Chapter 6 Effects on winners

##Prepare data

Select only respondents who receive a favorable outcome


(#tab:106_post_fairness)Treatment effects on fairness perceptions of decision, Study 1 – Swedish vignette
Treatment value Estimate Std. Error t-statistic p value
Not shown 4.2849162 0.1325376 32.3298249 0.0000000
Lamenting politician 0.1160739 0.1820228 0.6376888 0.5239319
General prime 0.3886589 0.1840059 2.1122088 0.0351021


(#tab:106_post_justice)Treatment effects on justice perceptions of decision, Study 1 – Swedish vignette
Treatment value Estimate Std. Error t-statistic p value
Not shown 4.2178771 0.1231976 34.2366943 0.0000000
Lamenting politician 0.1633110 0.1691955 0.9652206 0.3348429
General prime 0.1551799 0.1710389 0.9072784 0.3646423

##Decision evaluation

(#tab:106_post_eval)Treatment effects on decision evaluation, Study 1 – Swedish vignette
Treatment value Estimate Std. Error t-statistic p value
Not shown 4.5139665 0.1517737 29.741418 0.0000000
Lamenting politician -0.3456496 0.2084412 -1.658260 0.0978142
General prime -0.2911686 0.2107121 -1.381831 0.1675639

##Willingness to accept

(#tab:106_post_accept)Treatment effects on willingness to accept decision, Study 1 – Swedish vignette
Treatment value Estimate Std. Error t-statistic p value
Not shown 5.4581006 0.1414642 38.5829139 0.0000000
Lamenting politician -0.3541402 0.1942823 -1.8228120 0.0688547
General prime -0.1627638 0.1963990 -0.8287402 0.4075977


(#tab:106_post_comply)Treatment effects on decision compliance, Study 1 – Swedish vignette
Treatment value Estimate Std. Error t-statistic p value
Not shown 5.4189944 0.1317730 41.1237227 0.0000000
Lamenting politician -0.2011726 0.1809727 -1.1116186 0.2667700
General prime -0.0873882 0.1829444 -0.4776763 0.6330634
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#Stimulus material

Video voice over text: “Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders in the future. This is a controversial decision: Some inhabitants and politicians strongly support the ban, while other inhabitants and politicians are equally strongly against such a ban on begging. Some parties propose a ban on begging. The decision will be made in the municipal council, and follows the normal decision-making procedure. The proposal is rst debated in the council, where all members are welcome to express their position and their arguments. The debate is public, and journalists are present to report on the debate. In the end, the politicians vote on the proposal.”

Table 6.1: Vignette text per treatment
Preference Treatment Text
Pro ban on begging No prime The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality.
Lamenting politician The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality.After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong.
General prime
Specific prime
Winner The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality.
Against ban on begging No prime The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality.
Lamenting politician The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong.
General prime
Specific prime
Winner The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality.