Chapter 16 Jinja

Jinja in dbt is used to perform functions that regular SQL is unable to do, such as iterating over columns using a for loop and also if statements. Jinja is also used to hold environment variables which can be (re)used all over your project. A simple example of jinja use in dbt is when calling the ref() function. If you see anything with double curly brackets ({{ }}) or with brackets and percentage sign(s) in them ({% %}) then you are dealing with jinja.

Let’s start by explaining some jinja concepts.

  • Expressions {{ … }}: Expressions are used when you want to output a string. You can use expressions to reference variables and call macros.

  • Statements {% … %}: Statements don’t output a string. They are used for control flow, for example, to set up for loops and if statements, to set or modify variables, or to define macros.

  • Comments {# … #}: Jinja comments are used to prevent the text within the comment from executing or outputing a string.

Let’s start with explaining a for loop. This is the skeleton of a for loop in jinja.

{% for item in sequence %}
-- SQL Code for {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

16.1 A simple jinja statement

Going by the above cue, let’s create a jinja statement that will select all those rows whose bike riders’ birth years are any of the following: 1995, 1997 and 2002. Nothing special about these years, just that they stem from the unprofitable notion that they correspond to my birth year and those of my siblings!

Create a new folder called jinja under the models directory and within it create a years SQL file. Copy paste the following contents into years.sql.

{% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %}

{% for year in years %}
FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}
WHERE birth_year = {{ year }}

{% endfor %}

Let’s go through the above line by line.

  • {% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %} - this sets the variables we will use to extract some data from our tables. The years variable consists the years that we will use to filter our tables.

  • {% for year in years %} - the SQL statement that will be repeated is placed inside the for ... loop. In this statement, for every year in the years variable list, we will repeat the below sql statement, where {{ year }} is each year in the years variable:

FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}
WHERE birth_year = {{ year }}
  • {% endfor %} - nothing more than marking the end of the for loop.

Now, if we run the code dbt compile --select jinja, you will see a new years.sql appear under the target/compiled/dbt_book/models/jinja/ directory.

Here is how the code looks like:

FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year = 1995

FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year = 1997

FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year = 2002

What the for loop did was to avoid the redundancy of selecting each birth_year in its own SELECT statement. Instead it put the three SELECT statements inside one for loop statement. Going a step further, also the redundancy of hardcoding the year is removed. This formula, though a bit complicated, toes in line with the Do not Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in programming.

16.2 A more complex jinja query

One can also create more complex jinja queries that leverage other SQL functionalities such as aggregation and CASE WHEN statements. Now suppose, for purely selfish reasons, this author wants to compare the bike ride durations against those of other people who were born in the years 1995, 1997 and 2002. Below is an age.sql file that creates a table that has a column showing the trip duration for each value in the years variable.

{% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %}

SELECT birth_year, 
{% for year in years %}
SUM (CASE WHEN birth_year = {{ year }} THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_{{ year }},
{% endfor %}
SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}
GROUP BY birth_year

In the corresponding age.sql in the target directory, this is the compiled SQL query result.

SELECT birth_year, 

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 1995 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_1995,

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 1997 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_1997,

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 2002 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_2002,

SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year IN (
GROUP BY birth_year

Pasting this query in BigQuery gives us the below table:

Age query
Age query

We can see a column for trip duration in minutes for each of the three select years of 1995, 1997 and 2002. However, other years not set in our years variable are included as well, but with the value 0 in each of the three columns. Before one starts getting confused and blaming the universe for not wanting us to succeed, there is a way we can sort this pesky issue: enter the if not loop.last statement!

In our previous SQL query, you saw that one can sort the issue of excluding unnecessary years using the WHERE clause. For example, we would have used the clause WHERE birth_year IN (1995, 1997, 2002). However, we frowned on this approach because it is breaking the DRY principle by hardcoding the years by hand. Taking a more complex approach to fulfil the DRY principle sounds like we are exhibiting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) but being obsessed in doing things in a higher way is not all too bad in programming.

The if not loop.last statement separates the values of interest with a comma, thus effectively fulfilling the work the WHERE clause where it failed. The age2.sql shows this in action.

{% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %}

SELECT birth_year, 
{% for year in years %}
SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = {{ year }} THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_{{ year }},
{% endfor %}
SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}
WHERE birth_year IN (
  {% for year in years %}
  {# this will separate the years 1995, 1997 and 2002 with a comma, nothing out of this world #}
    {{ year }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
GROUP BY birth_year

Running the dbt compile --select jinja code will compile the age2.sql inside the target directory. It’s contents are as follows. Notice the effect of the if not loop.last statement at the end and how it is a replicate of hardcoding WHERE birth_year IN (1995, 1997, 2002).

