Data Analytics Module
Lecturer: Hans van der Zwan
Handout 04
Topic: association analysis
Rumsey D. J. (2010). Statistical Essentials for Dummies. Hoboken: Wiley Publishing.
Ismay C. & Kim A. Y. (2019). ModernDive. Statistical Inference for Data Science.
Recommended literature
Preparation class
See module description
In many cases data analysis is about analyzing association between variables: measuring the strength of a relationship, testing whether the relationship is significant (or can be attributed to chance because the relationship is measured using a random sample), describing the relationship with a mathematical equation.
The objective of this kind of analysis can be predicting or estimating an output based on one or more inputs or just to examine the relationships between different variables and the structure of the data. In this lesson, the emphasis is on the former.
When it is about predicting and estimating there are one response (dependent) variable (the Y-variable) and one or more explanatory (independent) variables (X variables). Problems with a categorical response variable are referred to as classification problems, while those involving a numeric response as regression problems.
Common ways to examine relationships between two categorical variables:
Example: PPD LONDON, association between OLD/NEW and LEASEHOLD/FREEHOLD
Research sub question: is there a dependency between the variables TYPE and LEASEHOLD/FREEHOLD for properties in London?
The question is answered based on the properties sold in January 2019.
Table 1
Houses sold in London in January 2019,
TYPE | F | L |
DETACHED | 35 | 2 |
FLAT | 7 | 775 |
SEMI-DETACHED | 121 | 4 |
TERRACED | 420 | 22 |
Note. As can be seen in this table the distribution over the Freehold and Leashold categories differ for the different types. The question is, whether the association between the two variables is significant.
The strength of the relationship can be measured by Cramer’s V, this metric has a value of 0.949 in this case. This means there is a very strong relationship between TYPE and FREEHOLD/LEASEHOLD; if the type is known good predictions can be made for the FREEHOLD/LEASEHOLD category.
Example: crime incidents in 2017 in Washington, D.C.
The file Crime_Incidents_in_2017.csv (source: contains information about crimes in Washington D.C. in 2017.
To analyse whether there is a relationship between the variables METHOD, a categorical variable with free unique values (GUN, KNIFE and OTHERS), and SHIFT a categorical variable with three unique values (DAY, EVENING, MIDNIGHT) a contingency table has been created.
Figure 1. Crimes in Washington D.C. in 2017.
Table 2
Crimes in Washington D.C. in 2017
GUN | 266 | 585 | 734 |
KNIFE | 188 | 306 | 330 |
In this example Cramer’s V equals 0.08. The relationship between the two variables is very weak, although it is significant, chisquare(2) = 15.290, p < .001.
Common ways to examine relationships between two categorical variables:
Example: comparison airpollution between Amsterdam and Rotterdam
A comparison of the difference between airpollution caused by PM10 in Amsterdam, location Einsteinweg and Rotterdam, location Statenweg. The comparison is based on the figures from 2018 as reported on the RIVM website.
Figure 2. Daily average PM10 levels in 2018 on a location in Amsterdam and a location in Rotterdam. Overall the air quality in Rotterdam is worse than in Amsterdam.
Table 3
Summary statistics daily PM10 levels
Amsterdam | Amsterdam-Einsteinweg | 363 | 5.1 | 16 | 20 | 27 | 69 | 22 | 10 |
Rotterdam | Rotterdam-Statenweg | 365 | 6.8 | 17 | 22 | 29 | 81 | 24 | 11 |
A paired t-test is used to investigate whether the daily average values in Amsterdam-Einsteinweg differ from these in Rotteram-Statenweg. Based on this test it can be concluded that the difference between the daily values in Amsterdam (M = 22.5, SD = 10.0) and Rotterdam (M = 24.3, SD = 10.5) is significant, t(362) = -8.847, p < .001.
Common ways to examine relationships between two numerical variables:
The correlation coefficient r is a measure for the strength of a linear relationship between two variables. More about how to interpret a correlation coefficient can be found on this website .
Even when there is no correlation between two variables the correlation coefficient calculated based on a sample will not be 0. That’s why it is quite common to use a significance test to test whether the r value differs significantly from 0. More about this test can be found here.
