Seeking Success in a Hard Science

Roger D Cousens
Mark R T Dale, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Michael J Keough, Gerry P Quinn, Joshua I Brian, Jane A Catford, Jannice Friedman, Alyson C Van Natto, Bruce L Webber, Daniel Z Atwater, Maria Paniw, Chris M Baker, Thao P Le, Marc W. Cadotte and Françoise CardouDOI: 10.1201/9781003314332
©2023 Roger D Cousens, with co-authors Mark R T Dale, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Michael J Keough, Gerry P Quinn, Joshua I Brian, Jane A Catford, Jannice Friedman, Alyson C Van Natto, Bruce L Webber, Daniel Z Atwater, Maria Paniw, Chris M Baker, Thao P Le, Marc W. Cadotte and Françoise Cardou
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Note: The online version of this book is free to read here - thanks to Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.You can purchase a copy from Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.
‘The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions.’ Claude Lévi-Strauss
‘Without questions there are no answers. And without answers no truth, no progress, no future.’ Victor Canning
The elevation of ecology beyond the delivery of plausible answers to mundane matters depends on challenging accepted wisdom, defining crucial questions and delivering inspired solutions. Critique – of ourselves and of others – needs to be central to that process.