9 Functional dbplyr, purrr, and furrr
#> -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 --
#> v ggplot2 3.3.3 v purrr 0.3.4
#> v tibble 3.1.2 v dplyr 1.0.6
#> v tidyr 1.1.3 v stringr 1.4.0
#> v readr 1.4.0 v forcats 0.5.1
#> -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
#> x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
#> Warning: `src_sqlite()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0.
#> Please use `tbl()` directly with a database connection source
current target
#> Joining, by = "yr_range"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN" source
current features
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
#> Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Missing pieces filled with `NA` in 30 rows [1, 2, 3,
#> 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, ...].
9.0.1 A_DATA_TBL_2
We want to make a new Analytic data-set from additional features that have been developed. We might begin to cultivate a Feature Store which might comprise of either code or data to replicate features.
<- DEMO %>%
A_DATA_TBL_2 select(SEQN) %>%
left_join(OUTCOME_TBL) %>%
left_join(DEMO_FEATURES) %>%
left_join(EXAM_TBL) %>%
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = "SEQN"
#> Joining, by = c("SEQN", "yr_range")
Get the dimension from a connection
# number of rows
<- (A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
Tot_N_Rows tally() %>%
Tot_N_Rows#> [1] 101316
# number of columns
A_DATA_TBL_2 colnames() %>%
#> [1] 133
#look at the data-set
A_DATA_TBL_2 head()
#> # Source: lazy query [?? x 133]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.35.5
#> # [C:\Users\jkyle\Documents\GitHub\Jeff_Data_Mgt_R_PRV\DATA\sql_db\NHANES_DB.db]
#> SEQN DIABETES AGE_AT_DIAG_DM2 Age Gender Race USAF Birth_Country
#> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 0 NA 2 Female Black <NA> USA
#> 2 2 0 NA 77 Male White Yes USA
#> 3 3 0 NA 10 Female White <NA> <NA>
#> 4 4 0 NA 1 Male Black <NA> USA
#> 5 5 0 NA 49 Male White Yes USA
#> 6 6 0 NA 19 Female Other No USA
#> # ... with 125 more variables: Grade_Level <chr>, Grade_Range <chr>,
#> # Marital_Status <chr>, Pregnant <chr>, Household_Icome <lgl>,
#> # Family_Income <lgl>, Poverty_Income_Ratio <dbl>, yr_range <chr>,
#> # PEASCST1 <dbl>, PEASCTM1 <dbl>, PEASCCT1 <dbl>, BPXCHR <dbl>,
#> # BPQ150A <dbl>, BPQ150B <dbl>, BPQ150C <dbl>, BPQ150D <dbl>, BPAARM <dbl>,
#> # BPACSZ <dbl>, BPXPLS <dbl>, BPXDB <dbl>, BPXPULS <dbl>, BPXPTY <dbl>,
#> # BPXML1 <dbl>, BPXSY1 <dbl>, BPXDI1 <dbl>, BPAEN1 <dbl>, BPXSY2 <dbl>,
#> # BPXDI2 <dbl>, BPAEN2 <dbl>, BPXSY3 <dbl>, BPXDI3 <dbl>, BPAEN3 <dbl>,
#> # BPXSY4 <dbl>, BPXDI4 <dbl>, BPAEN4 <dbl>, BPXSAR <dbl>, BPXDAR <dbl>,
#> # BMAEXLEN <dbl>, BMAEXSTS <dbl>, BMAEXCMT <dbl>, BMXWT <dbl>, BMIWT <dbl>,
#> # BMXRECUM <dbl>, BMIRECUM <dbl>, BMXHEAD <dbl>, BMIHEAD <dbl>, BMXHT <dbl>,
#> # BMIHT <dbl>, BMXBMI <dbl>, BMXLEG <dbl>, BMILEG <dbl>, BMXCALF <dbl>,
#> # BMICALF <dbl>, BMXARML <dbl>, BMIARML <dbl>, BMXARMC <dbl>, BMIARMC <dbl>,
#> # BMXWAIST <dbl>, BMIWAIST <dbl>, BMXTHICR <dbl>, BMITHICR <dbl>,
#> # BMXTRI <dbl>, BMITRI <dbl>, BMXSUB <dbl>, BMISUB <dbl>, BMAAMP <dbl>,
#> # BMAUREXT <dbl>, BMAUPREL <dbl>, BMAULEXT <dbl>, BMAUPLEL <dbl>,
#> # BMALOREX <dbl>, BMALORKN <dbl>, BMALLEXT <dbl>, BMALLKNE <dbl>,
#> # BMDSTATS <dbl>, BMDRECUF <dbl>, BMDSUBF <dbl>, BMDTHICF <dbl>,
#> # BMDLEGF <dbl>, BMDARMLF <dbl>, BMDCALFF <dbl>, BMDBMIC <dbl>,
#> # BMXSAD1 <dbl>, BMXSAD2 <dbl>, BMXSAD3 <dbl>, BMXSAD4 <dbl>, BMDAVSAD <dbl>,
#> # BMDSADCM <dbl>, BMXHIP <dbl>, BMIHIP <dbl>, URXUMA <dbl>, URXUMS <dbl>,
#> # URXUCR <dbl>, URXCRS <dbl>, URDACT <dbl>, URXUMA2 <dbl>, URDUMA2S <dbl>,
#> # URXUCR2 <dbl>, URDUCR2S <dbl>, URDACT2 <dbl>, ...
9.1 Determining Categorical and Continuous Features
Not_features <- setdiff(colnames(A_DATA_TBL_2), Not_features) All_featres
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
N_levels_features collect( ) %>% # note this collects all the data
select(- all_of(Not_features)) %>%
summarise_at(vars(all_of(All_featres)), ~ n_distinct(.x))
N_levels_features head()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 130
#> Age Gender Race USAF Birth_Country Grade_Level Grade_Range Marital_Status
#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 86 2 5 3 3 21 6 7
#> # ... with 122 more variables: Pregnant <int>, Household_Icome <int>,
#> # Family_Income <int>, Poverty_Income_Ratio <int>, yr_range <int>,
#> # PEASCST1 <int>, PEASCTM1 <int>, PEASCCT1 <int>, BPXCHR <int>,
#> # BPQ150A <int>, BPQ150B <int>, BPQ150C <int>, BPQ150D <int>, BPAARM <int>,
#> # BPACSZ <int>, BPXPLS <int>, BPXDB <int>, BPXPULS <int>, BPXPTY <int>,
#> # BPXML1 <int>, BPXSY1 <int>, BPXDI1 <int>, BPAEN1 <int>, BPXSY2 <int>,
#> # BPXDI2 <int>, BPAEN2 <int>, BPXSY3 <int>, BPXDI3 <int>, BPAEN3 <int>,
#> # BPXSY4 <int>, BPXDI4 <int>, BPAEN4 <int>, BPXSAR <int>, BPXDAR <int>,
#> # BMAEXLEN <int>, BMAEXSTS <int>, BMAEXCMT <int>, BMXWT <int>, BMIWT <int>,
#> # BMXRECUM <int>, BMIRECUM <int>, BMXHEAD <int>, BMIHEAD <int>, BMXHT <int>,
#> # BMIHT <int>, BMXBMI <int>, BMXLEG <int>, BMILEG <int>, BMXCALF <int>,
#> # BMICALF <int>, BMXARML <int>, BMIARML <int>, BMXARMC <int>, BMIARMC <int>,
#> # BMXWAIST <int>, BMIWAIST <int>, BMXTHICR <int>, BMITHICR <int>,
#> # BMXTRI <int>, BMITRI <int>, BMXSUB <int>, BMISUB <int>, BMAAMP <int>,
#> # BMAUREXT <int>, BMAUPREL <int>, BMAULEXT <int>, BMAUPLEL <int>,
#> # BMALOREX <int>, BMALORKN <int>, BMALLEXT <int>, BMALLKNE <int>,
#> # BMDSTATS <int>, BMDRECUF <int>, BMDSUBF <int>, BMDTHICF <int>,
#> # BMDLEGF <int>, BMDARMLF <int>, BMDCALFF <int>, BMDBMIC <int>,
#> # BMXSAD1 <int>, BMXSAD2 <int>, BMXSAD3 <int>, BMXSAD4 <int>, BMDAVSAD <int>,
#> # BMDSADCM <int>, BMXHIP <int>, BMIHIP <int>, URXUMA <int>, URXUMS <int>,
#> # URXUCR <int>, URXCRS <int>, URDACT <int>, URXUMA2 <int>, URDUMA2S <int>,
#> # URXUCR2 <int>, URDUCR2S <int>, URDACT2 <int>, URDUMALC <int>,
#> # URDUCRLC <int>, LBDHDD <int>, ...
