Section 14 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

14.1 ocd_title

Question: “## Obsessive Compulsive Disorder”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.2 cocd0


"### General Probes: Obsessions

Earlier I asked you about thoughts or ideas that come into your head over and over again. I would like to ask you more about (that/those) now. Recurrent and persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses (initially experienced as intrusive and senseless)."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.3 dcocd001

Question: “Have you ever been bothered by thoughts in your head, that come over and over again and won’t go away, or that didn’t make sense? (Like silly words or ideas about harming others/self, germs, illness, need to have things an exact way or anything else the child said)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.4 dcocd002

Question: “Did you try to push the thoughts away?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.5 dcocd003

Question: “Have you ever been bothered by pictures in your mind that kept coming back, such as pictures of violent things, like people being hurt?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.6 dcocd004

Question: “Did you worry a lot about getting an illness or bad disease?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.7 dcocd005


"What kind of thoughts, images or impulses have you had?

Interviewer: Not simply excessive worries about real life problems."

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.8 dcocd006


"### Specific Thoughts

I would like to ask you about some thoughts that people sometimes have. Have you had thoughts about:

Concern with harming others/self?"

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.9 dcocd007

Question: “Pictures of violent things, like people being hurt?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.10 dcocd008

Question: “A fear that you would do something or say something bad, even though you didn’t want to (insults, obscenities, stealing)?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.11 dcocd009

Question: “Feelings that the bad things that happened were your fault?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.12 dcocd010

Question: “Contamination/germs/illness?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.13 dcocd011

Question: “Forbidden/bad thoughts?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.14 dcocd012

Question: “Need for symmetry/exactness?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.15 dcocd013

Question: “Religious obsessions?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.16 dcocd014

Question: “Any other obsessions?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.17 dcocd015

Question: “Specify (Other obsessions):”

Visibility: dcocd014 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.18 cocd4


"### Symptoms: Obsessions

NTERVIEWER: Read grouped questions one at a time in a probing fashion then use responses to indicate the appropriate coded answer."

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.19 dcocd016


"### Attempts to suppress/neutralize

Did you try not to think about [insert obsession here]? Or keep them out of your head? How? Did you try to think of something else, instead? Could you? Did you try to push the thoughts away? Where did you think the thoughts were coming from?"

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.20 dcocd017


"### Person recognizes that the obsessions are the product of his/her own mind, not imposed from without

Are these your own thoughts, or does someone else put them in your head?"

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.21 dcocd018

Question: “Did having to think about [insert obsesssion here] seem silly? Did it make sense to you? Did you think you were thinking about [insert obsesssion here] too much?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.22 dcocd019


"### Marked Distress

Did thoughts about [insert obsession here] upset you? Make you feel bad, nervous? A lot?"

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.23 dcocd020

Question: “Did trying not to think about [insert obsession here] upset you a lot?”

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.24 dcocd021


"### Time consumption

How much of the time did you have these thoughts about [insert obsession here]? Every day? Less? (If less, read responses)"

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Less than once/week
2 1-2 times/week
3 3-5 times/week
4 6-7 times/week
9 Unknown

14.25 dcocd022


"For how long? A few minutes? Longer? How many times in a day?

INTERVIEWER: Rate total time during a day, even if intermittent."

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Less than 1 hour/day
2 1-2 hours/day
3 More than 2 hours/day
9 Unknown

14.26 dcocd023

Question: “INTERVIEWER: Does participant meet criteria for obsessions?

Visibility: dcocd001 = 1 or dcocd002 = 1 or dcocd003 = 1 or dcocd004 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.27 cocd5


"### General Probes: Compulsions

Some people feel like they have to repeat things over and over again to get rid of the thoughts in their head. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about this.

INTERVIEWER: Behavior is designed to neutralize/prevent discomfort or something dreaded from happening, but activity is either not appropriate or is excessive."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.28 dcocd024

Question: “Have you ever saved up so many things that they got in the way? (Hoarding)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.29 dcocd025

Question: “Have you ever had to do something over and over again that you couldn’t keep yourself from doing? Things like washing your hands over and over again, counting things, or having to check on things?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.30 dcocd026

Question: “What about having to do something exactly the same way each time, and feeling you have to start over if you make a mistake?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.31 dcocd027

Question: “What did you have to do?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.32 dcocd028


"I would like to ask you about some things that people sometimes do. Do you often:

Clean/wash (hands, house)?"

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.33 dcocd029

Question: “Count?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.34 dcocd030

Question: “Check (doors, locks, ovens)?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.35 dcocd031

Question: “Go in and out a door over and over again?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.36 dcocd032

Question: “Order/arrange things?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.37 dcocd033

Question: “Dress?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.38 dcocd034

Question: “Do things over and over again at bedtime, like arranging the pillows, sheets etc.?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.39 dcocd035

Question: “Save up things you don’t need or avoid throwing things away (Hoarding)?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.40 dcocd036

Question: “Other compulsions?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.41 dcocd037

Question: “Specify (Other compulsions):”

Visibility: dcocd036 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.42 dcocd038


"### Symptoms: Compulsions

What did you imagine might happen if you didn’t do (insert compulsion)?"

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.43 dcocd039

Question: “How would you feel if you didn’t do it?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.44 dcocd040


"### Recognizes that behavior is excessive/unreasonable (may not be present for children)

Did having to do [insert compulsion here] seem silly? Did it make sense to you? Did you think you were doing [insert compulsion here] too much?"

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.45 dcocd041

Question: “Did having to do [insert compulsion here] upset you? Make you feel bad, nervous?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.46 dcocd042

Question: “How about trying not to think about [insert compulsion here]? Did it upset you a lot?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.47 dcocd043

Question: “How much of the time would you do [insert compulsion here]? Every day? Less? (If less read responses)”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Less than once/week
2 1-2 times/week
3 3-5 times/week
4 6-7 times/week
9 Unknown

14.48 dcocd044


"For how long? A few minutes? Longer? How many times in a day?

INTERVIEWER: Rate total times during the day, even if intermittent."

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Less than 1 hour/day
2 1-2 hours/day
3 More than 2 hours/day
9 Unknown

14.49 dcocd045

Question: “INTERVIEWER: Does participant meet criteria for compulsions?

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd025 = 1 or dcocd026 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.50 dcocd046


"### Associated Conditions (Episode): Medical

Just before you began having (insert obsessions/compulsions) were you taking any drugs or medicines?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.51 dcocd047

Question: “Did you have these (insert obsessions/compulsions) only when you had a serious physical problem or illness? (e.g., PANDAS)”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.52 dcocd048

Question: “Specify (Physical problem/illness):”

Visibility: dcocd047 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.53 dcocd049

Question: “Did you have these worries only when you were using a specific kind of medicine that your doctor told you to take?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.54 dcocd050

Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcocd049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.55 dcocd051

Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcocd049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.56 dcocd052

Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcocd049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.57 cocd11


"### Distress/Impairment

Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.

INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.58 dcocd053


"### Distress

How much did having thoughts/behaviors upset or bother you? How much did you ever feel upset or disappointed with yourself because of your thoughts/behaivors?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

14.59 dcocd054


"### Impairment

How much did the thoughts/behaviors you have told me about cause problems for you at home, at school, or with your family or friends?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

14.60 dcocd055

Question: “Did you stay home from school because of your behaviors/thoughts?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.61 dcocd056

Question: “How many days of school did you miss? (lifetime)”

Visibility: dcocd055 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.62 cocd15a


"### Episodes: Onset

How old were you the first time you had these (insert obsessions/compulsions)?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.63 dcocd059


"### Episodes: Offset

Do you have these (insert obsessions/compulsions) now?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.64 dcocd060


"How old were you the last time you had these thoughts/behaviors?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcocd059 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.65 dcocd061


"### Episodes: Course

Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when did not have (insert obsessions/compulsions)?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.66 cocd17a


"What was the longest period of time that you did not have (insert obsessions/compulsions)?

(N weeks, N months, N years)"

Visibility: dcocd061 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.67 dcocd065


"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)

Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for these symptoms?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.68 dcocd066

Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for (list symptoms)?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.69 cocd20


"What kind of person/people did you get help from?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

14.70 dcocd067

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.71 dcocd068

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.72 dcocd069

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.73 dcocd070

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.74 dcocd071

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.75 dcocd072

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.76 dcocd074


"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:

Who did you get help from the first time?

Specify (Professional/Treatment):"

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.77 dcocd075

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.78 dcocd076


"How old were you the first time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.79 dcocd077

Question: “Are you getting help now?”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.80 dcocd078


"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcocd077 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.81 dcocd079

Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.82 cocd22

Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Value Label
1 Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office)
2 In-patient (Staying in a hospital)
3 Self Help
4 Other

14.83 dcocd084

Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”

Visibility: cocd22 .includes(4)

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.84 dcocd085


"Were you on medications?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."

Visibility: dcocd066 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

14.85 dcocd086

Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.86 dcocd087

Question: “Code (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.87 dcocd088

Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.88 dcocd089

Question: “Code (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.89 dcocd090

Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.90 dcocd091

Question: “Code (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.91 dcocd092

Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.92 dcocd093

Question: “Code (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcocd085 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

14.93 dcocd094

Question: “Because of the number of toys/stuff you collect or save, how difficult is it for you to use/("play in" if under 12 years of age) your room, playroom, closet, or other room in your home?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd035 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 mild problem: occasionally (less than weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires a few unneeded items
2 moderate: regularly (several times weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires some unneeded items
3 severe: very often (daily) acquires items not needed or acquires large numbers of unneeded items
9 Unknown

14.94 dcocd095

Question: “How much more difficult is it to throw away (or give away) toys and/or other stuff you collect than it is for other children your age?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd035 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 mild problem: occasionally (less than weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires a few unneeded items
2 moderate: regularly (several times weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires some unneeded items
3 severe: very often (daily) acquires items not needed or acquires large numbers of unneeded items
9 Unknown

14.95 dcocd096

Question: “How much does your family get upset due to your clutter, difficulty throwing things away or problems with keeping things?”

Visibility: dcocd024 = 1 or dcocd035 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 mild problem: occasionally (less than weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires a few unneeded items
2 moderate: regularly (several times weekly) acquires items not needed or acquires some unneeded items
3 severe: very often (daily) acquires items not needed or acquires large numbers of unneeded items
9 Unknown

14.96 cocd_end

Question: “INTERVIEWER: END of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder section

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message