8.8 reveal.js plugins

You can enable various reveal.js plugins using the reveal_plugins option. Plugins currently supported plugins are listed in Table 8.1.

TABLE 8.1: The currently supported reveal.js plugins.
Plugin Description
notes Present per-slide notes in a separate browser window.
zoom Zoom in and out of selected content with Alt+Click.
search Find a text string anywhere in the slides and show the next occurrence to the user.
chalkboard Include handwritten notes within a presentation.

Note that the use of plugins requires that the self_contained option be set to false. For example, this presentation includes both the “notes” and “search” plugins:

title: "Habits"
    self_contained: false
    reveal_plugins: ["notes", "search"]

You can specify additional options for the chalkboard plugin using reveal_options. For example:

title: "Habits"
    self_contained: false
    reveal_plugins: ["chalkboard"]
        theme: whiteboard
        toggleNotesButton: false