N_levels_features pivot_longer( cols = all_of(All_featres), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values")
#> # A tibble: 130 x 2
#> name N_Distinct_Values
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Age 86
#> 2 Gender 2
#> 3 Race 5
#> 4 USAF 3
#> 5 Birth_Country 3
#> 6 Grade_Level 21
#> # ... with 124 more rows
N_levels_features pivot_longer( cols = all_of(All_featres), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values") %>%
mutate(Fearure = reorder(name, -N_Distinct_Values)) %>%
mutate(Percentage_Distinct_Features = N_Distinct_Values/Tot_N_Rows ) %>%
ggplot(aes(x= Fearure, y=Percentage_Distinct_Features , color=Fearure)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = "none")

Count of Distinct Number of Values Per Feature
N_levels_features pivot_longer( cols = all_of(All_featres), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values") %>%
arrange(N_Distinct_Values) %>%
filter(15 < N_Distinct_Values & N_Distinct_Values < 70)
#> # A tibble: 8 x 2
#> name N_Distinct_Values
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Grade_Level 21
#> 2 PHAFSTHR 45
#> 3 BPXML1 48
#> 4 PHAFSTMN 61
#> 5 BPXDI4 65
#> 6 BPXPLS 67
#> # ... with 2 more rows
<- (N_levels_features %>%
categorical_features pivot_longer( cols = all_of(All_featres), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values") %>%
arrange(N_Distinct_Values) %>%
filter(N_Distinct_Values <= 25))$name
categorical_features#> [1] "BMAUPREL" "BMAUPLEL" "Gender" "BMIHEAD"
#> [21] "BMDCALFF" "BMIHIP" "USAF" "Birth_Country"
#> [25] "Pregnant" "BPQ150A" "BPQ150B" "BPQ150C"
#> [29] "BPQ150D" "BPXPULS" "BPXPTY" "BPAEN1"
#> [53] "Grade_Range" "BPACSZ" "BMDSADCM" "Marital_Status"
#> [57] "yr_range" "BMAEXCMT" "BPXDB" "Household_Icome"
#> [61] "Family_Income" "PEASCCT1" "Grade_Level"
Currently, there are 63 and
<- (N_levels_features %>%
numeric_features pivot_longer( cols = all_of(All_featres), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values") %>%
arrange(N_Distinct_Values) %>%
filter(N_Distinct_Values > 25))$name
numeric_features#> [1] "PHAFSTHR" "BPXML1" "PHAFSTMN"
#> [4] "BPXDI4" "BPXPLS" "BPXDI1"
#> [7] "BPXDI3" "BPXDI2" "BPXSY4"
#> [10] "BPXCHR" "BPXSY3" "Age"
#> [13] "BPXSY2" "BPXSY1" "BPXDAR"
#> [43] "BMXARMC" "Poverty_Income_Ratio" "BMAEXLEN"
#> [58] "PEASCTM1" "URDACT2" "BMXWT"
#> [67] "WTSAF2YR"
we have 67 numeric features to analyze.
We can save both of these lists into an new object:
<- new.env()
FEATURE_TYPE $numeric_features <- numeric_features
FEATURE_TYPE$categorical_features <- categorical_features
FEATURE_TYPE$Not_features <- Not_features FEATURE_TYPE
We can still access the information, however, now it is grouped together:
#> [21] "BMDCALFF" "BMIHIP" "USAF" "Birth_Country"
#> [25] "Pregnant" "BPQ150A" "BPQ150B" "BPQ150C"
#> [29] "BPQ150D" "BPXPULS" "BPXPTY" "BPAEN1"
#> [53] "Grade_Range" "BPACSZ" "BMDSADCM" "Marital_Status"
#> [57] "yr_range" "BMAEXCMT" "BPXDB" "Household_Icome"
#> [61] "Family_Income" "PEASCCT1" "Grade_Level"
#> [4] "BPXDI4" "BPXPLS" "BPXDI1"
#> [7] "BPXDI3" "BPXDI2" "BPXSY4"
#> [10] "BPXCHR" "BPXSY3" "Age"
#> [13] "BPXSY2" "BPXSY1" "BPXDAR"
#> [43] "BMXARMC" "Poverty_Income_Ratio" "BMAEXLEN"
#> [58] "PEASCTM1" "URDACT2" "BMXWT"
#> [67] "WTSAF2YR"
9.1.1 distinct_N_levels_per_cols
Below is a helper function for the count of distinct column entries in a table per the first sample_n
records queried
<- function(data, sample_n = 2000){
<- colnames(data)
<- data %>%
N_levels_features collect( n = sample_n ) %>% # note this collects sample_n rows of data
summarise_at(all_of(data.colnames), ~ n_distinct(.x)) %>%
pivot_longer( cols = all_of(data.colnames), values_to = "N_Distinct_Values")
<- N_levels_features %>%
plot mutate(Fearure = reorder(name, -N_Distinct_Values)) %>%
mutate(Percentage_Distinct_Features = N_Distinct_Values/sample_n ) %>%
ggplot(aes(x= Fearure, y=Percentage_Distinct_Features , color=Fearure)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(title ="Percentage of Distinct Entries Per Column",
subtitle = paste0("Per Sample of ", sample_n, " records")) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
return( list( data = N_levels_features,
plot = plot))
distinct_N_levels_per_cols(A_DATA_TBL_2, 3241)
#> $data
#> # A tibble: 133 x 2
#> name N_Distinct_Values
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 SEQN 3241
#> 3 AGE_AT_DIAG_DM2 65
#> 4 Age 86
#> 5 Gender 2
#> 6 Race 5
#> # ... with 127 more rows
#> $plot

Count of Distinct Number of Values Per Feature per first 3,241 records
9.2 Categorical Features
Recall, we normally want to review categorical data by looking at frequency counts:
A_DATA_TBL_2 select(DIABETES, Gender) %>%
collect() %>%
group_by(DIABETES, Gender) %>%
tally() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Gender, values_from = n)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> # Groups: DIABETES [3]
#> DIABETES Female Male
#> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 45188 43552
#> 2 1 3371 3436
#> 3 NA 2864 2905
A_DATA_TBL_2 select(DIABETES, Race) %>%
collect() %>%
group_by(DIABETES, Race) %>%
tally() %>%
ungroup() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Race, values_from = n)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#> DIABETES Black `Mexican American` Other `Other Hispanic` White
#> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 20692 19426 8376 7201 33045
#> 2 1 1823 1373 611 592 2408
#> 3 NA 1129 1650 510 501 1979
9.2.1 Count_Query
So to functionalize this process we create the following:
<- function(my_feature){
Count_Query <- enquo(my_feature)
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
tmp select(DIABETES, !!enquo_feature) %>%
collect() %>%
group_by(DIABETES, !!enquo_feature) %>%
tally() %>%
ungroup() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = !!enquo_feature, values_from = n)
What is enquo
and enquos()
delay the execution of one or several function arguments. enquo()
returns a single quoted expression, which is like a blueprint for the delayed computation. enquos()
returns a list of such quoted expressions. We can resolve an enquo
with !!
