Unit 14 MA(q) Models
14.1 Properties and Characteristics
We use MA models to model stationary data. They are not quite as useful as AR models, but in conjunction with them, we can create ARMA(p,q) models and so forth.
14.1.1 A quote for your thoughts:
“All models are wrong… but some are useful” - George Box
14.2 MA(q)
First of all, we need to define the equation for a Moving Average Model of order q: Xt=μ+at−θ1at−1−...−θqat−q
Inspecting this equation, we see that a MA(q) model is a finite GLP, and therefore Always stationary. reminder: a GLP is defined as : Xt=μ+∞∑j=0ψjat−j
We can now define a MA(q) model as a GLP in which: ψ0=1,ψ1=−θ1,...,ψq=−θq,ψk=0,k>q
14.3 Operator Zero-Mean Form
14.3.1 Characteristic Equation
We can solve this just like the AR side, except this is with white noise terms.
14.3.2 Some definitions:
E(Xt)=μ For MA(1)
σ2X=σ2a(1+θ21) ρ0=1,ρ1=−θ11+θ21,ρk=0,k>1 For pure MA they do not damp exponentially! (theoretically) This is a defining piece of info.
From this we will see that MA spectral densities will have dips rather than peaks (again a function of white noise).