In Excel, the equation of the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) regression line can be found in different ways:
- Plotting the regression line and its equation in the scatterplot.
- Using menu choice: data/data analysis/regression.
- Using formulas to calculate the intercept (formula: intercept) and the slope (formula: slope) of the regression line.
Figure 3 shows the MS Excel regression output for the Dutch car examples (see abve).
Figure 3. Regression output created with MS Excel, menu: data/Data Analysis/Regression.
The regression model in the example output in figure 3 can be described by the equation:
CATALOG PRICE = -70,849 + 81.30 x MASS, where
MASS is the mass of the car in kg, and
CATALOG PRICE is the catalog price in euro.
lm(formula = Catalog_price ~ Mass, data = rdw)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-47701 -4551 -765 4342 50948
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -70849.017 4167.561 -17.00 <2e-16 ***
Mass 81.305 2.971 27.36 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 9246 on 205 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7851, Adjusted R-squared: 0.784
F-statistic: 748.7 on 1 and 205 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Figure 4. Regression output RDW example, using R.
After generating a regression model it is important to assess the model. This is done to judge whether the model fits the data and, in case of comparing models, which model fits the data best.
Coefficient of determination R2
In case of simple linear regression, i.e. with just one X-variable, the R2 value is the correlation coefficient squared. In a multiple regression setting it’s more complicated.
In general, the following equation holds: R2 = \(1 - \frac{variation\ of\ Y-values\ around\ the\ regression\ line}{variation\ of\ the\ Yvalues\ around\ the\ mean\ Yvalue}\) = \(1 - \frac{\sum(Y-\hat{Y})^{2}}{\sum(Y-\bar{Y})^{2}}\)
The denominator in this expression, \(\Sigma(Y - \bar{Y})^{2}\), measures the total variation in the Y-values around the mean Y-value. The numerator, \(\Sigma(Y - \hat{Y})^{2}\), measures the variation of the Y-values around the model Y-value (the \(\hat{Y}\)-values). The latter is the variation in the Y-values that is not explained by the regression model.
So the fraction measures the part of the variation in the Y-values around the mean that is not explained by the regression model.
So R2 measures the proportion of the variation in the Y-values that is explained by the regression model. In all cases: 0 <= R2 <= 1.
Interval estimate for the regression coefficient In the Excel regression output the coefficient of the MASS variable is estimated to be 81.3. This is an estimate based on the sample data. If another sample from the same population would be used, the estimate for this coefficient would be different. In other words, the ‘real’ coefficient can be a little bit more or a little bit less than 81.3. The output also shows a so called 95%-interval estimate for the coefficient with borders 75.4 and 87.2. This means that we can be 95% sure that the coefficient lies between these two values. In the context of this example: the effect of an increase of MASS with 1 kg is an increase of the average PRICE between 75.4 and 87.2 euro.
P-values of the coefficient(s)
Another way to assess the coefficient is based on the reported P-value of the MASS variable. This P-value of the coefficients is used to determine whether an X-variable is significant in the model. Most common interpretation: a P-value less than .05 indicates that the X-variable is significant. The test for which this P-value is calculated is:
H0: \(\beta\) = 0
HA: \(\beta\) <> 0, where \(\beta\) is the coefficient of the X-variable in question.
Not rejecting H0 means the coefficient of the X-variable doesn’t differ significantly from 0, in other words Y doesn’t depend significantly on X.
The standard error of the estimate se
The standard error of the estimate is a metric for the spread around the regression line.
The value can be used to estimate the so-called margin of error if the model is used to predict a Y-value given the X-value(s). As a rule of thumb, the margin of error that should be taken in account when predicting a Y-value is 2xse.
So the smaller the se value the better the model can predict a Y-value.
To evaluate the value of se, it is compared with \(\bar{Y}\), commonly by dividing se by \(\bar{Y}\).
R2 = .785, which means that 78.5% of the variation in catalog prices is explained by the variation in masses.
The regression coeeficient of the MASS variable (81.3) differs significantly from 0, p < .001. MASS is a significant variable.
se = 9246; if the model is used to estimate the catalog price, based on the mass of a car, a margin of error of 18,492 (2 x se) should be taken in account. In other words, this model is not a very good model to predict catalog prices.
EXERCISE 4.3 and 4.4