#> # A tibble: 3 x 22
#> DIABETES `10th grade` `11th grade` `12th grade, no di~ `1st grade` `2nd grade`
#> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 2177 2146 438 2126 2102
#> 2 1 11 12 NA 6 4
#> 3 NA 9 8 2 2 1
#> # ... with 16 more variables: 3rd grade <int>, 4th grade <int>,
#> # 5th grade <int>, 6th grade <int>, 7th grade <int>, 8th grade <int>,
#> # 9th grade <int>, Don't Know <int>, GED or equivalent <int>,
#> # High school graduate <int>, Less than 5th grade <int>,
#> # Less than 9th grade <int>, More than high school <int>,
#> # Never attended / kindergarten only <int>, Refused <int>, NA <int>
#> # A tibble: 3 x 16
#> DIABETES `$ 0 to $ 4,999` `$ 5,000 to $ 9,~ `$10,000 to $14,~ `$100,000 and O~
#> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 1349 2012 3169 8226
#> 2 1 96 268 452 460
#> 3 NA 118 150 236 440
#> # ... with 11 more variables: $15,000 to $19,999 <int>, $20,000 and Over <int>,
#> # $20,000 to $24,999 <int>, $25,000 to $34,999 <int>,
#> # $35,000 to $44,999 <int>, $45,000 to $54,999 <int>,
#> # $55,000 to $64,999 <int>, $65,000 to $74,999 <int>,
#> # $75,000 to $99,999 <int>, Under $20,000 <int>, NA <int>
9.2.2 Graphing Helpers
We can also make a function out of the chi-square mosaic plot:
<- function(my_feature){
plot_chi_square_residuals <- enquo(my_feature)
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
plot select( !!enquo_feature, DIABETES) %>%
collect() %>%
table() %>%
::mosaic(gp = vcd::shading_max)
#> Grade_Level
#> 10th grade 2177 11
#> 11th grade 2146 12
#> 12th grade, no diploma 438 0
#> 1st grade 2126 6
#> 2nd grade 2102 4
#> 3rd grade 2031 6
#> 4th grade 2036 6
#> 5th grade 2110 9
#> 6th grade 2219 14
#> 7th grade 2178 8
#> 8th grade 2292 11
#> 9th grade 2195 18
#> Don't Know 9 0
#> GED or equivalent 115 0
#> High school graduate 1422 9
#> Less than 5th grade 26 0
#> Less than 9th grade 277 1
#> More than high school 980 6
#> Never attended / kindergarten only 2362 5
#> Refused 2 0

Chi-Square residuals - Grade Level by Diabetes
Or a function to help us with bar graphs:
<- function(my_feature){
plot_cat_bar_graph <- enquo(my_feature)
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
plot select(DIABETES, !!enquo_feature) %>%
collect() %>%
ggplot(aes(y= !!enquo_feature, fill= as.factor(DIABETES) )) +
geom_bar(position = position_dodge(width = NULL))

Bar Plot Grade Level by Diabetic Status Combine functions to create new functions
We can combine functions:
<- function(my_feature){
cat_feature_explore <- enquo(my_feature)
return(list(Count_Query = Count_Query(!!enquo_feature),
plot_chi_square_residuals = plot_chi_square_residuals(!!enquo_feature),
plot_cat_bar_graph_y = plot_cat_bar_graph(!!enquo_feature)
) }
#> $Count_Query
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> DIABETES Female Male
#> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 45188 43552
#> 2 1 3371 3436
#> 3 NA 2864 2905
#> $plot_chi_square_residuals
#> Gender
#> Female 45188 3371
#> Male 43552 3436
#> $plot_cat_bar_graph_y

Combine Plots Gender
Note if we only want the graph from plot_cat_bar_graph
plot we defined we can access it from plot_cat_bar_graph_y
(or what ever we want to call it) this defined list:

Extract Bar Graph from Combined Function
<- Sys.time()
#> $Count_Query
#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#> DIABETES Black `Mexican American` Other `Other Hispanic` White
#> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 20692 19426 8376 7201 33045
#> 2 1 1823 1373 611 592 2408
#> 3 NA 1129 1650 510 501 1979
#> $plot_chi_square_residuals
#> Race
#> Black 20692 1823
#> Mexican American 19426 1373
#> Other 8376 611
#> Other Hispanic 7201 592
#> White 33045 2408
#> $plot_cat_bar_graph_y
<- Sys.time()
<- difftime(tic,toc,'secs')
