Chapter 4 Basic regression analysis
## Predictive Modeling for Los Angeles Dodgers Promotion and Attendance (R)
## by Dr. Jimmy (Zhenning) Xu,
## follow me on Twitter
4.1 What is a regression analysis?
The following video is about the statistics about the aircrafts during WW2. Military command initially proposed reinforcing the most damaged areas. At first sight, this seems to make sense. But think a little harder and you realize it doesn’t.
Battle of Britain Statistics | Allied and Axis Losses
The commanders were focusing on the planes that came back, not on those that didn’t. The areas that needed protection were not the ones damaged in returning planes. They were the ones that were not damaged, because those provided a clue on the hits that shot down planes.
This is a classic example of survival bias, one of the most common problems when people try to make sense of data. People tend to ignore the process by which data were selected. It’s everywhere in business.
The bias stems from the general tendency for people to focus on what is known and not sufficiently on what is not known.
(Content from our Rules for Effective Decision Making program:, with Bart De Langhe.)
Regression is a technique used to analyze the relationship between a dependent (criterion) variable and one or more independent (predictor) variables.
We need an interval dependent variable and either interval or binary independent variables.
Regression equation: Y = bo + b1x1 + b2x2 + …
How Are Correlation and Regression Related?
The square of the correlation is R2 - gives the explained variance of the dependent variable by the independent variable(s)
- called the coefficient of determination (R2)
4.2 Example Regression equation:
Y = 56 + 4.63*x1 + 9.87*x2
Food Sales = bo + advert. + coupons
Q1: How to interpret the coefficient for X1 (advert.)? Please share your answer with us.
Q2: From the previous regression equation, let’s say we get an R2 of .54.
How to interpret R square? Please share your answer with us.
Q3: What are other questions that could be answered using this regression model? Please refer to Page 75 of the following book (free access):
Important Tips: You can find the answers to the discussion questions in Week 2 - Research Design (Lab 1: from page 59 to page 61.
4.3 Real world examples
Assume that you work for the local economic bureau, which of the following variables would you use to predict female life expectancy? 1. Infant Mortality 4. GDP 2. Fertility 5. Birth-to-death ratio 3. urban population 6. population increase
Assume that you work for the Hass Avocado Association, which variable would you use to predict avocado sales?
Assume that you work for the national beer Association, which variable would you use to predict beer sales?
Assume that you work for the national beer association, which variable would you use to predict beer sales? See the following two examples:
For more examples, please visit the 1st module in Canvas.
4.4 Introduction
It is tough to make good predictions. The numerous factors or variables, independent and dependent, involved in many sporting events contribute to the unpredictability. However, using carefully-selected variables, it is still possible to make marketing promotions more accountable.
The goal of this case study is to analyze if bobblehead promotions increase attendance at Dodgers home games. Using the fitted predictive model we can predict the attendance for the game in the forthcomming season and we can predict the attendance with or without bobblehead promotion.
The motivation of this case study is to design a predictive model, and report any interesting findings to support critical business decision making.
4.4.1 Pre-Processing
Load the required libraries and the data
#library(car) # Package with Special functions for linear regression
library(lattice) # Graphics Package
library(ggplot2) # Graphical Package
#Create a dataframe with the Dodgers Data
#DodgersData <- read.csv("DodgersData.csv")
<- read.csv("DodgersData.csv", fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM", header=TRUE) DodgersData
4.5 Read the data - alternative solution
I also saved the data in my GitHub site for your convenience:
If you still could not read data to the console, please remove the following line of syntax
DodgersData <- read.csv(“DodgersData.csv”, fileEncoding=“UTF-8-BOM”, header=TRUE)
and replace it with the following two lines of syntax for the purpose of reading the new dataset.
DodgersData <- read_csv(“”)
4.6 Data cleanup and exploratory analysis
Evaluate the Structure and Re-Level the factor variables for “Day Of Week”” and “Month”” in the right order
