2 Display metadata
Before delving into the exploration of omics data, a thorough understanding of the metadata is crucial.
If there are well-defined experimental groups, the focus can be on identifying differences between these groups and understanding the sources of these differences, assuming a hypothesis-driven approach.
On the other hand, in the absence of explicit experimental groups but with various environmental factors, one can explore a variety of exploratory analysis methods to uncover interesting patterns or results, following a data-driven research approach.
2.1 Sample map
We often use maps to visualize the sampling locations of our experiments, overlaying important information on the sampling points.
is a tool that facilitates the quick and convenient creation of various types of sampling maps.
For more details on creating maps in R, you can refer to Plot beautiful maps with R.
2.2 Environmental factor
cor_plot(metadata[, 3:10])
my_lm(metadata["env5"], var = "env4", metadata)
group_box(metadata["env1"], group = "Group", metadata, alpha = T)
group_box(metadata["env5"], group = "Group", metadata, alpha = T)