Chapter 2 Working with Data in R

R would be almost useless without data. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with conventions that allow users to import, examine, and edit data. In this chapter, we will cover (a) how to install packages, where many open-source datasets are hosted; (b) how to import your own data; (c) how to identify and examine important characteristics of datasets, regardless of their point of origination; and (d) wrangle and modify datasets without leaving the IDE.

2.1 Installing and Calling Packages

BaseR comes with a lot of power. However, packages make R even more powerful. In essence, packages are the fundamental unit of shareable code in R. Packages help standardize tools and conventions and save time as they are often created by data professionals around the world to solve specific problems. For example, this guidebook relies heavily on the tidyverse package, which contains a set of R packages that “share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structure” for the purpose of data wrangling, analysis, and visualization (Wickham et al., 2019). These include (a) ggplot2 for data visualization, (b) dplyr for data manipulation, (c) tidyr for cleaning data, (d) purrr for consistent treatment of functions and vectors, (e) tibble for fast and accurate data uploading, (e) stringr for string or text manipulation, and (f) forcats, which supports categorical variables such as race/ethnicity or gender. For more information on tidyverse, type the function help(tidyverse) into a code chunk or script file.

There is a package for almost anything you can think of. You can even make your own packages if you find yourself using R for a unique work flow.

In this chapter, we will be using data from Nate Silver’s statistical analysis website—fivethirtyeight (Kim et al., 2018). The fivethirtyeight package includes 128 callable datasets. For a full list of datasets, follow this link: <>. To see all datasets that are available to you as callable objects, run the function data()

To install packages, use the code below. Remember to wrap the package in quotes when you are installing it. Then, you will need to call the packages using the library() function. You do not need to use quotes when calling packages you have already installed.


2.2 Importing and Exporting Data

We will be using a built-in dataset from the fivethirtyeight package that contains information on US Births from 1994 to 2003. Call the dataset with the object named 'US_births_1994_2003 and assign it to the object data with the <- operator. This code can be read as “create a new object ‘data’ identical to the dataset ‘US_births_1994_2003’.” The purpose of renaming this data object is to simplify subsequent coding practices. That said, you can choose to rename your dataset anything you’d like, or keep the name as it was originally stated.

2.2.1 R-based Data

data <- US_births_1994_2003

Practice calling another dataset. Try calling the data()function or visiting the fivethirtyeight website and select a dataset that you are interested in examining. Once you have chosen a dataset, you can assign that data object to another name, or simply type in the name of the dataset into a code chunk. Alternatively, you can use the data() funciton with the name of the dataset inside the parenthesis to specify which dataset you are calling in.

If you would like to import your own data, use the tidyverse conventions below. Remember, you must have the tidyverse library installed and called for this function to work.

2.2.2 CSV Data

data <- read_csv('filename.csv')

Use caution with xlsx file types that contain multiple sheets. CSVs are utilized more frequently than xlsx files as tidyverse handles them quickly and simply. To load an xlsx file, you will need to explicitly install the “readxl” package. You can then call the specific sheet you want to load using the sheet argument. You will need to assign that sheet to an object to save that particular sheet for further examination and manipulation.

2.2.3 XLSX Data

data <- read_excel(spreadsheet, sheet = "sheet1")

Haven is a package that is associated with, but not inherently a part of, the tidyverse package for SPSS, SAS, and STATA filetypes. You will need to follow similar conventions as with the readxl library. You can either define the path using an object, or explictly state the path in the ultimate function’s parenthesis.

2.2.4 SPSS “.sav” Data

path <- file.path("example.sav")
data <- read_sav(path)

2.2.5 SAS “.sas7bdat” or “.sas7bcat” Data

dataset <- read_sas("example.sas7bdat")

2.2.6 For Stata “.dta” Data

data <- read_dta("example.dta")

2.2.7 Exporting Data

You can export data similarly to how you imported data. See the code chunk below for examples of export functions for each data filetype. It is important to note that each of these are exported from the data object, as it is assumed you will have edited that data object at some point while using R. Each of these functions will save a dataset in your working directory based on the characteristics of the object “data” at the time the function was run.


2.3 Working With Datasets

Whether you are using your own dataset or conducting secondary data analysis, it is important to understand the data that are available to you. There are several ways to go about this in R.

2.3.1 Viewing the Dataset

First, consider the head() and tail() functions which display the first and last six rows of a dataframe, respectively. Place your data object within the function’s parenthesis, and then run the code to get a snapshot of the dataset. Here, you might notice the output is a tibble. Although there are other distinctions, the key difference between a tibble and a dataframe is that tibbles display data types along with data (e.g., integer, date, numerial). You can see an example of this under the each column name below:

## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <int>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     1             1 1994-01-01 Sat           8096
## 2  1994     1             2 1994-01-02 Sun           7772
## 3  1994     1             3 1994-01-03 Mon          10142
## 4  1994     1             4 1994-01-04 Tues         11248
## 5  1994     1             5 1994-01-05 Wed          11053
## 6  1994     1             6 1994-01-06 Thurs        11406

In some cases a dataset contains dozens of variables in columns, which may be difficult to assess using the data viewer. To investigate the names of all columns, run the function colnames()

## [1] "year"          "month"         "date_of_month" "date"         
## [5] "day_of_week"   "births"

For a summary of each column of data, call the summary() function.

##       year          month        date_of_month        date           
##  Min.   :1994   Min.   : 1.000   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :1994-01-01  
##  1st Qu.:1996   1st Qu.: 4.000   1st Qu.: 8.00   1st Qu.:1996-07-01  
##  Median :1998   Median : 7.000   Median :16.00   Median :1998-12-31  
##  Mean   :1998   Mean   : 6.524   Mean   :15.73   Mean   :1998-12-31  
##  3rd Qu.:2001   3rd Qu.:10.000   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:2001-07-01  
##  Max.   :2003   Max.   :12.000   Max.   :31.00   Max.   :2003-12-31  
##  day_of_week     births     
##  Sun  :522   Min.   : 6443  
##  Mon  :522   1st Qu.: 8844  
##  Tues :522   Median :11615  
##  Wed  :522   Mean   :10877  
##  Thurs:521   3rd Qu.:12274  
##  Fri  :521   Max.   :14540  
##  Sat  :522

You can also see the entire dataset in a separate pane within R using view()


2.3.2 Data Types

Most R workflows involve one of five basic data types. These include (a) integers (e.g., 2); (b) numeric values, which include decimals (e.g., 2.5); (c) factors, or categorical variables with more than one level (e.g., gender); (d) logical, or Boolean values (i.e., True/False); and (e) characters or strings (e.g., “Thanks for all the fish”). Some functions will only work when a certain data type is present in the data set. For instance, if you plan to conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA), you will need a factor to be present in your data. Similarly, a logistic regression typically requires Boolean values, and text analysis tends to require string data.

The following functions are useful to examine different facets related to data types present in the dataset. The length() function returns the number of elements or components in a dataset.

## [1] 6

The str() function returns the structure of the dataset. The output of this function includes example data from each column, the data type, as well as the class of the data object.

## tibble [3,652 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ year         : int [1:3652] 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 ...
##  $ month        : int [1:3652] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ date_of_month: int [1:3652] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ date         : Date[1:3652], format: "1994-01-01" "1994-01-02" ...
##  $ day_of_week  : Ord.factor w/ 7 levels "Sun"<"Mon"<"Tues"<..: 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 ...
##  $ births       : int [1:3652] 8096 7772 10142 11248 11053 11406 11251 8653 7910 10498 ...

If you are only interested in the class of the object, the class() function refers to the object itself, which in this case is a tibble.

## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

The names() function, much like col_names() returns a list of the column names.

## [1] "year"          "month"         "date_of_month" "date"         
## [5] "day_of_week"   "births"

The nrow() function returns the number of rows in the dataset.

## [1] 3652

While the dim() function returns the number of rows and columns simultaneously.

## [1] 3652    6

Sometimes when your data is loaded, R will recognize a column with an incorrect structure. For example, you can change the data type of the month column in US Births dataset ‘month’ integer, which tends to include decimals, to numeric using the function as.numeric(). The $ sign signifies that you are attempting to access a column based on its name in the dataset.

The code below explicitly converts the month column in the data object to a numeric data type using the function “as.numeric().” Follow up this conversion with the str() function to assess whether the change was made.

data$month <- as.numeric(data$month)
## tibble [3,652 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ year         : int [1:3652] 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 ...
##  $ month        : num [1:3652] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ date_of_month: int [1:3652] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ date         : Date[1:3652], format: "1994-01-01" "1994-01-02" ...
##  $ day_of_week  : Ord.factor w/ 7 levels "Sun"<"Mon"<"Tues"<..: 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 ...
##  $ births       : int [1:3652] 8096 7772 10142 11248 11053 11406 11251 8653 7910 10498 ...

When operationalizing factors for quantitative data analysis, you might want to convert a string based factor to numeric values (e.g., creating dummy variables out of categorical data). The code below converts the string data in the day of the week column into a numeric vector. When running factorial/categorical-based analyses (such as ANOVA variants or Chi-Square tests), R will create dummy variables to factors of data type “string.” Each factor will be labeled in the order it uniquely appears in the dataset, row-wise.

In this example, we assigned the function to a new data object. As a result, we can manipulate and analyze the new data object while retaining the original. The creation of new objects will be useful as we begin to subset data for analysis.

num_day_of_Week <- as.numeric(data$day_of_week)

2.3.3 Examining Vectors and Variables

Object-oriented programming and statistics both tend to rely on the analysis of vectors and variables. The unique() function displays unique values in a column. Use this function to answer the question: Are all 12 months of the year represented in this dataset? This is also a great way to troubleshoot extant factor levels that are actually misspellings, or extra white space in the cell. For instance, if a cell in the month column mistakenly included 13, it would be visible in the output below.

# Get the unique months present in the data
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

Furthermore, you can use max() and min() to identify the largest and smallest values in a column. Other functions help with descriptive statistics, such as mean() and sd() Descriptive statistics will be covered in more depth in Chapter Four.

## [1] 14540
## [1] 6443
## [1] 10876.82
## [1] 1858.567

2.3.4 Filtering Data

To subset the data for births from 1995 alone, use the filter() function to create a new object with the data you specify. The data are subset by the argument “year == 1995” which indicates that only observations that contain 1995 in the year column should be retained. In the code below, the filtered dataset is assigned to a new data object “births_1995.” We then use the head() function to examine the first six instances in the dataset.

births_1995 <- filter(data, year == 1995)
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1995     1             1 1995-01-01 Sun           7828
## 2  1995     1             2 1995-01-02 Mon           7883
## 3  1995     1             3 1995-01-03 Tues          9999
## 4  1995     1             4 1995-01-04 Wed          11315
## 5  1995     1             5 1995-01-05 Thurs        11243
## 6  1995     1             6 1995-01-06 Fri          11506

Base R allows you to find the index of one column where a maximum occurs in another. For example, the following code uses the max() and which.max() functions to identify the date when the maximum number of births took place.

# Find the date of the maximum births
maxindex <- which.max(data$births)
maxdate <- data$date[maxindex]
## [1] "1999-09-09"

However, you can use the filter() function from the tidyverse to achieve the same result in one line of code. You can read this aloud as “filter the object data where the births variable is equal to the maximum number present in the births column.”

filter(data, births == max(births))
## # A tibble: 1 × 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1999     9             9 1999-09-09 Thurs        14540

Imagine that you want to identify the max number of births for a Sunday in particular in any year. This code uses the filter() function to create a new data object called sundays, which only includes data for observations where the day of the week was the string ‘Sun.’ In the next line of code, the filter() function is utilized on the newly created data object “sundays” to identify the observation with the maximum number of births.

# this is what filter is doing on groups
sundays <- filter(data, day_of_week == 'Sun')
filter(sundays, births==max(births))
## # A tibble: 1 × 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     8            14 1994-08-14 Sun           8926

If you are only interested in specific variables or vectors within a data frame you can use the select() function and list the data object, then the column names that you are interested in seeing. Additionally, notice how the head() function is wrapped around the select() function in this example to limit the output to the first six observations.

head(select(data, date, births))
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   date       births
##   <date>      <int>
## 1 1994-01-01   8096
## 2 1994-01-02   7772
## 3 1994-01-03  10142
## 4 1994-01-04  11248
## 5 1994-01-05  11053
## 6 1994-01-06  11406

To remove a column from the data object, place a minus sign before it in the column argument space within the select() function.

head(select(data, -date))
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##    year month date_of_month day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     1             1 Sat           8096
## 2  1994     1             2 Sun           7772
## 3  1994     1             3 Mon          10142
## 4  1994     1             4 Tues         11248
## 5  1994     1             5 Wed          11053
## 6  1994     1             6 Thurs        11406

2.3.5 Grouping Data

Alternatively, you can use the group_by() function while filtering the dataset by max births to display the maximum number of births on each day of the week for any year. The group_by() function groups the data object by the observations in the called column, which in this case is “day_of_week.” Then, the grouped data are filtered to with the same max() function. Grouping the data retains the factor structure of the “day_of_week” vector in subsequent functions. The grouped and filtered dataset are assigned to a new object “maxbirths” for future reference.

data_grouped <- group_by(data, day_of_week)
maxbirths <- filter(data_grouped, births == max(births)) 
## # A tibble: 7 × 6
## # Groups:   day_of_week [7]
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     8            14 1994-08-14 Sun           8926
## 2  1994     9            17 1994-09-17 Sat           9779
## 3  1999     9             9 1999-09-09 Thurs        14540
## 4  2001    12            28 2001-12-28 Fri          13918
## 5  2003     9             3 2003-09-03 Wed          14119
## 6  2003    12            22 2003-12-22 Mon          12967
## 7  2003    12            30 2003-12-30 Tues         14438

You can also group by more than one column. This code expands on the previous example to include the maximum number of births on each day of the week within each year present in the dataset.

# Add year as another grouping variable
data_grouped <- group_by(data, day_of_week, year)
data_max_day_year <- filter(data_grouped, births==max(births))
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
## # Groups:   day_of_week, year [6]
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     7             6 1994-07-06 Wed          13086
## 2  1994     7             7 1994-07-07 Thurs        13049
## 3  1994     8            14 1994-08-14 Sun           8926
## 4  1994     9            16 1994-09-16 Fri          12884
## 5  1994     9            17 1994-09-17 Sat           9779
## 6  1994    11            21 1994-11-21 Mon          11807

Arguments within functions are oftentimes objects themselves. As such, you can replace the “data_grouped” object in the previous chunk with its assigned group_by() function to simplify your code while achieving the same result.

data_max_day_year <- filter(group_by(data, day_of_week, year), births==max(births))
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
## # Groups:   day_of_week, year [6]
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1994     7             6 1994-07-06 Wed          13086
## 2  1994     7             7 1994-07-07 Thurs        13049
## 3  1994     8            14 1994-08-14 Sun           8926
## 4  1994     9            16 1994-09-16 Fri          12884
## 5  1994     9            17 1994-09-17 Sat           9779
## 6  1994    11            21 1994-11-21 Mon          11807

2.3.6 Altering Data

There are many useful functions for altering your data frame. In this section you will start to see the %>%operator. You can read this operator as the word ‘then’ or ‘where’ when you are reading code to yourself (e.g., take the original dataset, then arrange it by births in descending order)

You can use this operator to apply functions to your dataset. For instance, the code below reorders the observations in the data by births in descending order. To arrange in ascending order simply remove the additional desc() function within the arrange() function as the default arrangement is ascending order.

# Order by number of births
data <- data %>% arrange(desc(births))
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##    year month date_of_month date       day_of_week births
##   <int> <dbl>         <int> <date>     <ord>        <int>
## 1  1999     9             9 1999-09-09 Thurs        14540
## 2  2003    12            30 2003-12-30 Tues         14438
## 3  2003     9            16 2003-09-16 Tues         14145
## 4  2003     9             3 2003-09-03 Wed          14119
## 5  2003     9            23 2003-09-23 Tues         14036
## 6  2002     9            12 2002-09-12 Thurs        13982

You can also rename specific columns of your data without opening and editing the file using the rename() function. You can read the code below aloud saying “create a new object data from the old object data where you rename date_of_month as day, and day_of_week as weekday.”

# Rename day_of_month and day_of_week columns
data <- data %>% rename(day = date_of_month, weekday = day_of_week)
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##    year month   day date       weekday births
##   <int> <dbl> <int> <date>     <ord>    <int>
## 1  1999     9     9 1999-09-09 Thurs    14540
## 2  2003    12    30 2003-12-30 Tues     14438
## 3  2003     9    16 2003-09-16 Tues     14145
## 4  2003     9     3 2003-09-03 Wed      14119
## 5  2003     9    23 2003-09-23 Tues     14036
## 6  2002     9    12 2002-09-12 Thurs    13982

The examples below utilize the %>% operator to conditionally select observations within the data object. The first example reads, “create a new object july_data” based on the old object data where you filter for observations where the month column value is 7.” The second example extends this concept by including a second condition. The ampersand in the filter() function allows for the identification of observations only in the month of January, 2000.

