Section 15 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

15.1 adhd_title

Question: “## Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.2 cadd0


"### General Probes: Inattention

Everyone has times when they have trouble concentrating or keeping their mind on what they are doing. The next questions are about whether you have had more difficulty than most people with concentration or attention."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.3 dcadd001


"### Loses Things

Have you often lost things you needed for school, like assignments or books or other things, or things you needed for projects at home?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.4 dcadd002


"### Difficulty Sustaining Attention in Tasks

Have you often had trouble paying attention or keeping your mind on your school work or other things that you were doing?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.5 dcadd003


"### Difficulty Sustaining Attention in Play

When you are doing something you usually enjoy (like playing with toys or games) do you have a hard time paying attention for more than a short time?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.6 dcadd004


"### Carelessness

Have you often made careless mistakes in school work or other activities?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.7 dcadd005


"### Forgetful

Have you often forgotten what you were supposed to be doing or what you had planned to do?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.8 dcadd006


"### Does Not Listen

Have people often said that you did not seem to be listening when they spoke to you or that you were daydreaming?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.9 dcadd007


"### Easily Distracted

Have even little things taken your mind away from what you are doing? (Were you unable to keep your mind on what you were doing if things were going on nearby?)"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.10 dcadd008


"### Avoids/Dislikes Tasks Requiring Attention

Have you often disliked, avoided, or put off doing things that required a lot of concentration like your school work, homework, or other tasks?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.11 dcadd009


"### Difficulty Organizing Work/Activities

Have you ever had trouble making plans, doing things that had to be done in a certain kind of order, or that had a lot of different steps?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.12 dcadd010


"### Difficulty Following Through on Tasks

Have you often left chores, homework or other work unfinished even when you meant to get them done, and understood how to do them?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.13 dcadd011


"You had several concentration and attention difficulties, such as (key phrases for first 3 items endorsed above).

About how old were you the first time (you had any of these difficulties)?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.14 dcadd012


"INTERVIEWER: If ‘All my life’ or ‘As long as I can remember,’ or ‘age unknown’ to previous question Probe:

Was it before you were seven? Did you have these problems in kindergarten or first grade?

Otherwise, code this question according to the age in the previous question."

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Before seven year old
2 Not before seven years old
9 Unknown

15.15 dcadd013

Question: “Did you have these problems for six months or more? Probe: like for most of a school year?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.16 dcadd014


"Did you have these difficulties:

With your parents?"

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.17 dcadd015

Question: “With your teachers?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.18 dcadd016

Question: “With other adults?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.19 dcadd017

Question: “At school?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.20 dcadd018

Question: “At home?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.21 dcadd019

Question: “Do you still have a lot of difficulty with concentration and attention?”

Visibility: dcadd001 = 1 or dcadd002 = 1 or dcadd003 = 1 or dcadd004 = 1 or dcadd005 = 1 or dcadd006 = 1 or dcadd007 = 1 or dcadd008 = 1 or dcadd009 = 1 or dcadd010 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.22 cadd13

Question: “How old were you the last time you had a period of six months or longer when you had a lot of difficulty with concentration or attention? Code 998 if "always", 999 if "unknown".

Visibility: dcadd019 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.23 cadd14

Question: “About how many years altogether (did you have/have you had) these difficulties?”

Visibility: dcadd019 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.24 cadd15


"### General Probes: Hyperactivity/Impulsivity

Everyone has times when they are very active. I would now like to ask you whether you ever had times when you had a lot more trouble than most people with being very restless, fidgety, or impatient."

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.25 dcadd024


"### Runs or Climbs Excessively

Have you often been very active even when you were not supposed to be - for example, climbing on things or running around - even after being asked to keep still?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.26 dcadd026


"### Difficulty Playing Quietly

Have you had trouble playing quietly or doing quiet activities, like reading or being read to, for more than a few minutes at a time?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.27 dcadd027


"### Fidgeting

Have you often fidgeted with your hands or feet or wiggled in your seat? Have you had a hard time sitting still?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.28 dcadd028


"### Difficulty Staying Seated

Did you often get up from your seat when you were not supposed to - like at dinner, at school, or religious services?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.29 dcadd029


"### Talks Excessively

Were you often extremely talkative? (Did you talk more than other people your age?)"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.30 dcadd030


"### Blurts Out Answers

Did you often blurt out answers to other people’s questions even before they finished speaking?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.31 dcadd031


"### Interrupts Others

Did you often interrupt people or abruptly join other people’s conversations without being asked to do so?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.32 dcadd032


"### Trouble Waiting for Turn

Did you have a lot of trouble waiting your turn - for example, was it very hard for you to wait in a line or to wait for a teacher to call on you in class before you spoke out loud?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.33 cadd25

Question: “INTERVIEWER: The participant did not endorse any positive attention or hyperactivity symptoms, END Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder section.

Visibility: dcadd001 = 0 and dcadd002 = 0 and dcadd003 = 0 and dcadd004 = 0 and dcadd005 = 0 and dcadd006 = 0 and dcadd007 = 0 and dcadd008 = 0 and dcadd009 = 0 and dcadd010 = 0 and dcadd024 = 0 and [dcadd025] = 0 and dcadd026 = 0 and dcadd027 = 0 and dcadd028 = 0 and dcadd029 = 0 and dcadd030 = 0 and dcadd031 = 0 and dcadd032 = 0

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.34 dcadd033


"You had several difficulties with restlessness and impatience, such as (key phrases for first 3 items endorsed above).

About how old were you the first time (you had any of these difficulties)?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.35 dcadd034


"INTERVIEWER: If ‘All my life’ or ‘As long as I can remember,’ or ‘age unknown’ to previous question Probe:

Was it before you were seven? Did you have these problems in kindergarten or first grade?

Otherwise, code this question according to the age in the previous question."

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
1 Before seven year old
2 Not before seven years old
9 Unknown

15.36 dcadd035

Question: “Did you have these problems for six months or more? Probe: like for most of a school year?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.37 dcadd036


"Did you have these difficulties:

With your parents?"

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.38 dcadd037

Question: “With your teachers?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.39 dcadd038

Question: “With other adults?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.40 dcadd039

Question: “At school?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.41 dcadd040

Question: “At home?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.42 dcadd041

Question: “Do you still have a lot of difficulty with restlessness and impatience?”

Visibility: dcadd024 = 1 or [dcadd025] = 1 or dcadd026 = 1 or dcadd027 = 1 or dcadd028 = 1 or dcadd029 = 1 or dcadd030 = 1 or dcadd031 = 1 or dcadd032 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.43 cadd29


"If no, how old were you the last time you had a period of six months or longer when you had a lot of difficulty with restlessness and impatience?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd041 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.44 cadd30

Question: “About how many years altogether (did you have/have you had) these difficulties?”

Visibility: dcadd041 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.45 cadd32a


"### Episodes: Onset

How old were you the first time you did these (list behaviors)?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.46 dcadd048


"### Episodes: Offset

Do you still have any of these (list behaviors)?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.47 dcadd049


"How old were you the last time you did this behavior?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd048 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.48 dcadd050


"### Episodes: Course

Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you were not (behavior)?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.49 cadd34a


"What was the longest period of time that (list behavior) did not bother you?

(N weeks, N months, N years)"

Visibility: dcadd050 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.50 cadd36


"### Distress/Impairment

Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.

INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.51 dcadd054


"### Distress

How much did having thoughts/behaviors upset or bother you? How much did you ever feel upset or disappointed with yourself because of your thoughts/behaivors?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

15.52 dcadd055


"### Impairment: Family

Did your family seem upset, angry, or annoyed with you because of your difficulties?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

15.53 dcadd056


"### Impairment: Socially (with peers)

Did these behaviors/inattention bother your friends?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

15.54 dcadd057


"### Impairment: School

Did teachers or classmates complain about your inattention/behavior?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

15.55 dcadd057a

Question: “Specify (examples):”

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.56 dcadd058

Question: “Did you stay home from school because of your difficulties with inattention or overactivity?”

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.57 dcadd060


"### Impairment: Global

INTERVIEWER: What number describes how impaired the participant was during the episode?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

15.58 dcadd061


"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)

Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for these (list behaviors/feelings)?"

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.59 dcadd062

Question: “Were you placed in special classes at school because of your (list symptoms)?”

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.60 dcadd063

Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for (list behaviors/feelings)?”

Visibility: cadd25 != 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.61 cadd41


"What kind of person/people did you get help from?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

15.62 dcadd064

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.63 dcadd065

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.64 dcadd066

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.65 dcadd067

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.66 dcadd068

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.67 dcadd069

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.68 dcadd071


"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:

Who did you get help from the first time?

Specify (Professional/Treatment):"

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.69 dcadd072

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.70 dcadd073


"How old were you the first time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.71 dcadd074

Question: “Are you getting help now?”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.72 dcadd075


"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcadd074 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.73 dcadd076

Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.74 cadd43

Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Value Label
1 Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office)
2 In-patient (Staying in a hospital)
3 Special classes at school (IEP etc)
4 Other

15.75 dcadd081

Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”

Visibility: cadd43.includes(4)

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.76 dcadd082


"Were you on medications?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."

Visibility: dcadd063 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

15.77 dcadd083

Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.78 dcadd084

Question: “Code (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.79 dcadd085

Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.80 dcadd086

Question: “Code (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.81 dcadd087

Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.82 dcadd088

Question: “Code (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.83 dcadd089

Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.84 dcadd090

Question: “Code (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcadd082 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

15.85 cadd_end

Question: “INTERVIEWER: END of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder section

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message