige
2: EU 2: que dans l’Union européene 2: der EU 2: ESB 2: EU 2: EU 2: EU
Variable names : France = pe03_EIPS2017F_ENTITY, Germany = expZH29055, Iceland = EIPS2017F_entity, Netherlands = EIPS2017F_entity, Norway = eips2017f_dv, Sweden = EIPS2017F_entity
Table 3.21: Distributions
Value EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
(Panel country) 8891 1191 1347 969 2786 1329 1269
European Union 9035 1316 1347 951 2836 1347 1238
Total 17926 2507 2694 1920 5622 2676 2507