25 Data wrangling—continued

25.1 Introduction

This chapter revisits the process of data wrangling with some additional techniques.

25.1.1 ungroup()

When we use a group_by() and summarize() pairing, we can calculate summary statistics for each group in our data.

In this example, we calculate the difference in a country’s life expectancy from the continent’s mean life expectancy - for example, the difference in 2007 between life expectancy in Canada and the mean life expectancy of countries in the Americas

What we had seen before was the use of group_by() %>% summarize() to create summary statistics by a group:

gapminder %>%
  filter(year == 2007) %>% 
  group_by(continent) %>%
  summarize(lifeExp_mean = mean(lifeExp))
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   continent lifeExp_mean
##   <fct>            <dbl>
## 1 Africa            54.8
## 2 Americas          73.6
## 3 Asia              70.7
## 4 Europe            77.6
## 5 Oceania           80.7

But how can we compare the Canada value to the Americas mean shown here? One strategy would be to join this table to the original, using “continent” as the key value.

But there is another solution: group_by() %>% mutate()

Step 1:

  • Filter for 2007

  • Then group by continent and

  • Mutate to get the mean continental life expectancy

Note: the tibble that results from this retains the “Groups:”. It is important to be aware of this, since any future manipulations of this table will be based on that grouping.

gm_life_2007 <- 
gapminder %>%
  # select and filter
  select(country, continent, year, lifeExp) %>% 
  filter(year == 2007) %>% 
  # group_by %>% mutate
  group_by(continent) %>%
  mutate(lifeExp_con_mean = mean(lifeExp)) 

## # A tibble: 142 × 5
## # Groups:   continent [5]
##    country     continent  year lifeExp lifeExp_con_mean
##    <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan Asia       2007    43.8             70.7
##  2 Albania     Europe     2007    76.4             77.6
##  3 Algeria     Africa     2007    72.3             54.8
##  4 Angola      Africa     2007    42.7             54.8
##  5 Argentina   Americas   2007    75.3             73.6
##  6 Australia   Oceania    2007    81.2             80.7
##  7 Austria     Europe     2007    79.8             77.6
##  8 Bahrain     Asia       2007    75.6             70.7
##  9 Bangladesh  Asia       2007    64.1             70.7
## 10 Belgium     Europe     2007    79.4             77.6
## # … with 132 more rows

To that data frame, we can append another mutate to calculate the difference between the individual country and the continent.

Note that addition of the the ungroup() function, which removes the grouping.

In the resulting table, we see the observations for 2007, with all the countries in the Americas. Note that they all have the same value of “lifeExp_con_mean”, which is subtracted from “lifeExp” to get the “lifeExp_diff” variable. Countries which have a life expectancy above the continental mean show positive values, while those where the life expectancy is below, have negative values.

gm_life_2007 %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  # subtract continent mean from individual country
  mutate(lifeExp_diff = lifeExp - lifeExp_con_mean) %>% 
  # select and filter for just the Americas
  filter(continent == "Americas")
## # A tibble: 25 × 6
##    country            continent  year lifeExp lifeExp_con_mean lifeExp_diff
##    <fct>              <fct>     <int>   <dbl>            <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1 Argentina          Americas   2007    75.3             73.6        1.71 
##  2 Bolivia            Americas   2007    65.6             73.6       -8.05 
##  3 Brazil             Americas   2007    72.4             73.6       -1.22 
##  4 Canada             Americas   2007    80.7             73.6        7.04 
##  5 Chile              Americas   2007    78.6             73.6        4.94 
##  6 Colombia           Americas   2007    72.9             73.6       -0.719
##  7 Costa Rica         Americas   2007    78.8             73.6        5.17 
##  8 Cuba               Americas   2007    78.3             73.6        4.66 
##  9 Dominican Republic Americas   2007    72.2             73.6       -1.37 
## 10 Ecuador            Americas   2007    75.0             73.6        1.39 
## # … with 15 more rows

