4  Diversity analysis

For more details on diversity analysis, you can refer to Theories and methods of species diversity research

Table 4.1: Three scale of biodiversity

4.1 α-diversity

Table 4.2: Some α-diversity metrics
Metric Description
Richness The total number of different species observed in a sample.
Chao1 An estimator of species richness that takes into account the number of rare species observed and extrapolates the total species richness of the community.
ACE Abundance-based Coverage Estimator (ACE) estimates species richness by accounting for the abundance distribution of species in a sample.
GC The Gini coefficient measures the evenness of species abundance distribution in a community.
Shannon Shannon diversity index considers both species richness and evenness of species abundance in a community. Higher values indicate greater diversity.
Simpson Simpson diversity index measures the probability that two randomly selected individuals in a community belong to the same species. Lower values indicate greater diversity.
PD Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) measures the amount of evolutionary history represented by species in a community.
Pielou Pielou's evenness index assesses how evenly the individuals in a community are distributed among the species present. Higher values indicate greater evenness.

Calculate a_diversity of otutab then link to experiment group or environment variable:

a_diversity(otutab) -> a_res
plot(a_res, "Group", metadata)
plot(a_res, "env1", metadata)
Figure 4.1: α-diversity between groups
Figure 4.2: lm of α-diversity and env1

4.2 β-diversity


Firstly, we should understand the dissimilarity indices for community. The vegan::vegdist() function provides a wide range of distance metrics based on abundance calculations. Additionally, there are distance metrics that incorporate phylogenetic data such as “unifrac,” “beta_mpd,” “beta_mntd,” and “phylosor,” all integrated into the mat_dist function.

Table 4.3: Some dissimilarity indices for community
Distance.Coefficient Description
Manhattan Manhattan distance calculates the sum of absolute differences between coordinates in each dimension. It is suitable for data with categorical variables or attributes.
Euclidean Euclidean distance calculates the straight-line distance between two points in a multidimensional space. It is commonly used when data are continuous and have no categorical attributes.
Canberra Canberra distance is a weighted version of Manhattan distance that emphasizes the importance of small differences between coordinates. It is often used for ecological data analysis.
Clark Clark distance measures the proportion of non-zero attributes that are different between two samples.
Bray Bray distance calculates the dissimilarity between two samples based on the sum of absolute differences in abundances.
Kulczynski Kulczynski distance measures the similarity between two samples based on the arithmetic mean of proportions of common attributes.
Jaccard Jaccard distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the proportion of unique attributes. It is commonly used in ecology for binary data.
Gower Gower distance is a generalization of Manhattan distance for mixed data types, including categorical and continuous variables.
AltGower AltGower distance is an alternative form of Gower distance that uses an alternative method to standardize continuous variables.
Morisita Morisita distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the frequency of shared attributes, with emphasis on rare attributes.
Horn Horn distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the geometric mean of proportions of shared attributes.
Mountford Mountford distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of proportions of shared attributes.
Raup Raup distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the probability of shared attributes.
Binomial Binomial distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the probability of observing shared attributes.
Chao Chao distance is a modification of Jaccard distance that adjusts for undersampling of rare species.
Cao Cao distance is a modification of Chao distance that incorporates species abundance information.
Mahalanobis Mahalanobis distance measures the distance between two samples in multidimensional space, accounting for correlation between variables.
Chisq Chisq distance calculates the dissimilarity between two samples based on the chi-squared distance between categorical variables.
Chord Chord distance calculates dissimilarity between two samples based on the angles between points in multidimensional space.
Hellinger Hellinger distance measures dissimilarity between two samples based on the square root of the sum of squared differences in square root-transformed abundances.
Aitchison Aitchison distance is a transformation of compositional data that allows for Euclidean distance calculation in log-ratio space.
Robust Aitchison Robust Aitchison distance is a robust version of Aitchison distance that reduces the influence of outliers in the data.
Unifrac Unifrac distance measures dissimilarity between microbial communities based on evolutionary distances in a phylogenetic tree.
Beta MPD Beta MPD (Mean Phylogenetic Distance) measures the phylogenetic diversity between two communities based on the mean phylogenetic distance of species pairs.
Beta MNTD Beta MNTD (Mean Nearest Taxon Distance) measures the phylogenetic turnover between two communities based on the mean nearest taxon distance.
Phylosor Phylosor distance measures the dissimilarity between communities based on the proportion of shared branches in a phylogenetic tree.
dist1 <- mat_dist(otutab, method = "bray")
##           NS1       NS2       NS3       NS4       NS5       NS6       WS1
## NS2 0.2965660                                                            
## NS3 0.3323402 0.3751370                                                  
## NS4 0.2855628 0.3480858 0.3022878                                        
## NS5 0.3165963 0.4463875 0.2980537 0.2942927                              
## NS6 0.2434597 0.3109617 0.2983203 0.2508816 0.2999133                    
##           WS2       WS3       WS4       WS5       WS6       CS1       CS2
## NS2                                                                      
## NS3                                                                      
## NS4                                                                      
## NS5                                                                      
## NS6                                                                      
##           CS3       CS4       CS5
## NS2                              
## NS3                              
## NS4                              
## NS5                              
## NS6                              
##  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 12 rows ]

