S.I. 2 Pre-treatment measures and experimental vignette

The statistics are displayed for the respondents of interest in this study, which is the respondents who end up with observing an unfavorable decision outcome in the experiment.

2.1 Pre-treatment measures

2.1.1 Ban on begging - opinion

(#tab:1031_pre_begging)What is your opinion on a ban on begging in your municipality?
Value N Percent
Against ban 215 45
For ban 266 55

2.1.2 Ban on begging - importance

(#tab:1031_pre_begging2)How important is the issue of ban on begging to you personally?
Value N Percent
1 Not important at all 37 8
2 72 15
3 76 16
4 103 21
5 83 17
6 55 11
7 Very important 55 11

The mean score for the pre treatment measure “How important is the issue of ban on begging to you personally?” is 4.06, and the standard deviation is 1.76.

2.2 Experimental vignette

Experimental vignette.

Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders. The decision can be made in different ways: One option is that the local political representatives make the decision. Another option is that the citizens of the municipality decide through a referendum. Please image how you would react if this scenario occurred in your municipality: After a debate in the media, the local political representatives decide to ban begging in the municipality. Treatment text follows.

(#tab:1031_vignette)Vignette treatments and texts, Swedish vignette experiment
Treatment Text
No prime Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders. The decision can be made in different ways: One option is that the local political representatives make the decision. Another option is that the citizens of the municipality decide through a referendum. Please image how you would react if this scenario occurred in your municipality: After a debate in the media, the local political representatives decide to ban begging in the municipality.
Lamenting politician Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders. The decision can be made in different ways: One option is that the local political representatives make the decision. Another option is that the citizens of the municipality decide through a referendum. Please image how you would react if this scenario occurred in your municipality: After a debate in the media, the local political representatives decide to ban begging in the municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong.
Generic good loser prime Imagine that your municipality is about to decide whether begging on the streets should be banned or allowed within the municipal borders. The decision can be made in different ways: One option is that the local political representatives make the decision. Another option is that the citizens of the municipality decide through a referendum. Please image how you would react if this scenario occurred in your municipality: After a debate in the media, the local political representatives decide to ban begging in the municipality. After the decision, the leader of one of the parties who where in favor of a ban states that they are disappointed and that the decision was wrong, but that’s how it is like living in a democracy.

2.3 Post treatment measures

2.3.1 Fairness

(#tab:1031_outcome_measures_fairness)What do you think about the way the decision was made?
Value N Percent
1 Not fair at all 74 15
2 52 11
3 77 16
4 114 24
5 54 11
6 46 10
7 Very fair 64 13

The mean score for the post treatment measure “What do you think about the way the decision was made?” is 3.86, and the standard deviation is 1.91.

2.3.2 Justice

(#tab:1031_outcome_measure_justice)How just do you think the decision procedure was?
Value N Percent
1 Not just at all 59 12
2 46 10
3 97 20
4 118 25
5 76 16
6 40 8
7 Very just 45 9

The mean score for the post treatment measure “How just do you think the decision procedure was?” is 3.84, and the standard deviation is 1.73.

2.3.3 Evaluation

(#tab:1031_outcome_measure_eval)What do you think in general about the decision?
Value N Percent
1 Very bad 137 28
2 97 20
3 81 17
4 88 18
5 32 7
6 14 3
7 Very good 32 7

The mean score for the post treatment measure “What do you think in general about the decision?” is 2.9, and the standard deviation is 1.76.

2.3.4 Acceptance

(#tab:1031_outcome_measure_comply)How willing are you to accept and comply with the decision?
Value N Percent
1 Not willing at all 45 9
2 35 7
3 60 12
4 128 27
5 53 11
6 58 12
7 Very willing 102 21

The mean score for the post treatment measure “How willing are you to accept and comply with the decision?” is 4.44, and the standard deviation is 1.89.