4.1 Prerequisites

This chapter uses the following packages:

# change accordingly
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = normalizePath("C:/Users/Marco/Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze/Tony Wei Tse Hung - YAY/")) 
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 9)
knitr::opts_knit$set(eval.after = "fig.cap")

In this chapter we develop and explain all steps taken for our final Toy World. This toy world resembles our simulation framework, in which we create a population of mobile phones, situated at different geographical locations. These mobile phones can connect to different antennas, which is logged by the respective MNO the antenna belongs to. The toy world contains selected parameters that can be set differently to scrutinize different behaviors.

The general goal is to create a scenario in which we know how many phones are connected to each antenna. We assume we know the location of the antenna and to some degree its reach. The estimators introduced in the next chapter will try to estimate this antenna specific number of mobile phones.

Terminology used in the following: Due to various definitions out there, it is imperial to define the different terminologies to reduce unnecessary confusion. - When we talk about tiles, we mean any square on the regular 100m * 100m grid. - An antenna is a device facilitating between radio transmission and reception. Specifically in our case, an antenna transmits and receives cell phone signals. This is also known as a cell. - A (radio) tower also known as cell tower, cellular site, or cellular base station is a tower equipped with up to 3 antennas.