hclust(dist1) %>% plot()
Figure 4.3: Cluster dendrogram of samples

Transform the dist object to b_dist object, which is more readable and easy to plot.

as.b_dist(dist1, group_df = metadata["Group"]) -> b_dist1

head(b_dist1, n = 10)
##    name1 name2       dis group1 group2 variable group
## 1    NS2   NS1 0.2965660     NS     NS       NS intra
## 2    NS3   NS1 0.3323402     NS     NS       NS intra
## 3    NS4   NS1 0.2855628     NS     NS       NS intra
## 4    NS5   NS1 0.3165963     NS     NS       NS intra
## 5    NS6   NS1 0.2434597     NS     NS       NS intra
## 6    WS1   NS1 0.3201161     WS     NS    NS_WS inter
## 7    WS2   NS1 0.3646047     WS     NS    NS_WS inter
## 8    WS3   NS1 0.3480162     WS     NS    NS_WS inter
## 9    WS4   NS1 0.2967074     WS     NS    NS_WS inter
## 10   WS5   NS1 0.2889362     WS     NS    NS_WS inter
plot(b_dist1, c_group = "intra", alpha = T)
plot(b_dist1, mode = 2)
Figure 4.4: Boxplot shows the distance of samples within each group
Figure 4.5: Density plot shows there is significant different between inter- and intra- group.

We can also relate the distances between samples in the abundance table to other distances, such as the actual geographical distances of sampling, to observe if there is a pattern of decreasing similarity with geographical distance:

metadata[, c("lat", "long")] -> geo
geo_sim(otutab, geo) -> geo_res
my_lm(geo_res[4], "dis.geo", geo_res) + labs(x = "Distance(km)", y = "1-bray")
Figure 4.6: lm between similarity (1-bray) and geographical distance

Ordination analysis

There are a range of dimensionality reduction methods available for analysis, including Constrained and non-Constrained. For more details, you can refer to Dimension reduction/ordination analysis

Table 4.4: Various dimensionality reduction methods for β-diversity
Short Name Description
PCA Principal Component Analysis (PCA) PCA is a linear technique used to reduce the dimensionality of the data by transforming it into a new coordinate system aligned with the directions of maximum variance. It captures the most significant patterns in the data.
PCoA Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) PCoA is a method similar to PCA, but it operates on distance or dissimilarity matrices, making it suitable for analyzing ecological or genetic data. It visualizes relationships between samples based on their pairwise dissimilarities.
CA Correspondence Analysis (CA) CA is used to explore relationships between categorical variables in a dataset. It reduces the dimensionality of the data and projects variables onto a lower-dimensional space while preserving the relationships between them.
DCA Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) DCA is a variation of CA designed for ecological data. It is particularly useful for exploring species-environment relationships in community ecology and visualizing gradients in species composition.
NMDS Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) NMDS is a nonlinear method for dimensionality reduction that preserves the rank order of distances between samples. It is commonly used in ecology to visualize dissimilarities or distances between samples.
PLS-DA Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) PLS-DA is a supervised dimensionality reduction technique used in classification problems. It identifies latent variables that maximize the separation between predefined classes in the data.
t-SNE t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) t-SNE is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique that focuses on preserving local structure in the data. It is commonly used for visualizing high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional space.
UMAP Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) UMAP is a state-of-the-art nonlinear dimensionality reduction method known for its ability to preserve both local and global structure in high-dimensional data. It is effective for visualizing complex datasets.
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) LDA is a supervised dimensionality reduction technique used for classification tasks. It finds the linear combinations of features that best separate different classes in the data.