time.cat_fun1.Race#> Time difference of 33.53433 secs

running cat_feature_explore on Race Rewrite functions to gain speed-ups
We can better optimize this function if we collect the data one time instead of three:
<- function(my_feature){
<- enquo(my_feature)
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
tmp select(DIABETES, !!enquo_feature) %>%
<- table(tmp)
<- vcd::mosaic(table1, gp = vcd::shading_max)
<- tmp %>%
plot_cat_bar_graph ggplot(aes(y= !!enquo_feature, fill= as.factor(DIABETES) )) +
geom_bar(position = position_dodge(width = NULL))
return( list(Frequency_Table = table1,
plot_chi_square_residuals = plot_chi_square_residuals,
plot_cat_bar_graph = plot_cat_bar_graph))
So now we test our function:
<- Sys.time()
#> $Frequency_Table
#> Race
#> DIABETES Black Mexican American Other Other Hispanic White
#> 0 20692 19426 8376 7201 33045
#> 1 1823 1373 611 592 2408
#> $plot_chi_square_residuals
#> Race Black Mexican American Other Other Hispanic White
#> 0 20692 19426 8376 7201 33045
#> 1 1823 1373 611 592 2408
#> $plot_cat_bar_graph
<- Sys.time()
<- difftime(tic,toc,'secs')
time.cat_fun2.Race#> Time difference of 12.49827 secs

running faster cat_feature_explore on Race
Note if we only want the mosaic
plot we defined in the plot_chi_square_residuals
we can access it from this defined list:
#> Race Black Mexican American Other Other Hispanic White
#> 0 20692 19426 8376 7201 33045
#> 1 1823 1373 611 592 2408

faster Race residuals
Recall in the mosaic
plot that
- Blue indicates that the observed value is higher than the expected value if the data were random.
- Red color specifies that the observed value is lower than the expected value if the data were random.
Thus we already know that African Americans are more likely to have diabetes than White Americans.
Speed-Up Note the changes we made resulted in the function running
#> [1] 2.683117
times faster!
9.3 Additional Programming Refrences
- https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/tidyeval.html
- https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/programming.html
- https://tidyeval.tidyverse.org/dplyr.html#patterns-for-single-arguments
9.4 Continuous Features
Previously we had the following algorithm for a t-test:
{<- (A_DATA %>%
DM2.Age filter(DIABETES == 1))$Age
<- (A_DATA %>%
Non_DM2.Age filter(DIABETES == 0))$Age
<- t.test(Non_DM2.Age, DM2.Age,
t_test.Age.Non_Dm2.DM2 alternative = 'two.sided',
conf.level = 0.95)
<- broom::tidy(t_test.Age.Non_Dm2.DM2) %>%
tibble_t_test.Age.Non_Dm2.DM2 mutate(dist_1 = "Non_DM2.Age") %>%
mutate(dist_2 = "DM2.Age")
That process was for one t.test
, for one continuous feature, Age
We might want to functionalize the process of computing t-tests for other similar analytic data-sets, like the one we are currently working with.
Developing such functions or wrappers may take time and skill but over-time you will come to rely on a personal library of functions you develop or work with to iterate on projects faster. These functions might start in your personal library and eventually move into a team Git where you or other members of your team can manage their development.
For instance, upon inspection, we notice that t.test
requires similar information to ks.test
. It would make sense to bundle two tests together and save us some time later on.
9.4.1 t-test / ks-test wrapper function
In the function wrapper.t_ks_test
below takes in:
a tibble - data-frame or connectionfactor
a categorical variable in df- Note in SQLlite there is no factor type but the user thinks of this variable as a factor
- sets the “first” class in a one-versus-restt.test
represented by a character string of the feature name to performt.test
was useful in creating the function to identify variables causing errors, and create output for those types of cases.