# Check the structure for Dorder Data
## 'data.frame': 81 obs. of 12 variables:
## $ month : chr "APR" "APR" "APR" "APR" ...
## $ day : int 10 11 12 13 14 15 23 24 25 27 ...
## $ attend : int 56000 29729 28328 31601 46549 38359 26376 44014 26345 44807 ...
## $ day_of_week: chr "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" ...
## $ opponent : chr "Pirates" "Pirates" "Pirates" "Padres" ...
## $ temp : int 67 58 57 54 57 65 60 63 64 66 ...
## $ skies : chr "Clear " "Cloudy" "Cloudy" "Cloudy" ...
## $ day_night : chr "Day" "Night" "Night" "Night" ...
## $ cap : chr "NO" "NO" "NO" "NO" ...
## $ shirt : chr "NO" "NO" "NO" "NO" ...
## $ fireworks : chr "NO" "NO" "NO" "YES" ...
## $ bobblehead : chr "NO" "NO" "NO" "NO" ...
month | day | attend | day_of_week | opponent | temp | skies | day_night | cap | shirt | fireworks | bobblehead |
APR | 10 | 56000 | Tuesday | Pirates | 67 | Clear | Day | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 11 | 29729 | Wednesday | Pirates | 58 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 12 | 28328 | Thursday | Pirates | 57 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 13 | 31601 | Friday | Padres | 54 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | YES | NO |
APR | 14 | 46549 | Saturday | Padres | 57 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 15 | 38359 | Sunday | Padres | 65 | Clear | Day | NO | NO | NO | NO |
# Evaluate the factor levels for day_of_week
# levels(DodgersData$day_of_week)
# Evaluate the factor levels for month
# First 10 rows of the data frame
head(DodgersData, 10)
month | day | attend | day_of_week | opponent | temp | skies | day_night | cap | shirt | fireworks | bobblehead |
APR | 10 | 56000 | Tuesday | Pirates | 67 | Clear | Day | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 11 | 29729 | Wednesday | Pirates | 58 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 12 | 28328 | Thursday | Pirates | 57 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 13 | 31601 | Friday | Padres | 54 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | YES | NO |
APR | 14 | 46549 | Saturday | Padres | 57 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 15 | 38359 | Sunday | Padres | 65 | Clear | Day | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 23 | 26376 | Monday | Braves | 60 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 24 | 44014 | Tuesday | Braves | 63 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 25 | 26345 | Wednesday | Braves | 64 | Cloudy | Night | NO | NO | NO | NO |
APR | 27 | 44807 | Friday | Nationals | 66 | Clear | Night | NO | NO | YES | NO |
4.7 Exploratory analysis (explained)
The results show that in 2012 there were a few promotions
We have data from April to October for games played in the Day or Night under Clear or Cloudy Skys.
Dodger Stadium has a capacity of about 56,000. Looking at the entire (sample) data shows that the stadium filled up only twice in 2012. There were only two cap promotions, three shirt promotions - not enough data for any inferences. Fireworks and Bobblehead promotions have happened a few times.
Further more there were eleven bobble head promotions and most of then (six) being on Tuesday nights.
4.8 Evaluate Attendance by Weather
#Evaluate attendance by weather
ggplot(DodgersData, aes(x=temp, y=attend/1000, color=fireworks)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(day_night~skies) +
ggtitle("Dodgers Attendance By Temperature By Time of Game and Skies") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=3, face="bold", color="black", size=10)) +
xlab("Temperature (Degree Farenheit)") +
ylab("Attendance (Thousands)")
4.9 Strip Plot of Attendance by opponent or visiting team
#Strip Plot of Attendance by opponent or visiting team
ggplot(DodgersData, aes(x=attend/1000, y=opponent, color=day_night)) +
geom_point() +
ggtitle("Dodgers Attendance By Opponent") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=3, face="bold", color="black", size=10)) +
xlab("Attendance (Thousands)") +
ylab("Opponent (Visiting Team)")
##Design Predictive Model
To advise the management if promotions impact attendance we will need to identify if there is a positive effect, and if there is a positive effect how much of an effect it is.
To provide this advice, I built a Linear Model for predicting attendance using Month, Day Of Week and the indicator variable Bobblehead promotion. I split the data into Training and Test to create the model
# Create a model with the bobblehead variable entered last
<- {attend ~ month + day_of_week + bobblehead}
# use the full data set to obtain an estimate of the increase in
# attendance due to bobbleheads, controlling for other factors
<- lm(my.model, data = DodgersData) # use all available data print(summary(
## Call:
## lm(formula = my.model, data = DodgersData)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -10786.5 -3628.1 -516.1 2230.2 14351.0
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 38792.98 2364.68 16.405 < 2e-16 ***
## monthAUG 2377.92 2402.91 0.990 0.3259
## monthJUL 2849.83 2578.60 1.105 0.2730
## monthJUN 7163.23 2732.72 2.621 0.0108 *
## monthMAY -2385.62 2291.22 -1.041 0.3015
## monthOCT -662.67 4046.45 -0.164 0.8704
## monthSEP 29.03 2521.25 0.012 0.9908
## day_of_weekMonday -4883.82 2504.65 -1.950 0.0554 .
## day_of_weekSaturday 1488.24 2442.68 0.609 0.5444
## day_of_weekSunday 1840.18 2426.79 0.758 0.4509
## day_of_weekThursday -4108.45 3381.22 -1.215 0.2286
## day_of_weekTuesday 3027.68 2686.43 1.127 0.2638
## day_of_weekWednesday -2423.80 2485.46 -0.975 0.3330
## bobbleheadYES 10714.90 2419.52 4.429 3.59e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 6120 on 67 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.5444, Adjusted R-squared: 0.456
## F-statistic: 6.158 on 13 and 67 DF, p-value: 2.083e-07