5 1991 full system analyses

5.1 Total leaf area of the front and back shoots in 1991.

This analysis uses all systems that have a non-NA value for total leaf area of the front and back in 1991, excluding those systems for which 1990 leaf area was NA.

5.1.1 Data & visualization

Read in data

Select the total leaf area variable, and the independent variables. Also filtering out rows that don’t have a leaf area record in 1990. We need to do this in order to be able to compare models from model set A (which don’t include leaf area, and so wouldn’t naturally be affected by the missing data) with models from model set B (which do include leaf area and would be affected by the missing data). In other words, removing these rows means that model set A and model set B will run using the exact same dataset, which is necessary in order for us to compare the models.

5.1.2 Model selection with leaf area

(Intercept) Lf_90 Sever Sex_90 Time Sever:Sex_90 Sever:Time Sex_90:Time Sever:Sex_90:Time df logLik AICc delta weight
40 107.34845 0.8316480
NA 12 -3150.540 6325.795 0.0000000 0.25574814
48 112.91565 0.8353311
NA 15 -3147.488 6326.085 0.2897554 0.22125490
6 94.22383 0.9132808
NA NA NA NA 9 -3154.320 6327.050 1.2546874 0.13657166
8 143.39677 0.8459421
NA NA NA NA 10 -3153.615 6327.732 1.9365805 0.09711568
16 147.30686 0.8504631
NA NA NA 13 -3150.463 6327.763 1.9684227 0.09558174
39 52.22870 0.8364827 NA
NA 9 -3154.980 6328.369 2.5742828 0.07060152
5 46.60224 0.9103604 NA NA
NA NA NA NA 6 -3158.655 6329.499 3.7043271 0.04012620
2 117.22338 0.9554603
NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 -3157.669 6329.593 3.7974889 0.03829995
7 89.47014 0.8505375 NA
NA NA NA NA 7 -3158.095 6330.445 4.6495135 0.02501402
12 148.06192 0.9258488
NA NA NA 11 -3154.160 6330.924 5.1285510 0.01968619

From this round of model selection, when Lf_90 is required to be in the models that are considered, there are five models within two AICc units: (1) Lf_90, Sever, Sex_90, Time, and the Sex_90 x Time interaction (AICc 6325.8) (2) Lf_90, Sever, Sex_90, Time, the Sex_90 x Time interaction, and the Sever x Sex_90 interaction (AICc 6326.1) (3) Lf_90, Sever, and Time (AICc 6327.0) (4) Lf_90, Sever, Sex_90, and Time (AICc 6327.7) (5) Lf_90, Sever, Sex_90, Time, and the Sever x Sex_90 interaction (AICc 6327.8)

5.1.3 Model selection without leaf area

## Fixed term is "(Intercept)"
(Intercept) Lf_90 Sever Sex_90 Time Sever:Sex_90 Sever:Time Sex_90:Time Sever:Sex_90:Time df logLik AICc delta weight
80 107.34844 0.8316480
NA 12 -3150.540 6325.795 0.0000000 0.25574814
96 112.91565 0.8353311
NA 15 -3147.488 6326.085 0.2897554 0.22125490
12 94.22383 0.9132808
NA NA NA NA 9 -3154.320 6327.050 1.2546874 0.13657166
16 143.39676 0.8459421
NA NA NA NA 10 -3153.615 6327.732 1.9365805 0.09711568
32 147.30686 0.8504631
NA NA NA 13 -3150.463 6327.763 1.9684227 0.09558174
78 52.22870 0.8364827 NA
NA 9 -3154.980 6328.369 2.5742828 0.07060152
10 46.60224 0.9103604 NA NA
NA NA NA NA 6 -3158.655 6329.499 3.7043271 0.04012620
4 117.22338 0.9554603
NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 -3157.669 6329.593 3.7974889 0.03829995
14 89.47014 0.8505375 NA
NA NA NA NA 7 -3158.095 6330.445 4.6495135 0.02501402
24 148.06192 0.9258488
NA NA NA 11 -3154.160 6330.924 5.1285510 0.01968619

From this round of model selection, when Lf_90 is not required to be in the models that are considered, the same five best models are returned.

5.1.4 Conclusion

The simplest and best model here is contains Lf_90, Sever, and Time.

5.1.5 Estimated marginal means

the main effect of sever

## $emmeans
##  Sever emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
##  C        592 26.4 134      539      644
##  S1       515 30.4 191      455      575
##  S2       559 29.2 178      501      616
##  S4       501 27.3 147      447      555
## Results are averaged over the levels of: Time 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast estimate   SE  df t.ratio p.value
##  C - S1       76.7 36.3 431  2.117  0.1493 
##  C - S2       33.0 35.3 431  0.934  0.7868 
##  C - S4       91.0 33.7 428  2.697  0.0364 
##  S1 - S2     -43.8 38.3 433 -1.141  0.6642 
##  S1 - S4      14.3 37.0 436  0.385  0.9806 
##  S2 - S4      58.0 36.1 433  1.608  0.3749 
## Results are averaged over the levels of: Time 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates

Control systems have more overall leaf area than S4 systems, but all other comparisions are non significant. This suggests that leaf area in total was roughly equivalent across all of the treatments.

the main effect of time

## $emmeans
##  Time emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
##  T1      498 25.6 121      447      549
##  T2      579 24.6 104      531      628
##  T3      547 26.1 124      495      599
## Results are averaged over the levels of: Sever 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $contrasts
##  contrast estimate   SE  df t.ratio p.value
##  T1 - T2     -81.1 31.3 432 -2.593  0.0266 
##  T1 - T3     -48.7 32.4 432 -1.502  0.2910 
##  T2 - T3      32.4 31.1 432  1.040  0.5519 
## Results are averaged over the levels of: Sever 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates

Systems severed at T1 produce less leaf area than those severed at T2. T3 is intermediate to T1 and T2 but not different from either.

the main effect of leaf area in 1990

Overall, the relationships between leaf area in 1990 and total leaf area in 1991 seem fairly similar across the severing treatments and times. One potential exception are the systems that were severed at S4 and T1, which seems to have a weaker correlation. Also interesting to note that there seem to be more points with zero total leaf area in 1991 in the T1 panel relative to the other panels.