<- function(df, factor, factor_level, continuous_feature, verbose = FALSE){
if(verbose == TRUE){
cat(paste0('\n','Now on Feature ',continuous_feature,' \n'))
<- enquo(factor)
<- df %>%
data.local select(!! factor_enquo, matches(continuous_feature)) %>%
<- data.local %>%
X filter(!! factor_enquo == factor_level)
<- data.local %>%
Y filter(!(!! factor_enquo == factor_level))
<- unlist(X[,continuous_feature])
x <- unlist(Y[,continuous_feature])
<- sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sd_x <- sd(y, na.rm=TRUE)
if(sum(!is.na(x)) < 3 | sum(!is.na(y)) < 3 | is.na(sd_x) | is.na(sd_y) | sd_x == 0 | sd_y == 0){
<- tibble(mean_diff_est = mean(x , na.rm=TRUE) - mean(y , na.rm=TRUE),
bad_return N_Target = sum(!is.na(x)),
mean_Target = mean(x , na.rm=TRUE),
sd_Target = sd_x,
N_Control = sum(!is.na(y)),
mean_Control = mean(y , na.rm=TRUE),
sd_Control = sd_y,
statistic = NA,
ttest.pvalue = NA,
kstest.pvalue = NA,
parameter = NA,
conf.low = NA,
conf.high = NA,
method = "Either Target or Control has fewer than 3 results",
alternative = paste0(continuous_feature, " Might be constant"),
Feature = continuous_feature) %>%
select(Feature, mean_diff_est, ttest.pvalue, mean_Target, mean_Control, kstest.pvalue, N_Target, N_Control, conf.low, conf.high, statistic, sd_Target, sd_Control, parameter, method, alternative)
<- t.test(x,y)
<- suppressWarnings(ks.test(x,y)$p.value)
<- broom::tidy(ttest_return)
<- result_row %>%
result_row mutate(Feature = continuous_feature) %>%
rename(mean_diff_est = estimate) %>%
mutate(N_Target = sum(!is.na(x))) %>%
mutate(N_Control = sum(!is.na(y))) %>%
rename(mean_Target = estimate1) %>%
rename(mean_Control = estimate2) %>%
rename(ttest.pvalue = p.value) %>%
mutate(sd_Target = sd_x) %>%
mutate(sd_Control = sd_y) %>%
mutate(kstest.pvalue = ks.test.pvalue) %>%
select(Feature, mean_diff_est, ttest.pvalue, mean_Target, mean_Control, kstest.pvalue, N_Target, N_Control, conf.low, conf.high, statistic, sd_Target, sd_Control, parameter, method, alternative)
if(verbose == TRUE){
cat(paste0('\n','Finished Feature ',continuous_feature,' \n'))
9.4.2 Test Function
Now we can test our function:
wrapper.t_ks_test(df=A_DATA_TBL_2 ,
factor = DIABETES ,
factor_level = 1,
'Age') %>%
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 16
#> $ Feature <chr> "Age"
#> $ mean_diff_est <dbl> 31.48572
#> $ ttest.pvalue <dbl> 0
#> $ mean_Target <dbl> 61.52652
#> $ mean_Control <dbl> 30.04079
#> $ kstest.pvalue <dbl> 0
#> $ N_Target <int> 6807
#> $ N_Control <int> 88740
#> $ conf.low <dbl> 31.10167
#> $ conf.high <dbl> 31.86977
#> $ statistic <dbl> 160.704
#> $ sd_Target <dbl> 14.7799
#> $ sd_Control <dbl> 23.63473
#> $ parameter <dbl> 9709.249
#> $ method <chr> "Welch Two Sample t-test"
#> $ alternative <chr> "two.sided"
You can see why we want to put on some additional guard-rails to ensure that the t.test
and ks.test
get valid samples, with the feature BMXRECUM
we only had only 5 Diabetic member who had a non-missing value:
wrapper.t_ks_test(df=A_DATA_TBL_2 ,
factor = DIABETES ,
factor_level = 1,
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 16
#> $ Feature <chr> "BMXRECUM"
#> $ mean_diff_est <dbl> -0.4785482
#> $ ttest.pvalue <dbl> 0.9124758
#> $ mean_Target <dbl> 89.64
#> $ mean_Control <dbl> 90.11855
#> $ kstest.pvalue <dbl> 0.9444457
#> $ N_Target <int> 5
#> $ N_Control <int> 7205
#> $ conf.low <dbl> -11.82694
#> $ conf.high <dbl> 10.86984
#> $ statistic <dbl> -0.1170228
#> $ sd_Target <dbl> 9.14128
#> $ sd_Control <dbl> 8.600437
#> $ parameter <dbl> 4.004916
#> $ method <chr> "Welch Two Sample t-test"
#> $ alternative <chr> "two.sided"
9.5 purrr
We will showcase how to now apply our function to every feature in our data-frame. First lets just look at the syntax for the first five numeric features: numeric_features[1:5] =
PHAFSTHR, BPXML1, PHAFSTMN, BPXDI4, BPXPLS. We use the function map_dfr
in the purrr
library, map_dfr
will attempt to return a data-frame by row-binding the results.
Below we create A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql
with a call to map_dfr(.x, .f, ..., .id = NULL)
- A list or vector (numeric_features[1:5]
- A function (wrapper.t_ks_test
- Additional arguments passed in to the mapped function.f = wrapper.t_ks_test
df = A_DATA_TBL_2
factor = DIABETES
factor_level = 1
Each column in numeric_features[1:5]
will get passed to our function wrapper.t_ks_test
produce a row like we have already seen; these rows will then be stacked together to create a data-frame.
<- Sys.time()
<- map_dfr(numeric_features[1:5], # list of columns
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql # function = .f
wrapper.t_ks_test, df = A_DATA_TBL_2 , # options for function .f = wrapper.t_ks_test
factor = DIABETES , # options for function
factor_level = 1) # options for function
<- Sys.time()
<- difftime(tic, toc, units='secs')
sql_con_time#> Time difference of 68.44568 secs
We can see this function works, however, the SQLlight connection is slow for this kind of process, it took 68.4456770420074 seconds to perform 10 tests and get 5 result records.
