Chapter 6 Topic Distribtuion

Let θd,t represent the topic proportions for individual d at time t, and wd,t represent the new disease diagnoses observed for that individual at time t. Let γd represent the genetic stickiness parameter for individual d, which influences the rate at which their topic proportions change over time.

Given the new observations wd,t, we update θd,t as follows:

The probability of θd,t given wd,t, ηt, and γd is expressed as:


  • θd,t1: The topic proportions for individual d at time t1.
  • wd,t: The new disease diagnoses observed for individual d at time t.
  • βk,v,t: The probability of disease v in topic k at time t, derived from the normalized_array.
  • γd: The genetic stickiness parameter for individual d.

The update rule for θd,t, the topic proportions at time t, is given by:

  1. Compute the likelihood of observing the new diagnoses given each topic:


  2. Update the topic proportions by multiplying the prior topic proportions by the likelihood and the genetic stickiness factor, then normalize:



Where: - θd,t,k is the updated proportion of topic k for individual d at time t. - The normalization step ensures that the updated topic proportions sum to 1.

First we need to simulate a theta that changes with time. We will make it a function of genetics so that individuals with greater genetic ‘pull’ move less

6.1 Population shifts


linear_trend <- function(time,
                         slope = 0.1,
                         intercept = 0) {
  return(slope * time + intercept)

logistic_growth <-
  function(t, carrying_capacity, growth_rate, t_mid) {
    carrying_capacity / (1 + exp(-growth_rate * (t - t_mid)))

exponential_decay <- function(t, initial_value, decay_rate) {
  initial_value * exp(-decay_rate * t)

gaussian_peak <- function(t, mean, variance) {
  exp(-(t - mean) ^ 2 / (2 * variance))

polynomial_trend <- function(t, coefficients) {
  sum(sapply(1:length(coefficients), function(i)
    coefficients[i] * t ^ (i - 1)))

sinusoidal_pattern <- function(t, amplitude, period, phase) {
  amplitude * sin((2 * pi / period) * t + phase)

cov_function <- function(t1, t2, lengthscale, variance) {
  return(variance * exp(-0.5 * (t1 - t2) ^ 2 / lengthscale ^ 2))

time_points <- 1:T

# Create a list to hold the mu vectors for each topic
mu_vectors <- list()

# Assign a mean function to each topic based on expected behavior

mu_vectors[[1]] <-
         slope = 0.02,
         intercept = 0.5)
mu_vectors[[2]] <-
    carrying_capacity = 1,
    growth_rate = 0.1,
    t_mid = T / 2
mu_vectors[[3]] <-
         initial_value = 1,
         decay_rate = 0.05)

genetic_predisposition <-
  matrix(MCMCpack::rdirichlet(D, alpha = c(1, 1, 1)), nrow = D, byrow = T)

predisposition_adjustment <-
  function(mu, predisposition_score, topic_effect_size) {
    # Apply the effect size to the predisposition score to get the adjustment
    adjustment <- predisposition_score * topic_effect_size
    # Adjust the population mean mu with the individual's predisposition adjustment
    adjusted_mu <- mu + adjustment

mu_population = array(dim = c(K, T))
for (k in 1:K) {
  mu_population[k,] = mu_vectors[[k]]  # Each topic's population-level mean over time

6.2 Step 2: Generate individual-specific topic distributions

alpha_individual = array(dim = c(D, K, T))
adjusted_mu_individual = array(dim = c(D, K, T))

alpha_pop = array(dim = c(K, T))
## generate population Thetas to show population level trajectories

variance <- runif(n = K, min = 1, max = 2)
lengthscale <-
  runif(n = K, min = 95, max = 100) # Example lengthscale, could change more for some topics but it doesn't
effect_size_topic = runif(n = K)

cov_matrix_pops = list()

for (k in 1:K) {
  # Adjust the mean based on individual genetic predisposition
  mu_k <- mu_population[k, ]
  # Define the effect size (you might have different effect sizes for different topics)
  effect_size_k <- effect_size_topic[k]
  topic_variance = variance[k]
  topic_lengthscale = lengthscale[k]
  # Generate the covariance matrix using the individual's genetic factor
  cov_matrix_pop = matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = T)
  for (i in 1:T) {
    for (j in 1:T) {
      cov_matrix_pop[i, j] = cov_function(i, j, lengthscale = topic_lengthscale, variance = topic_variance)

  cov_matrix_pops[[k]] = cov_matrix_pop
  alpha_pop[k, ] = mvrnorm(1, mu = mu_k, Sigma = cov_matrix_pop)

  for (d in 1:D) {
    # Get this individual's predisposition score for this topic
    predisposition_score_dk <- genetic_predisposition[d, k]
    # Adjust the population-level mean mu_k for this individual's predisposition
    adjusted_mu_k <-
      predisposition_adjustment(mu_k, predisposition_score_dk, effect_size_k)
    adjusted_mu_individual[d, k,] = adjusted_mu_k
    # Sample from the GP for this individual and topic
    alpha_individual[d, k, ] = mvrnorm(1, mu = adjusted_mu_k, Sigma = cov_matrix_pop)

6.3 Step 3: Normalize the proportions for each individual across topics at each time point

Theta_individual = array(dim = c(D, K, T))

for (d in 1:D) {
  for (t in 1:T) {
    Theta_individual[d, , t] = softmax_normalize(alpha_individual[d, , t])

Theta_pop = array(dim = c(K, T))

for (t in 1:T) {
  Theta_pop[, t] = softmax_normalize(alpha_pop[, t])

6.3.1 now show for Population

Here we look at the mean level of the topic weight for each time period across population.

