Section 13 Agoraphobia

13.1 agoraphobia_title

Question: “## Agoraphobia”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

13.2 cagr0


"### Symptoms

Earlier you said that you have been very nervous or afraid of (list endorsed fears). I’d now like to ask you more about (that/those)."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

13.3 dcagr001


"Have you ever been very afraid of?

  1. Riding in a car?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.4 dcagr002

Question: “2) Riding in a bus, train or subway?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.5 dcagr003

Question: “3) Going over bridges or through tunnels?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.6 dcagr004

Question: “4) Being far from home or leaving familiar places?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.7 dcagr005

Question: “5) Being in the house alone? (For younger children: Being alone in a room or in a different part of the house from your parents.)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.8 dcagr006

Question: “Describe (house alone):”

Visibility: dcagr005 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.9 dcagr007

Question: “6) Being in a room alone?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.10 dcagr008


"7) Going outside of your house by yourself (i.e., to play)?

INTERVIEWER: Code NO if due to separation anxiety."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.11 dcagr009

Question: “Describe (going outside house alone):”

Visibility: dcagr008 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.12 dcagr010

Question: “8) Being in crowds or crowded places?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.13 dcagr011

Question: “9) Standing in line in a public place?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.14 dcagr012

Question: “10) Being in stores or shopping malls?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.15 dcagr013

Question: “11) Being in classrooms or cafeteria at school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.16 dcagr014

Question: “12) Being in a restaurant?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.17 dcagr015

Question: “13) Being in a movie theater or in a church, temple, or mosque?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.18 dcagr016

Question: “14) Being in a wide, open field or street?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.19 dcagr017

Question: “15) Being in a park or playground?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.20 dcagr018

Question: “16) Anything else?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.21 dcagr019

Question: “Specify (Other):”

Visibility: dcagr018 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.22 cagr1

Question: “INTERVIEWER: The participant did not endorse any fears. End Agoraphobia section.

Visibility: dcagr001 = 0 and dcagr002 = 0 and dcagr003 = 0 and dcagr004 = 0 and dcagr005 = 0 and dcagr007 = 0 and dcagr008 = 0 and dcagr010 = 0 and dcagr011 = 0 and dcagr012 = 0 and dcagr013 = 0 and dcagr014 = 0 and dcagr015 = 0 and dcagr016 = 0 and dcagr017 = 0 and dcagr018 = 0

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 End Section

13.23 cagr2

Question: “INTERVIEWER: Be sure to distinguish between Agoraphobia, Specific Phobias and Separation Anxiety here (e.g. if the child is fearful because he/she is away from his/her parent this suggests Separation Anxiety, not Agoraphobia). Key criterion for Agoraphobia are listed below under Nature of Fear.

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

13.24 dcagr020


"### Nature of Fear

When you were in (this/these) situation(s) (list specifics from above), were you ever afraid that:

You might get trapped?"

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
7 Not Applicable
9 Unknown

13.25 dcagr021

Question: “You couldn’t escape?”

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
7 Not Applicable
9 Unknown

13.26 dcagr022

Question: “You wouldn’t be able to get help if you needed it?”

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
7 Not Applicable
9 Unknown

13.27 dcagr023

Question: “It would be embarrassing to escape?”

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
7 Not Applicable
9 Unknown

13.28 dcagr024

Question: “Other?”

Visibility: cagr1 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
7 Not Applicable
9 Unknown

13.29 dcagr025

Question: “Specify (Other):”

Visibility: dcagr024 = 1 or dcagr024 = 2

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.30 cagr2_a

Question: “INTERVIEWER: If no to all above, consider assessing under specific phobia and/or separation anxiety.

Visibility: dcagr020 = 0 and dcagr021 = 0 and dcagr022 = 0 and dcagr023 = 0 and dcagr024 = 0

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 End Section
2 Continue

13.31 dcagr026

Question: “Why were you nervous or afraid in these situations?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.32 dcagr027


"INTERVIEWER: List the worst situation below, refer to Participant Card 4: Other Fears.

Most distressing and avoided situation:"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.33 dcagr028

Question: “Code (Most distressing and avoided situation):”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.34 dcagr029


"### Worst Fear Category

I will now ask you about (your fear listed). When you were most afraid of (list fear):

How often did you feel nervous or afraid (insert situation)?

INTERVIEWER: Please read responses never, sometimes, almost always."