We might try to download the data:
<- Sys.time()
<- A_DATA_TBL_2 %>%
A_DATA_2 collect()
<- Sys.time()
tic <- difftime(tic , toc, units='secs') download_time
download_time#> Time difference of 17.3383 secs
How large is A_DATA_2
#> [1] 101316 133
#> [1] "102.8 Mb"
Now let’s test our function here, in R
, but this time we’ll use get the results for all the features:
<- Sys.time()
<- map_dfr(numeric_features, # list of columns
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr # function
wrapper.t_ks_test , df = A_DATA_2 , factor = DIABETES , factor_level = 1) # options for function
<- Sys.time()
<- difftime(tic , toc , units='secs') local_time
local_time#> Time difference of 13.90002 secs
as.numeric(local_time) / as.numeric(sql_con_time)
#> [1] 0.203081
That’s quite a speed-up to get all 67 results in 13.9000191688538 seconds but we can most likely do even better with the furrr
9.6 furrr
#> Loading required package: future
<- availableCores() - 1
no_cores#> system
#> 3
::plan(multicore, workers = no_cores) future
<- Sys.time()
<- furrr::future_map_dfr(numeric_features, # list of columns
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr function(x){
wrapper.t_ks_test(df=A_DATA_2 ,
factor = DIABETES ,
factor_level = 1,
})<- Sys.time()
<- tic - toc furrr_time
9.6.1 Compare Run Times
<- bind_rows(
sql_v_purrr_v_furrr tibble(time = sql_con_time ,
n_records = nrow(A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql),
method = 'sqlite_time'),
tibble(time = local_time ,
n_records = nrow(A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr),
method = 'purrr_time'),
tibble(time = furrr_time ,
n_records = nrow(A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr),
method = 'furrr_time')
) mutate(records_per_second = n_records/as.double(time))
sql_v_purrr_v_furrr ggplot(aes(x= method, y=records_per_second, fill=method)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position=position_dodge()) +
sql_v_purrr_v_furrr#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#> time n_records method records_per_second
#> <drtn> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 60.69406 secs 5 sqlite_time 0.0824
#> 2 11.29607 secs 67 purrr_time 5.93
#> 3 10.18687 secs 67 furrr_time 6.58
Even accounting for download times we can see that does not have much of an effect:
sql_v_purrr_v_furrr mutate(download_time = download_time) %>%
mutate(time_plus_download = if_else( method != 'sqlite_time',
+ download_time,
time %>%
time)) mutate(records_per_second = n_records/as.numeric(time_plus_download)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x= method, y=records_per_second, fill=method)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position=position_dodge()) +
<- sql_v_purrr_v_furrr %>%
records_per_second_plus_download mutate(download_time = download_time) %>%
mutate(time_plus_download = if_else( method != 'sqlite_time',
+ download_time,
time %>%
time)) mutate(records_per_second = n_records/as.numeric(time_plus_download)) %>%
select(method, records_per_second) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = records_per_second)
records_per_second_plus_download#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> sqlite_time purrr_time furrr_time
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.0824 2.34 2.43
Even accounting for download speeds locally with purrr
our function is
$purrr_time / records_per_second_plus_download$sqlite_time
records_per_second_plus_download#> [1] 28.40294
times faster than with our SQLite connection and in this case furrr
$furrr_time / records_per_second_plus_download$purrr_time
records_per_second_plus_download#> [1] 1.040298
times faster than purrr
9.7 Compairing Outputs
The arsenal
package contains a handy function comparedf
to compare two data-frames. We can see that A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr
and A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr)#> Compare Object
#> Function Call:
#> arsenal::comparedf(x = A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr, y = A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr)
#> Shared: 16 non-by variables and 67 observations.
#> Not shared: 0 variables and 0 observations.
#> Differences found in 0/16 variables compared.
#> 0 variables compared have non-identical attributes.
However, A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql
and A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr
do not:
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql)#> Compare Object
#> Function Call:
#> arsenal::comparedf(x = A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr, y = A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql)
#> Shared: 16 non-by variables and 5 observations.
#> Not shared: 0 variables and 62 observations.
#> Differences found in 0/16 variables compared.
#> 2 variables compared have non-identical attributes.
we can get a detailed summary of the outputs
<- arsenal::comparedf(A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr,
compare.details %>%
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql) summary()
there are several tables to review
#> List of 9
#> $ frame.summary.table :'data.frame': 2 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ version: chr [1:2] "x" "y"
#> ..$ arg : chr [1:2] "A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr" "A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql"
#> ..$ ncol : int [1:2] 16 16
#> ..$ nrow : int [1:2] 67 5
#> $ comparison.summary.table:'data.frame': 13 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ statistic: chr [1:13] "Number of by-variables" "Number of non-by variables in common" "Number of variables compared" "Number of variables in x but not y" ...
#> ..$ value : num [1:13] 0 16 16 0 0 0 16 5 62 0 ...
