Section 1 Timeline

1.1 timeline_title

Question: “## Timeline”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

1.2 dctlo005

Question: “What is your birthday?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Date picker

Responses: Date via date picker widget

1.3 dctlo008

Question: “So, how old are you?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.4 dctlo009

Question: “What is your grade in school? (or last completed grade)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
100 Pre-K
0 Kindergarten
1 1st
2 2nd
3 3rd
4 4th
5 5th
6 6th
7 7th
8 8th
9 9th
10 10th
11 11th
12 12th
13 College Freshman
14 College Sophomore
15 College Junior
16 College Senior
997 997
998 998
999 999

1.5 timeline_instructions1

Question: “Now I’d like to learn more about you (your child), where you live, your school, your family and your friends.”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

1.6 dctlo010


"### Home

Where did you first live when you were growing up?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.7 dctlo011

Question: “Who did you live with there? (mother, father, siblings, extended family, other)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.8 dctlo012

Question: “Any moves?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.9 dctlo013

Question: “Parental marriage/separation/divorce”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.10 dctlo014

Question: “Do you have any brothers and/or sisters? Are they older or younger? Do they live with you?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.11 dctlo015

Question: “How well do you get a long with your parents and siblings? Do you do things together?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.12 dctlo016


"### School

When did your last school year begin? When did it end? When did summer break begin?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.13 dctlo017

Question: “Changing schools (grade school to junior high to high school to moves)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.14 dctlo018

Question: “Did you ever have problems with your grades in school? Get into trouble for your behavior at school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.15 dctlo019

Question: “Do you (your child) have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)? If yes, what is the reason? Learning and/or emotional problems? Describe:”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.16 dctlo020


"### Peers

Do you have friends in school?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.17 dctlo021

Question: “How often do you see them outside of school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.18 dctlo022

Question: “Do you have friends in other places (e.g. neighborhoods and/or clubs)?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.19 dctlo023

Question: “Do you have problems making/keeping friends?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.20 dctlo024

Question: “Do you often fight/argue with friends?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.21 dctlo025

Question: “Do you get into trouble with friends?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.22 dctlo026


"### Significant events

Are there any other things that happened in your life that stand out for you as very important? Things that may have happened to you like memorable vacations, team sports, your friends, your family? (positive or negative)"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.23 timeline_instructions2


"### School functioning

The next questions refer to the current school year (when on summer break refer to the past school year)."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

1.24 ctlo0

Question: “Is child out of high school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 No
2 Yes

1.25 dctlo027

Question: “Date at beginning of school year (Month)”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
97 97
98 98
99 99

1.26 dctlo028

Question: “Date at beginning of school year (Year)”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.27 timeline_instructions3


"How are you doing in school? What subjects do you have? What kind of grades do you get?

INTERVIEWER: Please rate academic subjects on the following scale. List any additional academic subjects and review ratings."

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

1.28 dctlo031

Question: “Reading/English”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above Average
2 Average
3 Below Average
4 Failing

1.29 dctlo032

Question: “Arithmetic/Math”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above Average
2 Average
3 Below Average
4 Failing

1.30 dctlo33

Question: “Other subject 1 (list here)”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.31 dctlo34

Question: “Other subject 1”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above Average
2 Average
3 Below Average
4 Failing

1.32 dctlo35

Question: “Other subject 2 (list here)”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.33 dctlo36

Question: “Other subject 2”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above Average
2 Average
3 Below Average
4 Failing

1.34 dctlo37

Question: “Other subject 3 (list here)”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.35 dctlo38

Question: “Other subject 3”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above Average
2 Average
3 Below Average
4 Failing

1.36 dctlo039


"Are there different reading and arithmetic groups in your class at school? Which group are you in?

INTERVIEWER: Review ratings (specify academic “track” or group). If discrepancies exist, make notes but code for highest achievement."

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Above average
2 Average
3 Below average
4 Far below average
9 Not applicable

1.37 dctlo039_notes

Question: “Notes about discrepancies:

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.38 dctlo040

Question: “During the school year, how much TV do you usually watch every week? After school? After dinner? On Saturday or Sunday?”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 7 or fewer hours per week
2 8-14 hours per week
3 15-21 hours per week
4 22-35 hours per week
5 Greater than 35 hours per week
9 Unknown

1.39 dctlo041

Question: “How much time do you spend playing video/computer games every week? After school? After dinner? On Saturday or Sunday?”

Visibility: ctlo0 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 7 or fewer hours per week
2 8-14 hours per week
3 15-21 hours per week
4 22-35 hours per week
5 Greater than 35 hours per week
9 Unknown

1.40 dctlo042


"### Parent about child

Does (child’s name) have any serious problems?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.41 dctlo043

Question: “At home?”

Visibility: dctlo042 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.42 dctlo044

Question: “At school?”

Visibility: dctlo042 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.43 dctlo045

Question: “With friends?”

Visibility: dctlo042 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.44 dctlo046

Question: “Would you say that (child’s name) has a good sense of humor?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.45 dctlo047

Question: “Would you say that (child’s name) has personality traits that cause problems for him/her?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.46 dctlo048

Question: “Is your child nervous or fearful?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.47 dctlo049

Question: “Would you describe him/her as shy?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.48 dctlo050

Question: “What about his/her moods? Is he/she moody?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.49 dctlo051

Question: “Does he/she have a bad temper?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.50 dctlo052

Question: “Is he/she sensitive to the feelings of others? Too sensitive?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.51 dctlo053


"### Child about self

What do you enjoy most? (e.g. hobbies, sports, clubs, etc.)"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.52 dctlo054

Question: “Is there anything that makes you afraid?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.53 dctlo055

Question: “Are you nervous a lot?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.54 dctlo056

Question: “Do you mostly like to be with other kids, or by yourself?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.55 dctlo057

Question: “How would you describe yourself?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.56 dctlo058

Question: “Have you had any problems with your family or your friends?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.57 dctlo059

Question: “Have you had any serious problems?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.58 dctlo060

Question: “Additional notes:

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.59 dctlo061


"### Emotional or behavorial problems

Have you ever had problems with your feelings, nerves, or mood?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.60 dctlo062

Question: “What about problems with the way you act, things you do, or your behavior?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.61 dctlo063

Question: “Have you ever received help for these problems or thought that you needed help?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

1.62 dctlo064

Question: “INTERVIEWER: If child/parent endorsed treatment of any kind, identify the primary reason for treatment (ADHD, MDD, etc.) and code at the end of the appropriate section.

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

1.63 ctlo_end

Question: “INTERVIEWER: END of Timeline section.

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message