Unit 11 Characteristic Equations for AR(1) Models

Consider the zero-mean form of an AR(1) model Xtϕ1Xt1=at We can rewtite in operator form as


Where B is an operator that turns Xt into Xt1. We can then rewrite this akgebraically (for solving purposes) as a characteristic equation: 1ϕ1Z=0.

Now recall that AR(1) is stationary iff ϕ1 is less than 1. Lets solve the characteristic equation for the root now:


If Xt is stationary , r is greater than one. This does not feel important now, but when we get to higher order time series this will save us a lot of thinking. Lets look at a numerical example just to make sure we got it:

Xt=1.2Xt1+at Xt+1.2Xt1=at (1+1.2B)Xt=at 1+1.2Z=0 r=z=11.2=0.8333333 Note that in this case, ϕ1=1.2$. This is a weird thing with this notation, get used to it.