#> $ vars.ns.table :'data.frame': 0 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ version : chr(0)
#> ..$ variable: chr(0)
#> ..$ position: int(0)
#> ..$ class : list()
#> $ vars.nc.table :'data.frame': 0 obs. of 6 variables:
#> ..$ var.x : chr(0)
#> ..$ pos.x : int(0)
#> ..$ class.x: list()
#> ..$ var.y : chr(0)
#> ..$ pos.y : int(0)
#> ..$ class.y: list()
#> $ obs.table :'data.frame': 62 obs. of 3 variables:
#> ..$ version : chr [1:62] "x" "x" "x" "x" ...
#> ..$ ..row.names..: int [1:62] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
#> ..$ observation : int [1:62] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
#> $ diffs.byvar.table :'data.frame': 16 obs. of 4 variables:
#> ..$ var.x: chr [1:16] "Feature" "mean_diff_est" "ttest.pvalue" "mean_Target" ...
#> ..$ var.y: chr [1:16] "Feature" "mean_diff_est" "ttest.pvalue" "mean_Target" ...
#> ..$ n : num [1:16] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ NAs : num [1:16] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ diffs.table :'data.frame': 0 obs. of 7 variables:
#> ..$ var.x : chr(0)
#> ..$ var.y : chr(0)
#> ..$ ..row.names..: chr(0)
#> ..$ values.x : list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "AsIs"
#> ..$ values.y : list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "AsIs"
#> ..$ row.x : int(0)
#> ..$ row.y : int(0)
#> $ attrs.table :'data.frame': 2 obs. of 3 variables:
#> ..$ var.x: chr [1:2] "statistic" "parameter"
#> ..$ var.y: chr [1:2] "statistic" "parameter"
#> ..$ name : chr [1:2] "names" "names"
#> $ control :List of 16
#> ..$ tol.logical :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y)
#> ..$ tol.num :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y, tol)
#> ..$ tol.num.val : num 1.49e-08
#> ..$ int.as.num : logi FALSE
#> ..$ tol.char :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y)
#> ..$ tol.factor :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y)
#> ..$ factor.as.char : logi FALSE
#> ..$ tol.date :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y, tol)
#> ..$ tol.date.val : num 0
#> ..$ tol.other :List of 1
#> .. ..$ :function (x, y)
#> ..$ tol.vars : chr "none"
#> ..$ max.print.vars : logi NA
#> ..$ max.print.obs : logi NA
#> ..$ max.print.diffs.per.var: num 10
#> ..$ max.print.diffs : num 50
#> ..$ max.print.attrs : logi NA
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "summary.comparedf"
this is the comparison.summary.table
compare.details#> statistic value
#> 1 Number of by-variables 0
#> 2 Number of non-by variables in common 16
#> 3 Number of variables compared 16
#> 4 Number of variables in x but not y 0
#> 5 Number of variables in y but not x 0
#> 6 Number of variables compared with some values unequal 0
#> 7 Number of variables compared with all values equal 16
#> 8 Number of observations in common 5
#> 9 Number of observations in x but not y 62
#> 10 Number of observations in y but not x 0
#> 11 Number of observations with some compared variables unequal 0
#> 12 Number of observations with all compared variables equal 5
#> 13 Number of values unequal 0
for instance compare.details$obs.table
has the elements in A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr
) that are not within A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.sql
$obs.table %>%
#> version ..row.names.. observation
#> 6 x 6 6
#> 7 x 7 7
#> 8 x 8 8
#> 9 x 9 9
#> 10 x 10 10
#> 11 x 11 11
If we want the top 10 corresponding records we could do:
$obs.table$observation[1:10],] %>%
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.purrr[compare.detailsselect(Feature, mean_diff_est , ttest.pvalue, kstest.pvalue) %>%
::kable() knitr
Feature | mean_diff_est | ttest.pvalue | kstest.pvalue |
BPXDI1 | 2.0287700 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXDI3 | 1.4962007 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXDI2 | 1.9641076 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXSY4 | 16.4997779 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXCHR | -3.3841165 | 0.5185255 | 0.8169532 |
BPXSY3 | 13.9986384 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
Age | 31.4857235 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXSY2 | 14.4193913 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXSY1 | 14.8423483 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
BPXDAR | 0.8349423 | 0.0689078 | 0.0164992 |
9.8 Disscussion
How do the functions Count_Query, wrapper.t_ks_test, and logit_model_scorer from last chapter compare? Save Data
A_DATA_2 saveRDS('C:/Users/jkyle/Documents/GitHub/Jeff_Data_Wrangling/Week_4/DATA/A_DATA_2.RDS')
A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr saveRDS('C:/Users/jkyle/Documents/GitHub/Jeff_Data_Wrangling/Week_4/DATA/A_DATA_TBL_2.t_ks_result.furrr.RDS')
FEATURE_TYPE saveRDS('C:/Users/jkyle/Documents/GitHub/Jeff_Data_Wrangling/Week_4/DATA/FEATURE_TYPE.RDS')