3.3 EIPS2017C

To what extent do you see climate change as a threat EIPS2017C_distance?


France: Dans quelle mesure considérez-vous le changement climatique comme une menace EIPS2017C_distance?

Germany: Inwiefern sehen Sie den Klimawandel als Bedrohung EIPS2017C_distance?

Iceland: Hversu mikla ógn telur þú loftslagsbreytingar vera við EIPS2017C_distance?

Netherlands:In hoeverre ziet u klimaatverandering als een bedreiging EIPS2017C_distance?

Norway: I hvilken grad opplever du klimaendringene som en trussel EIPS2017C_distance?

Sweden: I vilken utsträckning ser du klimatförändringarna som ett hot EIPS2017C_distance?

3.3.1 EIPS2017C_dv

Table 3.4: Panel variable names and values
EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
0 No threat at all 0 Menace mineure 0 überhaupt keine Bedrohung 0 Alls enga ógn 0 Helemaal geen bedreiging 1 Ingen trussel i det hele tatt 0 Inget hot alls
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
2 2 2 2 2 3 2
3 3 3 3 3 4 3
4 4 4 4 4 5 4
5 5 5 5 5 6 5
6 6 6 6 6 7 6
7 7 7 7 7 8 7
8 8 8 8 8 9 8
9 9 9 9 9 10 9
10 Extreme threat 10 Menace sérieuse 10 extreme Bedrohung 10 Gífurlega ógn 10 Uitermate grote bedreiging 11 Ekstrem trussel 10 Ett extremt hot
No answer 99 -90 97 NA 97 99
Variable names. France = pe03_EIPS2017C, Germany = ZH29052, Iceland = EIPS2017C_dv, Netherlands = EIPS2017C & EIPS2017Ccheck, Norway = eips2017c_dv, Sweden = EIPS2017C_dv
Table 3.5: Distributions
Value EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
0 449 63 75 45 126 103 37
1 209 16 29 21 53 61 29
2 561 40 121 38 159 139 64
3 892 67 176 74 253 191 131
4 854 95 140 69 253 180 117
5 2102 338 279 199 714 343 229
6 2258 278 309 205 841 353 272
7 3520 464 499 374 1170 532 481
8 3488 484 522 424 1126 412 520
9 1489 183 206 175 487 191 247
10 1912 466 336 281 329 169 331
Sum 17734 2494 2692 1905 5511 2674 2458
No answer 166 0 2 15 111 32 6
Missing 64 13 8 0 0 0 43
Total 17964 2507 2702 1920 5622 2706 2507

3.3.2 EIPS2017C_distance

Table 3.6: Panel variable names and values
EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
1: (blank) 1: (blank) 1: (blank) 1: (óútfyllt) 1: (leeg) 1: (blank) 1: (blank)
2: For you personally 2: pour vous personnelement 2: für Sie persönlich 2: Fyrir þig persónulega 2: Voor u persoonlijk 2: for deg personlig 2: (((missing)))
3: For (panel country) 3: pour la France 3: für Deutschland 3: Fyrir (rannsóknarland) 3: Voor (panel land) 3: for Norway 3: mot Sverige
4: For Europe 4: pour l’Europe 4: für Europa 4: Fyrir Evrópu 4: Voor Europa 4: for Europe 4: mot Europa
5: For the World 5: pur le monde 5: für die Welt 5: Fyrir heiminn 5: Voor de wereld 5: for verden 5: mot världen
Variable names : France = pe03_EIPS2017C_DISTANCE, Germany = expZH29052, Iceland = EIPS2017C_distance, Netherlands = EIPS2017C_distance, Norway = eips2017c_ran, Sweden = EIPS2017C_distance
Table 3.7: Distributions
Value EIPS France Germany Iceland Netherlands Norway Sweden
(blank) 3593 517 539 369 1129 534 505
to you personally 3609 487 539 387 1171 547 478
to [panel country] 3665 536 539 383 1128 544 535
to Europe 3487 502 539 372 1062 530 482
to the world 3585 465 539 409 1132 533 507
Total 17939 2507 2695 1920 5622 2688 2507