3 Flourish

Beginning Documents

Create a Flourish account. Start here.

Create your first visualization instructions. Click here.

Line, Bar and Pie Charts.

Starting Off with Alberto Cairo. A Video on Getting Rolling:

If you like Alberto (who doesn’t?), then check out his YouTube page for more great content: Alberto Cairo YouTube Page - Data Viz Tips

An Introduction to Flourish:

Basic Tips:

  • It’s all about the templates. Select the one that best matches your idea

  • Do your math, sorting, formatting in Excel before uploading to Flourish. Easier

  • There are hidden menus and functions in the data section. A bit frustrating but you will figure it out.

Consult the Help Page

How To Import Data:

Import data from Google Sheets

Sorting and data in Flourish

If your data isn’t sorting:

It may be in text format
Flourish doesn’t like % signs - text
Strip out % in Excel, reimport

Flourish Design Tips

Labels: be judicious with text labels.

Sorting: have the chart tell a story - sorting.

X axis labels. rotate the x axis labels, drop the font a bit and get more of the counties represented. bump up the fonts on the x axis. rather faint.

Delete rows “missing county info”

Labels: “Become the boss of this data.” We take control of ridiculous labels. What is “administrative support and waste management and remediation services” - what does that mean?

Style: your credit at the bottom in the footer


They are applied once you have created a Flourish story:

Once you’re finished creating your visualization, click on the “Create story” button in the top right corner.

This will take you through to a new Flourish story with your visualization as the first slide. 

Check how to create a single slide story in Flourish.

If your chart is too busy and has too many numbers, take control and use annotations to specify just the numbers you want.


See how Sarah Komar highlighted Arkansas as red on this chart.

Under Colors | Custom overrides, she selected the variable Arkansas to be red.

Arkansas: red Here’s a great article on customizing colors.

Popups: Format and manage popups on your charts.

How to Create Stories in Flourish

Ravi Brock on Creating Stories Quickly

Here’s a sample workbook to check.

Make a copy of this chart

Expand down arrow menu next to name “EXAMPLES-STORY”


Rename, mess around with it

Next Section: More Flourish Resources

3.1 More Flourish Resources

Create an Active and New Cases Map

Click data.
On the Regions layer upload “arkansascounties.json”
That file is on Github
Click the arrow button next to “Upload data” and select “Upload data and merge”
Then upload countyonlytoday.csv and merge on “NAME” and “County_Name”
76 rows should be imported
Geometry should be column A. Name should be column G.
Select Active_cases, Active_cases_10k_pop, Confirmed_active, Probable_active, New_cases_today, New_cases_today_10k_pop, Pct_pos_new_to_dashboard (columns:U,AV,AE-AF,AO,AU,AX) for the values
Make sure no counties are missing/greyed out on map
In top right corner, select Export
Video tutorial on maps

Design Ideas From Adam Marton, Univ. of Maryland

Time map - map with time slider
Twitter timelines - good for events
Election results chart
Icon map
Photo slider
Sankey - 2
Parliament “C” chart - useful for showing votes on an issue, more
Sports - player positions on a field
Chord diagram- visualize connections between entities
Survey / Dot viz (good for exploring survey results and more)
Arc map - display connections between points on a map
Cards - 2 - blocks in a grid (candidates, much more)
Bar race / Line race
Point map - 2 - visualize large data sets on a map, animate around it
Animated scatterplot
Elections | Elections 2


  • Graphic stories and animated stories
  • Bar chart race
  • Animated dot animation
  • Animated charts
  • Animated maps
Graphic stories and animated stories See the slider at the top of this page for examples of graphic stories and animation Templates from Flourish Team: (more examples) https://app.flourish.studio/@flourish  Bar chart race template https://towardsdatascience.com/step-by-step-tutorial-create-a-bar-chart-race-animation-da7d5fcd7079 https://help.flourish.studio/article/63-how-to-change-label-positioning

Misc Links
Here's a year in review for 2019 - Inspiration and new ideas abound

How to control different Flourish accounts

Cairo Video: Scatter plot and animation

Video: Create Basic world Map

Create a scatter plot with a filter

Controling access to visualizations and stories

Examples from Fall 2020 Class

Abby Zimmardi - Colleges and universities and COVID/
Abby Zimmardi - School Districts, Active COVID Cases/
Mary Hennigan and Hospital Resources statewide/

Background: Flourish newsrooms plan

Private projects, HTML export and much more!

Get started here

In case your account has administrative privileges for your newsroom, you will be able to invite more users to your newsroom. You can find more information on how to do that and how to administer your newsroom here.

Our extensive help docs are carefully crafted to help you overcome the occasional issue you may run into, and also show you how to create cool things.

You can find them here.