proportions_df = melt(Theta_pop)
names(proportions_df) <- c("Topic", "Time", "Proportion")

proportions_df$Topic = factor(
  levels = c(1, 2, 3),
  labels = c("Cardiovascular", "Infection", "GU")
tab = proportions_df %>% group_by(Time, Topic) %>% summarise(Proportion =
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Time'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
# Plot

ggplot(tab, aes(x = Time, y = Proportion, col = as.factor(Topic))) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_minimal() +scale_color_npg()+
    title = "Population-Level Topic Estimated Proportions Over Time",
    x = "Time Point",
    y = "Mean Topic Proportion",
    color = "Topic"

6.4 Population Mean function

Here we show how this matches population means

– this will be more or less true depending on how fine the lengthscale is – if the vairance is small and lengthscale large, then the pattern will roughly approximate the man

softmax_population <- apply(mu_population, 2, softmax_normalize)

# Convert softmaxed population means to a data frame for plotting
population_probs_df <-
population_probs_df$Time <- 1:T
population_probs_df <- melt(population_probs_df, id.vars = "Time")

# Automating topic assignment
population_probs_df$Topic <-
  as.numeric(gsub("V", "", population_probs_df$variable))

         x = Time,
         y = value,
         group = Topic,
         color = as.factor(Topic)
       )) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "Population-Level Topic Means (softmax) Over Time",
       x = "Time Point",
       y = "Probability") +

6.5 Population to Individual

Now show individual mimics pouplation level patterns:

We melt across individuals (i.e., theta after adjustment for individual genetifsc)

proportions_df = melt(Theta_individual)
names(proportions_df) <-
  c("Individual", "Topic", "Time", "Proportion")

proportions_df$Topic = factor(
  levels = c(1, 2, 3),
  labels = c("Cardiovascular", "Infection", "GU")
tab = proportions_df %>% group_by(Time, Topic) %>% summarise(Proportion =
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Time'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
# Plot

ggplot(tab, aes(x = Time, y = Proportion, col = as.factor(Topic))) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_minimal() +
    title = "Population-Level Topic Proportions Over Time",
    x = "Time Point",
    y = "Mean Topic Proportion",
    color = "Topic"

Theta = Theta_individual

6.6 Population versus Genetically Selected Individuals

Instead of considering the theta, we can look at individual genetic functions of the mean.

Plot the μ for the population and compare with individuals

# Identify the individual with the highest genetic predisposition for each topic
high_rankers <-
  data.frame(t(apply(genetic_predisposition, 1, function(x) {
    top = which.max(x)
    return(list = c(topic = top, ratio = x[top] / sum(x[-top])))

top_individuals_per_topic = vector()
top_individuals_per_topic[1] = which(high_rankers[, 1] == 1 &
                                       high_rankers[, 2] > 2)[1]

top_individuals_per_topic[2] = which(high_rankers[, 1] == 2 &
                                       high_rankers[, 2] > 2)[1]

top_individuals_per_topic[3] = which(high_rankers[, 1] == 3 &
                                       high_rankers[, 2] > 2)[1]

top_individuals_info <- data.frame(
  Topic = factor(1:K),
  Individual = as.character(top_individuals_per_topic),
  GeneticPredispositionRatio = high_rankers[top_individuals_per_topic, "ratio"]

amt = array(NA, dim = c(D, K, T))
for (d in 1:D) {
  amt[d, , ] = apply(adjusted_mu_individual[d, , ], 2, softmax)

### but folks with high topic 3 could also have high topic 1... need to relfect population means

population_probs_df$Topic = as.factor(population_probs_df$Topic)
# Assuming D, K, T are defined; and Theta_individual is your D x K x T array
D <- dim(Theta_individual)[1]
K <- dim(Theta_individual)[2]
T <- dim(Theta_individual)[3]

# Let's create a comparison plot for a specific individual, for example, Individual 3

individual_number = top_individuals_per_topic

individual_probs_df <-
  melt(amt[individual_number, , , drop = FALSE], varnames = c("Individual", "Topic", "Time"))
individual_probs_df$Topic <- as.factor(individual_probs_df$Topic)
individual_probs_df$Individual <- as.factor(individual_number)

combined_df <- bind_rows(population_probs_df %>% mutate(Individual = "Population"),

# Update the topic names in the dataframe
combined_df$Topic <-
                `1` = "CVD",
                `2` = "GI",
                `3` = "Congenital")

# Update top_individuals_info to reflect the new topic names
top_individuals_info$Topic <- factor(
  levels = c(1, 2, 3),
  labels = c("CVD", "GI", "Congenital")

#Round the genetic predisposition ratios for display
top_individuals_info$GeneticPredispositionRatio <-
  round(top_individuals_info$GeneticPredispositionRatio, 2)

# Plot with annotations for genetic predisposition ratios
         x = Time,
         y = value,
         group = Individual,
         color = Individual
       )) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = Topic)) +
  facet_wrap( ~ Topic, scales = "free_y", ncol = K) +
    data = top_individuals_info,
      x = Inf,
      y = Inf,
      label = paste(
        "Highest Ranking Individua is:",
        round(GeneticPredispositionRatio, 2)
    position = position_nudge(y = -0.1),
    # Nudging text down a bit
    hjust = 1.1,
    vjust = 1.1,
    # Adjust text position
    check_overlap = TRUE,
    size = 3,
    inherit.aes = FALSE
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    title = "Topic Probabilities for Individuals with Highest Genetic Predisposition vs Population",
    x = "Time Point",
    y = "Probability",
    color = "Individual",
    linetype = "Topic"
  ) +
  scale_color_npg() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", strip.text = element_text(size = 8)) +
  theme(plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm")) # Adjust plot margins