Week 7 Components and Cliques
Our goals for Week 7 include:
- Understanding components and cliques
- Becoming familiar with several popular approaches to identifying groups
- Using SNA software to identify components and cliques
7.1 Introduction to Components and Cliques
Please watch the following video before reading Chapter 6 of Carolan (2014). This video provides intuitions that could be useful before diving into mathematical representations.
7.2 From (Messy) Data to Analysis: A Demo
Glad colleagues are taking opportunities to explore SNA tools such as NodeXL.
As we explore network data that exist “in the wild”, important questions came up surrounding messy vs. tidy data in network analysis.
In the following video, I demonstrate a process of going from a secondary dataset towards some simple analyses covered in the past few weeks. This demo is based on a NodeXL dataset. Several data analysis principles, such as tidy data and reproducible analysis, are reflected in this demo.
You can find the demo’s R code and dataset following the links.
7.4 Lab 3(b): Components and Cliques
Using igraph
, you can identify components and cliques using a few lines of code.
Please add the following lines to your Lab 3, and tinker with different parameters.
## Components
components(g, mode = "strong")
## Cliques
7.4.1 Project Checkpoint 2
In this week, there is a project checkpoint assignment designed to keep you “on track”. The description of this checkpoint reads as following:
Students will share their refined project ideas, with a concrete data collection plan fleshed out.
At this point, we have diverged tremendously on the final projects. I understand that you are all at different stages of your projects. So I will not require formal submission of this assignment and instead encourage you to make an appointment with me to discuss your project if needed.