S.I. 5 Pre-treatment, vignette, post-treatment

The statistics are displayed for the respondents of interest in this study, which is the respondents who end up with observing an unfavorable decision outcome in the experiment.

5.1 Pre-treatment measures

5.1.1 Good loser norm I

(#tab:2031_pre1)What is your opinion – how important is it to accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted?
Value N Percent
Not important at all 9 1
Slightly important 46 4
Somewhat important 263 25
Important 577 56
Very important 110 11
NA 30 3

The mean score for the pre treatment measure “What is your opinion – how important is it to accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted?” is 3.73, and the standard deviation is 0.75.

5.1.2 Good loser norm II

(#tab:2031_pre2)To what extent do you think people in Norway are willing to accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted by politicians and the authorities?
Value N Percent
Not at all 2 0
Low degree 50 4
Some degree 461 36
High degree 635 50
Very high degree 66 5
NA 65 5

The mean score for the pre treatment measure “To what extent do you think people in Norway are willing to accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted by politicians and the authorities?” is 3.59, and the standard deviation is 0.67.

5.1.3 Good loser norm III

(#tab:2031_pre3)What about you personally – do you live up to this standard (i.e., accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted by politicians and the authorities)?
Value N Percent
Not at all 12 1
Low degree 39 3
Some degree 362 28
High degree 716 56
Very high degree 91 7
NA 59 5

The mean score for the pre treatment measure “What about you personally – do you live up to this standard (i.e., accept the decisions about important social issues after they have been adopted by politicians and the authorities)?” is 3.68, and the standard deviation is 0.7.

5.1.4 Ban on begging - opinion

(#tab:2031_pre4)What is your opinion on a ban on begging in your municipality?
Value N Percent
22 2
Anti 417 33
Pro 840 66

5.1.5 Ban on begging - importance

(#tab:2031_pre5)How important is this issue to you personally?
Value N Percent
Not important at all 65 5
Slightly important 444 35
Somewhat important 418 33
Important 236 18
Very important 88 7
NA 28 2

The mean score for the pre treatment measure “How important is this issue to you personally?” is 2.89, and the standard deviation is 1.03.

5.2 Experimental vignette

(#tab:2031_vignette)Video vignette treatment dimensions and values.
Preference Treatment Text
Pro ban on begging No prime The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality.
Lamenting politician The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong.
Generic good loser prime The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong, but that’s how it is like living in a democracy. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Specific good loser prime The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong, but that it was a fair fight where both sides had the chance to defend their positions.
Winner The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality.
Against ban on begging No prime The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality.
Lamenting politician The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong.
Generic good loser prime The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong, but that’s how it is like living in a democracy. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Specific good loser prime The majority votes for a ban on begging. That means the council will ban begging in your municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the partieswho where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong, but that it was a fair fight where both sides had the chance to defend their positions.
Winner The majority votes against a ban on begging. That means the council will not ban begging in your municipality.
1 Intro to all respondents: Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders in the future. This is a controversial decision: Some inhabitants and politicians strongly support the ban, while other inhabitants and politicians are equally strongly against such a ban on begging. Some parties propose a ban on begging. The decision will be made in the municipal council, and follows the normal decision-making procedure. The proposal is first debated in the council, where all members are welcome to express their position and their arguments. The debate is public, and journalists are present to report on the debate. In the end, the politicians vote on the proposal.
2 Video voice over text (video was subtitled).

5.3 Post-measures

5.3.1 Fairness

(#tab:2031_exp_post1)Fairness: What do you think about the way the decision was made?
Value N Percent
Not at all fair 17 1
Not very fair 40 3
Quite fair 165 13
Fair 714 56
Very fair 206 16
NA 137 11

The mean score for the post treatment measure “What do you think about the way the decision was made?” is 3.9, and the standard deviation is 0.8.

5.3.2 Acceptance

(#tab:2031_post2)Acceptance: When you think about the actual outcome of the decision, how willing are you to accept the decision?
Value N Percent
Not at all willing 26 2
Not very willing 94 7
Quite willing 154 12
Willing 583 46
Very willing 169 13
NA 253 20

The mean score for the post treatment measure “When you think about the actual outcome of the decision, how willing are you to accept the decision?” is 3.66, and the standard deviation is 0.94.

5.3.3 Trust in politicians

(#tab:2031_post3)Trust in politicians: Based on what you saw in the video, how much confidence do you have in the politicians who made the decision?
Value N Percent
No trust at all 19 1
Low trust 122 10
Some trust 474 37
High trust 436 34
Very high trust 52 4
NA 176 14

The mean score for the post treatment measure “Based on what you saw in the video, how much confidence do you have in the politicians who made the decision?” is 3.27, and the standard deviation is 0.81.

5.3.4 Recording check

(#tab:2031_post4)What was the recording like?
Value N Percent
I had both sound and images 1007 79
I had images, but no sound 132 10
I had neither sound nor images 92 7
I had sound, but no images 8 1
Something else prevented me from playing the video 24 2
NA 16 1

5.3.5 Manipulation check

(#tab:2031_post5)Proportion that correctly or incorrectly identify whether or not the decision outcome was in line with their own preferences.
Value N Percent
Correct 658 64
Do not know 50 5
Do not remember 31 3
Incorrect 162 16
NA 134 13