Section 7 Psychosis
7.1 psychosis_title
Question: “## Pyschosis”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
7.2 cpsy0
"### Hallucinations
Earlier you told me about some experiences that you have had (list child’s behaviors). Now I am going to ask you a little about those.
INTERVIEWER: To be rated positively, a hallucination should have been present throughout the day for several days or intermittently throughout a one-week period."
Visibility: Always
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
7.3 dcpsy001
"### Auditory: Non Verbal Sounds
Did you ever hear sounds or noises that other people couldn’t hear?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.4 cpsy2
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy001 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.5 dcpsy006
"### Commenting Voices
Have you ever heard a voice saying what you were doing, feeling or thinking, and nobody else could hear it?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.6 cspy4
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy006 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.7 dcpsy011
"### Conversing Voices
Have you ever heard two or more voices talking to each other that nobody else could hear? What were the voices saying?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.8 cpsy6
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy011 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.9 dcpsy016
"### Command Hallucinations
Have you ever heard voices telling you to do something and nobody else could hear it?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.10 cpsy8
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy016 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.11 dcpsy021
"### Persecutory Hallucinations
Have you ever heard voices making fun of you? Threatening you? Saying bad things about you?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.12 cpsy10
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy021 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.13 dcpsy026
"### Thought Broadcasting
Have you ever heard your thoughts spoken out loud, from outside your head so that you or others could hear what you were thinking?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.14 cpsy12
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy026 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.15 dcpsy031
"### Other Verbal Hallucinations
Have you ever heard any other voices other people could not hear?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.16 cpsy14
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy031 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.17 dcpsy036
Question: “Please describe (Other verbal hallucinations):”
Visibility: dcpsy031 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.18 dcpsy037
"### Visual
Have you ever seen visions or seen things which other people could not see? Did it come from a shadow? How clearly did you see these things? Were you awake or asleep?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.19 cpsy16
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy037 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.20 dcpsy042
"### Olfactory
Have you ever smelled strange odors other people could not smell?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.21 cpsy18
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy042 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.22 dcpsy047
"### Tactile
Have you ever had strange feelings in your body like things were crawling on you or someone touching you and nothing or no one was there?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.23 cpsy20
"How long did it last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy047 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.24 cpsy21
"### Duration: Hallucinations
INTERVIEWER: Estimate total duration of the period when hallucinations occurred (can be intermittent over this time):
(N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.25 dcpsy054
"### Associated Conditions: Hallucinations
Were you drinking a lot then?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.26 dcpsy055
Question: “Had you just stopped drinking?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.27 dcpsy056
Question: “Were you taking drugs- like LSD, speed, crystal meth, ecstacy, mushrooms?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.28 dcpsy057
Question: “Were you physically ill then?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.29 dcpsy058
Question: “Do your parents and family believe in [insert hallucinations] also? (Part of shared religious or subculture belief system.)”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.30 dcpsy059
"### Notes: Hallucinations
INTERVIEWER: At this point, the interviewer should establish some chronology for him/herself regarding the number of episodes, duration, severity of each, and record this information here:"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.31 dcpsy060
"### Delusions of Control or Influence
Have you ever felt that you were under someone else’s control? Whose?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.32 dcpsy061
Question: “Have you ever felt that you could be made to do something against your will, like say or think to do things, without your wanting to?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.33 cpsy26
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy061 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.34 dcpsy066
"### Thought Broadcasting
Have you ever felt that people could hear what you were thinking?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.35 cpsy28
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy066 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.36 dcpsy071
"### Thought Insertion
Have you ever felt that people could put thoughts in your mind? What thoughts were they?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.37 cpsy30
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy071 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.38 dcpsy076
"### Thought Reading
Have you ever felt that people could know what you were thinking or read in your mind?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.39 cpsy32
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy076 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.40 dcpsy081
"### Somatic Delusions
Have you ever felt that something was happening to your insides or that something was living inside you?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.41 cpsy34
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy081 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.42 dcpsy086
"### Delusions of Grandiosity
Have you ever felt that you were a very important person or that you had special powers?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.43 cpsy36
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy086 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.44 dcpsy091
"### Nilhilistic Delusions
Have you ever felt that the world was coming to an end soon? (Explore)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.45 cpsy38
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy091 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.46 dcpsy096
"### Delusions of Reference
Have you ever felt people were talking about you behind your back? What about people in TV or radio?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.47 dcpsy097
Question: “Have you ever thought there were secret meanings for you in what ordinary people did?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.48 cpsy40
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy096 = 1 or dcpsy097 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.49 dcpsy102
"### Persecutory Delusions
Have you ever felt people were going after you to hurt you or get at you?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.50 dcpsy103
Question: “Has there ever been a plot against you?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.51 cpsy42
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy102 = 1 or dcpsy103 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.52 dcpsy108
"### Delusions of Guilt or Sin
Have you ever felt like you were being (or should be) punished because you were evil? (Explore)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.53 cpsy44
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy108 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.54 dcpsy113
"### Other Bizarre Delusions
INTERVIEWER: Probe for any other bizarre delusions"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.55 dcpsy114
Question: “Specify (Other bizzare delusions):”
Visibility: dcpsy113 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.56 cpsy45
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy113 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.57 dcpsy119
"### Duration: Delusions
INTERVIEWER: Estimate total duration of the period when delusions occurred (can be intermittent over this time):
(N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.58 dcpsy120
"### Associated Conditions: Delusions
Were you drinking a lot then?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.59 dcpsy121
Question: “Had you just stopped drinking?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.60 dcpsy122
Question: “Were you taking drugs- like LSD, speed, crystal meth, ecstacy, mushrooms?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.61 dcpsy123
Question: “Were you physically ill then?”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.62 dcpsy124
Question: “Do your parents and family believe in [insert delusions] also? (Part of shared religious or subculture belief system.)”
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.63 dcpsy125
"### Notes: Delusions
INTERVIEWER: At this point, the interviewer should establish some chronology for him/herself regarding the number of episodes, duration, severity of each, and record this information here:"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.64 dcpsy126
"### Formal Thought Disorder
Have there been times when people said they had trouble understanding what you were saying?"
Visibility: Always
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.65 cpsy51
"How long did this last?
(N minutes, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.66 dcpsy131
Question: “Was your speech mixed up?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.67 dcpsy132
Question: “Did you make sense?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.68 dcpsy133
Question: “Could you make yourself understood if people told you that you couldn’t be understood?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.69 dcpsy134
Question: “Were you”high" at the time?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.70 dcpsy135
Question: “Were you sick?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.71 dcpsy136
Question: “Had you taken pills?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.72 dcpsy137
Question: “Did people have trouble understanding you when you weren’t”high“?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.73 cpsy50
Question: "INTERVIEWER: If no evidence of psychotic symptoms, choose End Section. If there are psychotic symptoms, choose Continue
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 0
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | End Section |
1 | Continue |
7.74 dcpsy139
"### Catatonia
Did you ever find that you couldn’t move? Could you? Did you stay still for a long time?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.75 cpsy52
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy139 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.76 dcpsy144
"### Grossly Bizarre Behavior
Did you do anything that called attention to yourself? Like the way you dressed, acted or the things you said?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.77 cpsy54
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy144 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.78 dcpsy149
"### Inappropriate or Flat Affect
Was your face different from usual? Did people have trouble figuring out how you were feeling by looking at your expression? Please tell me about this?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.79 cpsy56
"How long did this last (Estimate duration and dates)?
(N mins, N hours, N days, N weeks)"
Visibility: dcpsy149 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.80 cpsy58
"### Social Isolation or Withdrawal
Did you keep to yourself and not spend time with friends?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.81 dcpsy154
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.82 dcpsy155
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.83 cspy59
"### Marked Impairment in Role Function
Did you not do as well in school as before, stopped doing usual activities?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.84 dcpsy156
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.85 dcpsy157
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.86 cpsy60
"### Markedly Peculiar Behavior
Did you do things that other people couldn’t understand or thought were strange, things you wouldn’t usually do?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.87 dcpsy158
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.88 dcpsy159
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.89 cpsy61
"### Marked Impairment in Personal Hygiene and Grooming
Did you let your appearance go? Did you stop caring about how you looked? Did you bathe as usual?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.90 dcpsy160
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.91 dcpsy161
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.92 cpsy62
"### Blunted, Flat, or Inappropriate Affect
Did people say your expression was different, that it was hard to tell how you were feeling, that you looked off in space?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.93 dcpsy162
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy62 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.94 dcpsy163
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy62 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.95 cpsy63
"### Digressive, Vague, Over-Elaborate, Circumstantial, Metaphorical, or Poverty of Speech
Was it hard for people to understand what you wanted to say? Did they have trouble following you? Did you stop saying very much?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.96 dcpsy164
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy63 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.97 dcpsy165
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy63 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.98 cpsy64
"### Odd or Bizarre Ideation or Magical Thinking
Did you have unusual ideas, believe things you hadn’t believed before? Were there things that only you believed or cared about?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.99 dcpsy166
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy64 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.100 dcpsy167
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy64 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.101 cpsy65
"### Unusual Perceptual Experiences
Did you see or hear unusual things or have strange feelings?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.102 dcpsy168
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy65 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.103 dcpsy169
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy65 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.104 cpsy66
"### Marked Lack of Initiative, Interests, or Energy
You didn’t do as much, didn’t have your usual energy, didn’t keep up with things you usually did?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.105 dcpsy170
Question: “Prodromal (Before acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy66 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.106 dcpsy171
Question: “Residual (After acute psychotic symptomology)”
Visibility: cpsy66 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.107 cpsy67
"### Associated Conditions
INTERVIEWER: Probe to find out if the above psychotic symptoms were associated with any of the following:"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
7.108 dcpsy172
"At the time that you were having (insert symptoms):
Were you also physically ill? (e.g., high fever, migraine, epilepsy)"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
9 | Unknown |
7.109 dcpsy173
Question: “Please describe (physically ill):”
Visibility: dcpsy172 > 1 & dcpsy172 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.110 dcpsy174
Question: “Taking Prescribed Medication? (e.g., Serpasil, birth control pills, antihistamines or cold pills, antihypertensives, cortisone or other steriods, or diet pills)”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.111 dcpsy175
Question: “Please describe (prescribed medications):”
Visibility: dcpsy174 > 1 & dcpsy174 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.112 dcpsy176
Question: “Using Alcohol/Drugs?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.113 dcpsy177
Question: “Please describe (alcohol/drugs):”
Visibility: dcpsy176 > 1 & dcpsy176 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.114 dcpsy178
Question: “Depressed (Feeling very sad)?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.115 dcpsy179
Question: “Please describe (depressed):”
Visibility: dcpsy178 > 1 & dcpsy178 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.116 dcpsy180
Question: “Manic (Feeling very energetic/active)?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.117 dcpsy181
Question: “Please describe (manic):”
Visibility: dcpsy180 > 1 & dcpsy180 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.118 dcpsy182
Question: “Schizophrenia?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.119 dcpsy183
Question: “Please describe (schizophrenia):”
Visibility: dcpsy182 > 1 & dcpsy182 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.120 dcpsy184
Question: “Other associated conditions?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Never |
2 | Sometimes |
3 | Always |
7.121 dcpsy185
Question: “Please describe (other conditions):”
Visibility: dcpsy184 > 1 & dcpsy184 < 9
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.122 dcpsy186
"How old were you the first time you had these behaviors/feelings?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.123 dcpsy188
"### Episodes: Current
Are you still having these behaviors/feelings now?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.124 dcpsy189
"### Episodes: Most Recent
How old were you the last time you had these behaviors/feelings?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcpsy188 = 0
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.125 cpsy73
"### Duration of Most Recent Episode
How long did you feel/act this way?
(N days, N weeks, N months)"
Visibility: dcpsy188 = 0
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.126 dcpsy193
"### Most Severe Episode
Was that the worst you have felt?"
Visibility: dcpsy188 = 0
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.127 cpsy77
"### Duration of Current Episode
How long have you been feeling/acting this way?
(N days, N weeks, N months)"
Visibility: dcpsy188 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.128 dcpsy194
"### Most Severe Episode
Is this the worst you have felt?"
Visibility: dcpsy188 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.129 dcpsy198
"### Total Number of Episodes
How many different times have you felt/acted this way?
INTERVIEWER: Different episodes should be seperated by at least 2 months)"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.130 cpsy80
"### Duration of Most Severe Episode
When you felt your worst, how long did that feeling last?
(N days, N weeks, N months)"
Visibility: dcpsy193 != 1 and dcpsy194 != 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.131 dcpsy202
"### Onset of Most Severe Episode
How old were you then?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcpsy193 != 1 and dcpsy194 != 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.132 dcpsy203
"### Course
Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you did not have these behaviors/feelings?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.133 cpsy83
"What was the longest period of time that (behavior/feeling) did not bother you?
(N weeks, N months, N years)"
Visibility: dcpsy203 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.134 cpsy86
"### Distress/Impairment
Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.
INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
7.135 dcpsy207
"### Distress
How much did your feelings/behaviors associated with this event upset or bother you?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
7.136 dcpsy208
"### Impairment
How much have the feelings/behaviors that you have told me about caused problems for you at home, at school, or with your family or friends?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
998 | Unknown |
7.137 dcpsy209
Question: “Did you stay home from school because of the way you were feeling?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.138 cpsy89
"How many days of school did you miss because of (insert symptoms)? (lifetime)
(N days, N weeks, N months)"
Visibility: dcpsy209 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.139 dcpsy213
"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)
Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for (list behaviors/feelings)?"
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.140 dcpsy214
Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for (list behaviors/feelings)?”
Visibility: dcpsy126 = 1 or cpsy50 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.141 cpsy91
"What kind of person/people did you get help from?
INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: User Message/instructions
Responses: This item is a markdown message
7.142 dcpsy215
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.143 dcpsy216
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.144 dcpsy217
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.145 dcpsy218
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.146 dcpsy219
Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.147 dcpsy220
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.148 dcpsy221
"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:
Who did you get help from the first time?
Specify (Professional/Treatment):"
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.149 dcpsy223
Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.150 dcpsy224
"How old were you the first time you got help?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.151 dcpsy225
Question: “Are you getting help now?”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.152 dcpsy226
"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?
Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"
Visibility: dcpsy225 = 0
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.153 dcpsy227
Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.154 cpsy93
Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)”
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Multi-select checkbox
Responses:Value | Label |
1 | Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office) |
2 | In-patient (Staying in a hospital) |
3 | Other |
7.155 dcpsy231
Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”
Visibility: cpsy93.includes(3)
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.156 dcpsy232
"Were you on medications?
INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."
Visibility: dcpsy214 = 1
Item Type: Single-select radio button
Responses:Value | Label |
0 | No |
1 | Yes |
9 | Unknown |
7.157 dcpsy233
Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.158 dcpsy234
Question: “Code (Medication 1):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.159 dcpsy235
Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.160 dcpsy236
Question: “Code (Medication 2):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.161 dcpsy237
Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.162 dcpsy238
Question: “Code (Medication 3):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.163 dcpsy239
Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry
7.164 dcpsy240
Question: “Code (Medication 4):”
Visibility: dcpsy232 = 1
Item Type: Text input
Responses: Free text entry