1.3 Other Stuff

But you might say things like “man doesn’t live by bread alone” or “what about the winter months?”. Both are valid critiques, so in a subsequent sections, I will describe some indoor cooking recipes I’ve come to depend on. And I’ll be quite honest - I really don’t go for admittedly healthy options like, perhaps, green bean and kale salad. So I’ve entitled one chapter Comfort Food, reflecting the fact that, while the recipes are perhaps not the stuff of a dietician’s dream, they are (at least to me) fun to eat. Furthermore, most of them don’t require a whole lot of cooking time. Some of them are modifications of ones originally found in cookbooks (which are cited), but which I have modified for either flavor or ease of cooking reasons. A good example of this is the recipe for macaroni and cheese - the sauce is originally from the venerable Joy of Cooking but modified to increase the spiciness and make use of a microwave oven.

Then there are two more recently added sections one of recipes for the Instant Pot® (or other similar pressure cooker) and one using a more obscure item - the Tupperware Micropro, a device that sort of grills in a microwave. Since we acquired our IP, I’ve pretty much mothballed our slow cooker, as most recipes using it can be done in the IP in a fraction of the time.