SELECT birth_year, 

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 1995 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_1995,

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 1997 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_1997,

SUM(CASE WHEN birth_year = 2002 THEN trip_min_round ELSE 0 END) AS trip_min_round_2002,

SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year IN (
GROUP BY birth_year

Copy pasting the above compiled SQL into BigQuery you get a cleaner table with all the other birth years left out.

Age2 query
Age2 query

16.3 Improvising using DRY Principle

We can go a step further and make our table leaner, by eliminating all the trip_min_round_<year> columns and having just one trip_min_round summation column for the three years 1995, 1997 and 2002. The ages3.sql exemplifies this.

{% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %}

SELECT birth_year, 
SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}
WHERE birth_year IN (
  {% for year in years %}
  {# this will separate the years 1995, 1997 and 2002 with a comma, nothing out of this world #}
    {{ year }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
GROUP BY birth_year

After running dbt compile --select jinja, the compiled age3.sql in the target directory is as follows:

SELECT birth_year, 
SUM(trip_min_round) AS totals_trip_min_round
FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`
WHERE birth_year IN (
GROUP BY birth_year

For sure you get a leaner table which is far less verbose.

Age3 query
Age3 query

One more thing, you can create views from the SQL jinja queries by simply running the trusty dbt run --select jinja. This is the resulting output.

10:37:54  1 of 4 START sql view model nyc_bikes.age ...................................... [RUN]
10:37:59  1 of 4 OK created sql view model nyc_bikes.age ................................. [CREATE VIEW (0 processed) in 4.98s]
10:37:59  2 of 4 START sql view model nyc_bikes.age2 ..................................... [RUN]
10:38:04  2 of 4 OK created sql view model nyc_bikes.age2 ................................ [CREATE VIEW (0 processed) in 4.26s]
10:38:04  3 of 4 START sql view model nyc_bikes.age3 ..................................... [RUN]
10:38:06  3 of 4 OK created sql view model nyc_bikes.age3 ................................ [CREATE VIEW (0 processed) in 2.77s]
10:38:06  4 of 4 START sql view model nyc_bikes.years .................................... [RUN]
10:38:09  BigQuery adapter:
10:38:09  4 of 4 ERROR creating sql view model nyc_bikes.years ........................... [ERROR in 2.78s]
10:38:09  Finished running 4 view models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 23.66 seconds (23.66s).
10:38:09  Completed with 1 error and 0 warnings:
10:38:09    Database Error in model years (models/jinja/years.sql)
  Syntax error: Expected end of input but got keyword SELECT at [15:1]
  compiled code at target/run/dbt_book/models/jinja/years.sql

The same views can be called out in BigQuery like the age3 view shown below.

Age3 view in bigquery
Age3 view in bigquery

Now that the {% if not loop.last %} and its closing {% endif %} statements have ceased being cryptic, we can now sort out why the years view could not be created as seen in this dbt run --select jinja error.

10:38:09  4 of 4 ERROR creating sql view model nyc_bikes.years ........................... [ERROR in 2.78s]

If you look at the compiled SQL for the years.sql in the target directory, there are multiple SELECT statements each for a single year in the years variable. All those three SELECT statements cannot be run simoultaneously to produce a single table in BigQuery. But tweaking the jinja/years.sql a bit and using the loop.last statement will make all the difference. Here is the jinja/years2.sql.

{% set years = [1995, 1997, 2002] %}

FROM {{ ref('citi_trips_long') }}

WHERE birth_year IN (
    {% for year in years %}
    {{ year }}
    {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
    {% endfor %}


The for loop begins when we want to specify the years, the if not loop programmatically adds a comma until the last one and finally the endfor statement tells our computer to break out of the looping. Here is the corresponding compiled SQL in the years2.sql in the target directory. When this query is pasted, into BigQuery, it only filters the rows matching to the specified birth years.

FROM `dbt-project-437116`.`nyc_bikes`.`citi_trips_long`

WHERE birth_year IN (

Years 2 query
Years 2 query

When we run dbt run --select jinja, this time round the years2 view is created.

11:45:10  5 of 5 START sql view model nyc_bikes.years2 ................................... [RUN]
11:45:12  5 of 5 OK created sql view model nyc_bikes.years2 .............................. [CREATE VIEW (0 processed) in 2.29s]