# Select days only in the month of July
july_data <- data %>% filter(month == 7)

# Select days only in the month of january in the year 2000
jan_2000_data <- data %>% filter(month == 1 & year == 2000)

Recall our use of sequences in Chapter One. In this example, we filter out the data for the first half of the year (January through June) using a colon in the subsetting argument rather than individual numbers. Then, use the max() function to check whether the the filtering function worked.

janthrujune <- data %>% filter(month == 1:6)
## [1] 6

You can also add an additional column to the data frame based on conditional values of other columns using the mutate() function. The example below creates a vector Boolean values which indicates whether the observation occurred during a warmer month. The subsequent plot serves as a preview of the next chapter on Data Visualization, but also demonstrates a practical use of the mutate function in statistical modeling. The grouped violin plot answers the question: Were there more births in warmer months than in colder months?

data <- data %>% mutate(warmermonths = between(month, 4, 9))
## tibble [3,652 × 7] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ year        : int [1:3652] 1999 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2002 ...
##  $ month       : num [1:3652] 9 12 9 9 9 9 12 9 9 9 ...
##  $ day         : int [1:3652] 9 30 16 3 23 12 28 10 24 17 ...
##  $ date        : Date[1:3652], format: "1999-09-09" "2003-12-30" ...
##  $ weekday     : Ord.factor w/ 7 levels "Sun"<"Mon"<"Tues"<..: 5 3 3 4 3 5 6 4 3 3 ...
##  $ births      : int [1:3652] 14540 14438 14145 14119 14036 13982 13918 13908 13884 13883 ...
##  $ warmermonths: logi [1:3652] TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...

  data = data,
  x = warmermonths,
  y = births,
  title = "Distribution of Births in Warmer and Colder Months"

2.4 Case Study

Use the following exercises to learn more about the US_births_1994_2003 dataset and practice the skills you acquired in this chapter.

  • Using the filter(), min(), and/or group_by() functions, identify the Wednesday and Friday in the dataset with the least total number of births.

  • Find the number of births for January 1st across the dataset.

  • Subset the dataset to only include observations that occur in winter (December, January, February, and March in North America)

  • Subset the previous winter births dataset further by only allowing instances after 2001 to remain in the dataset.

2.5 Review

In this chapter, we covered how to install and use libraries, how to import data from several formats, and how packages support several basic data science tasks. To make sure you understand this material, there is a practice assessment to go along with this chapter at

2.6 References

Kim A.Y., Ismay C., & Chunn, J. (2018). “The fivethirtyeight R Package: ‘Tame Data’ Principles for Introductory Statistics and Data Science Courses.” Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 11.

Patil, I. (2021). Visualizations with statistical details: The ‘ggstatsplot’ approach. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(61), 3167.

Wickham H., Bryan, J. (2022). readxl: Read Excel Files.,

Wickahm, H., & Miller, E., (2022) haven.

Wickham, H., Averick, M., Bryan, J., Chang, W., McGowan, L.D., François, R., Grolemund, G., Hayes, A., Henry, L., Hester, J., Kuhn, M., Pedersen, T.L., Miller, E., Bache, S.M., Müller, K., Ooms, J., Robinson, D., Seidel, D.P., Spinu, V., Takahashi, K., Vaughan, D., Wilke, C., Woo, K., & Yutani, H. (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686.

2.6.1 R Short Course Series

Video lectures of each guidebook chapter can be found at For this chapter, find the follow the folder path Intro to R -> AY 2021-2022 Spring and access the video files, r markdown documents, and other materials for each short course.

2.6.2 Acknowledgements

This guidebook was created with support from the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship and the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analaysis at the University of Colorado Boulder, as well as the U.S. Agency for International Development under cooperative agreement #7200AA18CA00022. Individuals who contributed to materials related to this project include Jacob Holster, Eric Vance, Michael Ramsey, Nicholas Varberg, and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara.