13.3 Using a template

Templates have an extended YAML section compared to the basic R Markdown template, which allows you to specify additional details relevant to the custom template. Below is an example of the YAML section for the Springer template:

title: Title here
subtitle: Do you have a subtitle? If so, write it here
titlerunning: Short form of title (if too long for head)
  Short form of author list if too long for running head
thanks: |
  Grants or other notes about the article that should go
  on the front page should be placed here. General
  acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the article.
  - name: Author 1
    address: Department of YYY, University of XXX
    email: abc@def
  - name: Author 2
    address: Department of ZZZ, University of WWW
    email: djf@wef
  - key
  - dictionary
  - word
  - MSC code 1
  - MSC code 2    
abstract: |
  The text of your abstract.  150 -- 250 words.
bibliography: bibliography.bib
output: rticles::springer_article

As the Rmd documents are built using customized templates, you may not be able to use the YAML metadata to control the layout of the document as described in Section 3.3, unless the template supports such metadata. For example, adding toc: true may not add a table of contents. Commands that control the building process may still be used though, including keep_tex: true, or those that configure knitr chunk options (e.g., fig_width).