Like PCA, PCoA, NMDS, RDA, CCA… For example:


b_analyse(otutab, method = "pca") -> b_res
plot(b_res, "Group", metadata, bi = T, rate = 0.5)
plot(b_res, "Group", metadata, mode = 3)
Figure 4.7: PCA for β-diversity
Figure 4.8: PCA for β-diversity in other style
b_analyse(otutab, method = "pca", ndim = 3) -> b_res
b_res_3d(b_res, "Group", metadata)
## $PCA


env <- metadata[, 6:10]
myRDA(otutab, env) -> phy.rda
## Call:
## vegan::decorana(veg = dat.h) 
## Detrended correspondence analysis with 26 segments.
## Rescaling of axes with 4 iterations.
## Total inertia (scaled Chi-square): 0.3192 
##                         DCA1    DCA2    DCA3     DCA4
## Eigenvalues          0.03142 0.02276 0.01927 0.017818
## Additive Eigenvalues 0.03142 0.02276 0.01927 0.017881
## Decorana values      0.03169 0.02142 0.01511 0.009314
## Axis lengths         0.73929 0.72605 0.52357 0.666913
## DCA analysis, select the sorting analysis model according to the first value of the Axis lengths row
##    Axis Lengths >4.0-CCA (based on unimodal model, canonical correspondence analysis);
##    If it is between 3.0-4.0 - both RDA/CCA;
##    If less than 3.0-RDA (based on linear model, redundancy analysis)
## [1] "===============Initial Model================"
## [1] "Initial cca, vif>20 indicates serious collinearity:"
##     env4     env5     env6      lat     long 
## 2.574997 2.674671 1.252002 1.381839 1.211392 
## Initial Model R-square: 0.04828743 
## [1] "=============Statistics==========="
## 0.3282029 Constrained indicates the degree to which environmental factors explain differences in community structure
## 0.6717971 unconstrained means that the environmental factors cannot explain the part of the community structure
RDA_plot(phy.rda, "Group", metadata)
Figure 4.9: RDA for β-diversity associated environmental variables

To assess the impact and significance of environmental factors on the abundance table, you can utilize statistical tests such as PERMANOVA (Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance) with methods like “adonis,” “anosim,” “mrpp,” or “mantel”. Alternatively, you can employ the “envfit” function for testing.

Table 4.5: Statistical tests for PERMANOVA
Method Description
Adonis A permutation-based multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) method used to test for significant differences in multivariate data sets across different groups or treatments.
Anosim Analysis of Similarities is a non-parametric method for testing the significance of differences between groups of samples based on dissimilarity matrices.
MRPP Multi-response Permutation Procedure is a permutation-based method for testing significant differences in multivariate data sets, similar to Anosim but utilizing a different test statistic.
Mantel A statistical method used to assess the correlation between two distance or dissimilarity matrices, often used to examine the relationship between community dissimilarities and environmental distances.
Envfit A function used to fit environmental variables onto ordination plots, assessing the significance and strength of the relationship between environmental variables and sample ordinations using permutation tests.
permanova(otutab, env, method = "adonis") -> adonis_res

envfitt(phy.rda, env) -> envfit_res
group r2 p_value sig
env4 0.116 0.001 TRUE
env5 0.097 0.002 TRUE
env6 0.060 0.406 FALSE
lat 0.058 0.463 FALSE
long 0.053 0.756 FALSE
Figure 4.10: Adonis result for environmental factors
Figure 4.11: Adonis result for environmental factors

We can also utilize Mantel tests to assess the correlation between abundance tables and environmental factors, and create this elegant visualization (integrating correlation heatmaps and network plots):

# construct a simulated multi-group abundance table
cbind(group = rep(c("a", "b", "c"), c(200, 100, 185)), otutab) -> g_otutab

metadata[, 3:8, drop = FALSE] -> env
m_group_env(g_otutab, env) -> mant_g
Figure 4.12: Multi-group mantel-test result

4.3 ζ-diversity

Learn the concept of zeta diversity from (). The study introduces zeta (ζ) diversity as a novel concept and metric for measuring, characterizing, and relating diversity patterns. It is defined as the number of species shared by multiple combinations. Unlike other measures of species turnover, zeta diversity divides and quantifies the complete diversity components of multiple combinations, thereby comprehensively characterizing the spatial structure of multi-species distributions.

zeta_result <- z_diversity(otutab, metadata["Group"], zetadiv_params = list(sam = 200))
plot(zeta_result, lm_model = "exp", text = TRUE)
Figure 4.13: RDA for β-diversity associated environmental variables