Index Values

The problem of comparing change in money over time also involves understanding different approaches to understanding change. Just as simple and compound interest represent different types of change, we have different ways of understanding change between absolute change and relative change. Let’s take the example of the Cost of Education.(COMAP CPI INF) I’ve provided a small excel file with the data that we can read in with the readxl library’s read_excel function.

ed <- read_excel("cost_of_education.xlsx")
kable(head(ed), format = "html", caption = "Cost of Education over Time")
Table 2: Cost of Education over Time
Year Tution Annual Course Fees Students with Fees Textbook Cost per Course Number of Courses Supplies Total
1986–87 5900 130 32 25 10.4 96 6297.6
1987–88 6450 130 29 27 10.5 98 6869.2
1988–89 7000 130 26 28 10.5 101 7428.8
1989–90 7650 140 28 31 10.6 104 8121.8
1990–91 8625 140 27 33 10.5 107 9116.3
1991–92 9450 150 25 35 10.4 110 9961.5

We can ask whether the change in Number of Courses was greater from 1990 to 1991 or 1987 to 1988. Absolute Change would be the absolute difference between the values found by subtracting them. We are interested in the relative change however, and want to know the percent change from year to year. For this example, we have the following percent change in classes:

\[\text{1990 to 1991} = \displaystyle \frac{107 - 104}{104} = 0.288\]

\[\text{1987 to 1988} = \displaystyle \frac{98 - 96}{96} = 0.208\]


To get an index number, divide the An index number provides a base index as a starting place and describes the percent change against this. For example, we would create an Education Cost Index from our data based on the 86 - 87 school year.

\[\frac{\text{Cost in Year XX}}{\text{Cost in 86-87}} = \frac{\text{Year XX Index}}{\text{86-87 Index}}\]

\[\text{Year XX Index} = 100 \times \frac{\text{Cost in Year XX}}{\text{Cost in 86-87}}\]

Let’s add a column to our dataframe that contains this information. We use the formula above to accomplish this. The following line of code adds a new column to our datafram titled “Index”. We note the call to ed[[1, "Total"]] with two brackets. This returns the value instead of a dataframe that we would get with single brackets.


ed["Index"]  <- 100*ed["Total"]/ed[[1, "Total"]]
Year Tution Annual Course Fees Students with Fees Textbook Cost per Course Number of Courses Supplies Total Index
1986–87 5900 130 32 25 10.4 96 6297.6 100.0000
1987–88 6450 130 29 27 10.5 98 6869.2 109.0765
1988–89 7000 130 26 28 10.5 101 7428.8 117.9624
1989–90 7650 140 28 31 10.6 104 8121.8 128.9666
1990–91 8625 140 27 33 10.5 107 9116.3 144.7583
1991–92 9450 150 25 35 10.4 110 9961.5 158.1793

Finally, we can plot this index over time with ggplot.

ggplot(ed, aes(Year, Index)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line() +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Education Index Over Time", x = "Years", y = "Index from 1986 - 87 forward") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0))
## geom_path: Each group consists of only one observation. Do you need to
## adjust the group aesthetic?