Section 16 Oppositional Defiant Disorder
16.1 odd_title
Question: “## Oppositional Defiant Disorder”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
16.2 codd0
"### Symptoms
Earlier you told me that you do things that might get you into trouble, like talking back to parents/teachers or losing your temper. I am now going to ask you some questions about that."
Visibility: Always
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
16.3 dcodd001
"### Loses Temper
Did you often lose your temper, scream and yell at people, or break things when you got angry?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.4 dcodd002
"### Argues with Adults
Did you argue with or talk back to your parents more often than your friends did?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.5 dcodd003
Question: “Did you argue with or talk back to your teachers more often than your classmates did?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.6 dcodd004
"### Defies Adults or Rules
Did you often refuse to do what your parents or teachers asked you to do, for example chores or tasks at school?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.7 dcodd005
Question: “Did you often get into trouble for breaking rules at home or school?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.8 dcodd006
"### Deliberately Annoys other People
Did you often do things on purpose to bother or annoy other people? (code no if only with sibling)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.9 dcodd007
"### Blames Others for Mistakes
Did you often blame other people for your mistakes? (code no if only with sibling)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.10 dcodd008
"### Irritable or Easily Annoyed
Were you often irritable or grouchy?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.11 dcodd009
Question: “Would other people often annoy you or make you angry?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.12 dcodd010
"### Angry/Resentful
Have you often gotten angry because you thought things were unfair?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.13 dcodd011
"### Spiteful/Vindictive
Have you often tried to get back at people or get even with them by doing things like hurting them, messing up their things, or telling lies about them? (code no if only with sibling)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.14 dcodd012
"### Swears or Uses Obscene Language
Did you often get into trouble for swearing or using bad language?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.15 codd10
Question: “INTERVIEWER: The participant did not endorse any behaviors. End Oppositional Defiant Disorder Section.”
Visibility: dcodd001 = 0 and dcodd002 = 0 and dcodd003 = 0 and dcodd004 = 0 and dcodd005 = 0 and dcodd006 = 0 and dcodd007 = 0 and dcodd008 = 0 and dcodd009 = 0 and dcodd010 = 0 and dcodd011 = 0 and dcodd012 = 0
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | End Section |
16.16 dcodd013
"Did you do these behaviors:
With your parents?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.17 dcodd014
Question: “With your teachers?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.18 dcodd015
Question: “With other adults?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.19 dcodd016
Question: “How often did you (behaviors)? Was it: nearly every day, a few days a week, about once a week, or less than once a week?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Nearly every day |
2 | A few days a week |
3 | About once a week |
4 | Less than once a week |
9 | Unknown |
16.20 dcodd017
Question: “Did you do these behaviors for at least six months or more?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.21 codd13
"### Distress/Impairment
Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.
INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
16.22 dcodd018
"### Distress
How much did having these behaviors upset or bother you?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
16.23 dcodd019
"### Impairment: Family
How much did these behaviors change your relationships with your family?
Probe: Did your family say something about this to you? Did family members seem upset, angry, or annoyed with you because of your behavior?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
16.24 dcodd020
"### Impairment: Social
How much did these behaviors change your relationships with your friends?
Probe: Did you find yourself spending much less time than usual with your friends? Did your friends say something about your behavior?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
16.25 dcodd021
"### Impairment: School
How much did these behaviors change your relationships with your teachers or classmates? -change how well you did at school, on tests, homework, or grades?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
16.26 dcodd022
Question: “Did you stay home or were you sent home from school because of your behavior?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.27 dcodd023
Question: “How many days of school did you miss because of your difficulties with attention or overactivity? (lifetime)”
Visibility: dcodd022 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.28 dcodd024
"### Impairment: Global
INTERVIEWER: What number describes how impaired the participant was during the episode?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
16.29 codd19
"### Episodes: Onset
How old were you the first time you had these (list behaviors)?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.30 dcodd027
"### Episodes: Offset
Do you still (list behaviors)?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.31 dcodd028
"How old were you the last time you did this behavior?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcodd027 = 0
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.32 dcodd029
"### Episodes: Course
Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you did not (insert behavior)?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.33 codd21a
"What was the longest period of time that you did not do (list behavior)?
(N weeks, N months, N years)"
Visibility: dcodd029 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.34 dcodd033
"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)
Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for these behaviors?"
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.35 dcodd034
Question: “Were you placed in special classes at school because of your (list symptoms)?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.36 dcodd035
Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for (list behaviors)?”
Visibility: codd10 != 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.37 codd24
"What kind of person/people did you get help from?
INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
16.38 dcodd036
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.39 dcodd037
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.40 dcodd038
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.41 dcodd039
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.42 dcodd040
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.43 dcodd041
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.44 dcodd043
"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:
Who did you get help from the first time?
Specify (Professional/Treatment):"
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.45 dcodd044
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.46 dcodd045
"How old were you the first time you got help?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.47 dcodd046
Question: “Are you getting help now?”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.48 dcodd047
"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcodd046 = 0
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.49 dcodd048
Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.50 codd26
Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)”
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office) |
2 | In-patient (Staying in a hospital) |
3 | Special classes at school (IEP etc) |
4 | Other |
16.51 dcodd053
Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”
Visibility: codd26 .includes(4)
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.52 dcodd054
"Were you on medications?
INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."
Visibility: dcodd035 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
16.53 dcodd055
Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.54 dcodd056
Question: “Code (Medication 1):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.55 dcodd057
Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.56 dcodd058
Question: “Code (Medication 2):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.57 dcodd059
Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.58 dcodd060
Question: “Code (Medication 3):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.59 dcodd061
Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
16.60 dcodd062
Question: “Code (Medication 4):”
Visibility: dcodd054 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry