Section 9 Social Anxiety

9.1 social_anx_title

Question: “## Social Anxiety”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.2 csoc0


"Earlier you said that you were very afraid of or uncomfortable about (list endorsed fears). I’d now like to ask you more about (that/those).

INTERVIEWER: For each situation endorsed, ask about Frequency, Distress and Avoidance using the questions and response choices below. If fear is not current, ask about worst time.

Refer to Participant Card 3: Social/Performance"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.3 dcsoc001


"### Social Situations

Have you ever been very afraid or felt uncomfortable:

  1. Meeting new people your own age?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.4 dcsoc002

Question: “2) Talking to adults in authority, like teachers or coaches?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.5 dcsoc003

Question: “3) Being with a large group of people your own age, like at a big party or in the lunchroom at school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.6 dcsoc004

Question: “4) Being with a small group of people your own age, like at a small party or a small class at school?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.7 dcsoc005

Question: “5) Eating, drinking, writing (e.g., signing name, writing on dry erase/blackboard) or doing homework while someone watches?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.8 dcsoc006

Question: “6) Talking on the telephone?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.9 dcsoc007

Question: “7) Talking with people your own age who you don’t know very well?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.10 dcsoc008


"### Performance Situations

Have you ever been very afraid or felt uncomfortable:

  1. Speaking in class when a teacher calls on you?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.11 dcsoc009

Question: “9) Acting, performing or giving a talk/speech in front of a group of people?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.12 dcsoc010

Question: “10) Playing sports or doing a musical performance in front of people?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.13 dcsoc011

Question: “11) Taking an important test or exam even though you studied enough?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.14 dcsoc012

Question: “12) Is there any other situation you can think of where you have been the center of attention or where you were concerned something embarrassing might happen and you felt very afraid of felt uncomfortable?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.15 dcsoc013

Question: “Specify (Other situation)”

Visibility: dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.16 csoc5


"### Nature of Fear

When you were in these situations (list specific examples from above), were you afraid or uncomfortable because:"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.17 dcsoc014

Question: “You’d look silly, foolish, be laughed at, or do something embarrassing?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.18 dcsoc015

Question: “You’d be the center of attention?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.19 dcsoc016

Question: “You’d look nervous or blush?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.20 dcsoc017

Question: “You’d make mistakes?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.21 dcsoc018

Question: “Why were you afraid or uncomfortable to be in these situations?”

Visibility: dcsoc014 = 0 and dcsoc015 = 0 and dcsoc016 = 0 and dcsoc017 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.22 csoc8a


"### Social Fear Category

INTERVIEWER: List the worst social fear on the next screen. Assist the participant in choosing a situation coded with some distress or avoidance. Record the number corresponding to the social situation.

You said that you were very afraid or uncomfortable about (list social situations). Which one of these things upsets you the most?

Refer to Participant Card 3: Social/Performance."

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.23 dcsoc020

Question: “Most distressing and avoided SOCIAL situation:”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.24 dcsoc020a

Question: “Code (social situation):”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.25 dcsoc021


"When you were most afraid of (social situations):

Were you much more scared of (insert situation) than other kids/teenagers your age?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.26 dcsoc022

Question: “When you had to do (social situation), did you feel very nervous, scared, or upset?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.27 dcsoc023

Question: “Did being afraid of (social situation) keep you from doing things you should or wanted to do?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.28 dcsoc024a

Question: “Example 1 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc023 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.29 dcsoc024b

Question: “Example 2 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc023 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.30 dcsoc024c

Question: “Example 3 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc023 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.31 dcsoc025

Question: “Was this fear so upsetting that you tried to get out of doing (social situation)?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.32 dcsoc026

Question: “Did you start to get nervous when you knew that you had to face (social situation)?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.33 csoc12


"### Distress/Impairment

Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.

INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.34 dcsoc027


"### Distress

How much did having this fear upset or bother you?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

9.35 dcsoc028


"### Impairment

How much did the fear you told me about cause problems for you at home, at school, or with your family or friends?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

9.36 dcsoc029

Question: “Did you stay home from school because of your fear?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.37 dcsoc030

Question: “How many days of school did you miss? (lifetime)”

Visibility: dcsoc029 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.38 dcsoc031

Question: “Did you ever avoid going to social events like birthday parties or other social activities because of your fear?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.39 dcsoc032

Question: “How many times?”

Visibility: dcsoc031 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.40 dcsoc033


"### Associated Conditions: Medical

Was your fear related to being embarrassed by a physical problem like stuttering or acne or eating problems?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.41 dcsoc034

Question: “Did you have this fear only when you had a serious physical problem/illness?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.42 dcsoc035

Question: “Specify (Problem/Illness)”

Visibility: dcsoc033 = 1 or dcsoc034 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.43 csoc17


"### Episodes: Onset

How old were you the first time you had these behaviors/feelings?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.44 dcsoc038


"### Episodes: Offset

Are you still afraid of (social situation listed)?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.45 dcsoc039


"How old were you the last time you had this fear?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc038 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.46 dcsoc040


"### Episodes: Course

Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you were not afraid of (social situation)?"

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.47 csoc20


"What was the longest period of time that (social situation) did not bother you?

(N weeks, N months, N years)"

Visibility: dcsoc040 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.48 dcsoc044

Question: “Has this fear lasted for at least 6 months (most of the school year)?”

Visibility: dcsoc001 = 1 or dcsoc002 = 1 or dcsoc003 = 1 or dcsoc004 = 1 or dcsoc005 = 1 or dcsoc006 = 1 or dcsoc007 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.49 csoc22b


"### Performance Fear Category

INTERVIEWER: List the worst performance fear below. Assist the participant in choosing a situation coded with some distress or avoidance. Record the number corresponding to the social situation.

You said that you were very afraid or uncomfortable about (list performance situations). Which one of these things upsets you the most?

Refer to Participant Card 3: Social/Performance"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.50 dcsoc045

Question: “Most distressing and avoided PERFORMANCE situation:”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.51 dcsoc046

Question: “Code (performance situation):”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.52 dcsoc047


"When you were most afraid of (performance situations):

Were you much more scared of (insert situation) than other kids/teenagers your age?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.53 dcsoc048

Question: “When you had to do (performance situation), did you feel very nervous, scared, or upset?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.54 dcsoc049

Question: “Did being afraid of (performance situation) keep you from doing things you should or wanted to do?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.55 dcsoc050a

Question: “Example 1 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.56 dcsoc050b

Question: “Example 2 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.57 dcsoc050c

Question: “Example 3 (Things):”

Visibility: dcsoc049 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.58 dcsoc051

Question: “Was this fear so upsetting that you tried to get out of doing (performance situation)?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.59 dcsoc052

Question: “Did you start to get nervous when you knew that you had to face (performance situation)?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.60 csoc27


"### Distress/Impairment

Please look at Participant Card 8: Distress/Impairment.

INTERVIEWER: Remind child how to use scale, if necessary."

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.61 dcsoc053


"### Distress

How much did having this fear upset or bother you?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

9.62 dcsoc054


"### Impairment

How much did the fear you have told me about cause problems for you at home, at school, or with your family or friends?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
998 Unknown

9.63 dcsoc055

Question: “Did you stay home from school because of your fear?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.64 dcsoc056

Question: “How many days of school did you miss? (lifetime)”

Visibility: dcsoc055 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.65 dcsoc057

Question: “Did you ever miss a game or performance (like a play or recital) because of your fear?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.66 dcsoc058

Question: “How many times did you miss a game or performance?”

Visibility: dcsoc057 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.67 dcsoc059


"### Associated Conditions: Medical

Was your fear related to being embarrassed by a physical problem like stuttering or acne or eating problems?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.68 dcsoc060

Question: “Did you have this fear only when you had a serious physical problem/illness?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.69 dcsoc061

Question: “Specify (Problem/Illness):”

Visibility: dcsoc059 = 1 or dcsoc060 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.70 dsoc063


"### Episodes: Onset

How old were you the first time you had these behaviors/feelings?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.71 dcsoc064


"### Episodes: Offset

Are you still afraid of (performance situation listed)?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.72 dcsoc065


"How old were you the last time you had this fear?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc064 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.73 dcsoc066


"### Episodes: Course

Since you were (age of onset), was there ever a time when you were not afraid of (performance situation)?"

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.74 csoc35


"What was the longest period of time that (performance situation) did not bother you?

(N weeks, N months, N years)"

Visibility: dcsoc066 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.75 dcsoc070

Question: “Has this fear lasted for at least 6 months (most of the school year)?”

Visibility: dcsoc008 = 1 or dcsoc009 = 1 or dcsoc010 = 1 or dcsoc011 = 1 or dcsoc012 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.76 dcsoc071


"### Help-Seeking Treatment (Lifetime)

Did anyone, like a teacher or family member, suggest that you get help for these fears?"

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.77 dcsoc072

Question: “Did you ever go to see a doctor, nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, minister/priest or other professional to get help for (list fears)?”

Visibility: Always

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.78 csoc38


"What kind of person/people did you get help from?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 13 (Professional/Treatment), record and code responses on the following screens."

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message

9.79 dcsoc073

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.80 dcsoc074

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 1):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.81 dcsoc075

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.82 dcsoc076

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 2):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.83 dcsoc077

Question: “Specify (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.84 dcsoc078

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment 3):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.85 dcsoc080


"INTERVIEWER: If you listed multiple people, ask this question. If not, Skip:

Who did you get help from the first time?

Specify (Professional/Treatment):"

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.86 dcsoc081

Question: “Code (Professional/Treatment):”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.87 dcsoc082


"How old were you the first time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.88 dcsoc083

Question: “Are you getting help now?”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.89 dcsoc084


"If no, how old were you the last time you got help?

Code 998 if “always,” 999 if “unknown.”"

Visibility: dcsoc083 = 0

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.90 dcsoc085

Question: “What did the professional say that you had (diagnoses given)? List:”

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.91 csoc40

Question: “What kind of treatment(s) have you gotten? (Check all that apply)

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Multi-select checkbox

Value Label
1 Out-patient (Going to see someone in an office)
2 In-patient (Staying in a hospital)
3 Social Support Group
4 Other

9.92 dcsoc090

Question: “Specify (Other treatment):”

Visibility: csoc40.includes(4)

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.93 dcsoc091


"Were you on medications?

INTERVIEWER: Refer to Participant Card 9 (Medications), record and code responses in the following screens."

Visibility: dcsoc072 = 1

Item Type: Single-select radio button

Value Label
0 No
1 Yes
9 Unknown

9.94 dcsoc092

Question: “Specify (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.95 dcsoc093

Question: “Code (Medication 1):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.96 dcsoc094

Question: “Specify (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.97 dcsoc095

Question: “Code (Medication 2):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.98 dcsoc096

Question: “Specify (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.99 dcsoc097

Question: “Code (Medication 3):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.100 dcsoc098

Question: “Specify (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.101 dcsoc099

Question: “Code (Medication 4):”

Visibility: dcsoc091 = 1

Item Type: Text input

Responses: Free text entry

9.102 soc_end

Question: “INTERVIEWER: END of Social Anxiety section

Visibility: Always

Item Type: User Message/instructions

Responses: This item is a markdown message