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Almost Always
9 Unknown

13.35 dcagr030

Question: “Did this scare you too much? Do you think you were more scared than you should have been?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.36 dcagr031

Question: “Were you much more scared by this than other people your age?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.37 dcagr032

Question: “When you have to do (fear), did you feel very nervous, scared, or upset?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.38 dcagr033

Question: “When you had to do (fear), did you become very nervous, scared or upset right away?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.39 dcagr034

Question: “When you had to do (fear), did your heart ever beat very fast, or did you feel sweaty or have trouble breathing?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.40 dcagr035

Question: “When you had to do (fear), did you feel like crying, losing your temper, or like you couldn’t move around?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.41 dcagr036

Question: “Did being afraid of (fear) keep you from doing things you should or wanted to do?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.42 dcagr037a

Question: “Example 1 (Things):”

Visibility: dcagr036 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.43 dcagr037b

Question: “Example 2 (Things):”

Visibility: dcagr036 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.44 dcagr037c

Question: “Example 3 (Things):”

Visibility: dcagr036 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.45 dcagr038

Question: “Did you change your behavior in any way (e.g. any change in daily activities, such as avoiding going to theaters or shopping malls)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.46 dcagr039

Question: “Was this fear so upsetting that you tried to get out of doing (fear)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.47 dcagr040

Question: “Did you have to force yourself to do (fear)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.48 dcagr041

Question: “Did you start to get nervous as soon as you knew you had to face (fear)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.49 dcagr042

Question: “When you were with a parent or friend, did (fear) upset you as much?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.50 dcagr043

Question: “When you were with a parent or friend, were you able to face (fear)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.51 cagr9


"### Distress/Impairment

Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.

INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

13.52 dcagr044


"### Distress

How much did having this fear upset or bother you?"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

13.53 dcagr045


"### Impairment

How much did the fear you told me about cause problems for you at home, at school, or with your family or friends?"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

13.54 dcagr046

Question: “Did you stay home from school because of your fear?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.55 cagr12


"How many days of school did you miss? (lifetime)

(N days, N weeks, N months)"

Visibility: dcagr046 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.56 dcagr050

Question: “Did you ever avoid going to fun activities/events like amusement parks, movies, or parties because of your fear?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.57 dcagr051

Question: “How many times?”

Visibility: dcagr050 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.58 dcagr052


"### Associated Conditions: Anxiety

Were you afraid of (fear) only when you were anxious or worried about something else, or when you were having panic attacks?

INTERVIEWER: Define panic attacks, as necessary."

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
7 N/A
9 Unknown

13.59 dcagr053

Question: “Were you afraid of (fear) only when you were separated from your parents?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
7 N/A
9 Unknown

13.60 cagr16


"### Episodes: Onset

How old were you the first time you had these fears?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.61 dcagr056


"### Episodes: Current

Are you still afraid of (fear)?"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.62 dcagr057


"### Episodes: Offset

How old were you the last time you had this fear?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcagr056 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.63 dcagr058


"### Episodes: Course

Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you were not afraid of (fear)?"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.64 cagr19


"What was the longest period of time that (fear) did not bother you?

(N weeks, N months, N years)"

Visibility: dcagr058 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.65 dcagr062


"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)

Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for these symptoms?"

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.66 dcagr063

Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for( list symptoms)?”

Visibility: cagr2_a != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.67 cagr22


"What kind of person/people did you get help from?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

13.68 dcagr064

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.69 dcagr065

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.70 dcagr066

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.71 dcagr067

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.72 dcagr068

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.73 dcagr069

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.74 dcagr071


"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:

Who did you get help from the first time?

Specify (Professional/Treatment):"

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.75 dcagr072

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.76 dcagr073


"How old were you the first time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.77 dcagr074

Question: “Are you getting help now?”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.78 dcagr075


"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcagr074 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.79 dcagr076

Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.80 cagr24

Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Value Label
1 Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office)
2 In-patient (Staying in a hospital)
3 Other

13.81 dcagr080

Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”

Visibility: cagr24 .includes(3)

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.82 dcagr081


"Were you on medications?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."

Visibility: dcagr063 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

13.83 dcagr082

Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.84 dcagr083

Question: “Code (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.85 dcagr084

Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.86 dcagr085

Question: “Code (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.87 dcagr086

Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.88 dcagr087

Question: “Code (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.89 dcagr088

Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.90 dcagr089

Question: “Code (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcagr081 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

13.91 cagr_end

Question: “INTERVIEWER: END of Agoraphobia section

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message