In the version below, it’s a single pipe that uses both year and continent as the grouping variables. This gets the same result with the added comparison of the individual country to the world average for that year, for every year in the data:

gm_life <- gapminder %>%
  # select
  select(country, continent, year, lifeExp) %>% 
  # continent life expectancy
  group_by(year, continent) %>%
  mutate(lifeExp_con_mean = mean(lifeExp)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(lifeExp_con_diff = lifeExp - lifeExp_con_mean) %>% 
  # world life expectancy
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(lifeExp_earth_mean = mean(lifeExp)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(lifeExp_earth_diff = lifeExp - lifeExp_earth_mean)

gm_life %>% 
  filter(year == 2007 & continent == "Americas")
## # A tibble: 25 × 8
##    country            continent  year lifeExp lifeExp_con_mean lifeExp_con_diff lifeExp_earth_mean
##    <fct>              <fct>     <int>   <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>              <dbl>
##  1 Argentina          Americas   2007    75.3             73.6            1.71                67.0
##  2 Bolivia            Americas   2007    65.6             73.6           -8.05                67.0
##  3 Brazil             Americas   2007    72.4             73.6           -1.22                67.0
##  4 Canada             Americas   2007    80.7             73.6            7.04                67.0
##  5 Chile              Americas   2007    78.6             73.6            4.94                67.0
##  6 Colombia           Americas   2007    72.9             73.6           -0.719               67.0
##  7 Costa Rica         Americas   2007    78.8             73.6            5.17                67.0
##  8 Cuba               Americas   2007    78.3             73.6            4.66                67.0
##  9 Dominican Republic Americas   2007    72.2             73.6           -1.37                67.0
## 10 Ecuador            Americas   2007    75.0             73.6            1.39                67.0
## # … with 15 more rows, and 1 more variable: lifeExp_earth_diff <dbl>

Now we can create a plot to compare Canada to the averages of the continent and the world over time:

gm_life %>% 
  filter(country == "Canada") %>% 
ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, y = lifeExp_con_diff), colour = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, y = lifeExp_earth_diff), colour = "blue")

This isn’t a story about Canada’s life expectancy getting worse—life expectancy in Canada improved from 68.8 in 1952 to 80.7 in 2007.

What the chart shows are the substantial improvements in the life expectancy for people elsewhere around the world (the blue line) and in the Americas (the red line). While life expectancy in Canada improved and remains well above average, for many countries of the world, life expectancy is much, much longer than it was 70 years ago. Moneyball data

A similar approach was used to create the “pay_index” variable in the Moneyball assignment.

First, we read the data in the file:

mlb_pay_wl <- read_csv("data/mlb_pay_wl_original.csv")
## # A tibble: 630 × 6
##    year_num tm    attend_g est_payroll     w     l
##       <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     1999 ANA      27816    55633166    70    92
##  2     1999 ARI      37280    68703999   100    62
##  3     1999 ATL      40554    73341000   103    59
##  4     1999 BAL      42385    80805863    78    84
##  5     1999 BOS      30200    64097500    94    68
##  6     1999 CHC      34739    62343000    67    95
##  7     1999 CHW      16529    25820000    75    86
##  8     1999 CIN      25137    33962761    96    67
##  9     1999 CLE      42820    73679962    97    65
## 10     1999 COL      42976    61935837    72    90
## # … with 620 more rows

You will see that the file contains the team payroll, wins and losses, but not the two calculated variables that we used in the linear regression model.

To replicate the file we used in the assignment, we need to add

  1. a win-loss percentage
# win-loss percentage is the number of wins, divided by the total number of games played
mlb_pay_wl <- mlb_pay_wl %>% 
  mutate(wl_pct = round(w / (w + l), 3))

## # A tibble: 630 × 7
##    year_num tm    attend_g est_payroll     w     l wl_pct
##       <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     1999 ANA      27816    55633166    70    92  0.432
##  2     1999 ARI      37280    68703999   100    62  0.617
##  3     1999 ATL      40554    73341000   103    59  0.636
##  4     1999 BAL      42385    80805863    78    84  0.481
##  5     1999 BOS      30200    64097500    94    68  0.58 
##  6     1999 CHC      34739    62343000    67    95  0.414
##  7     1999 CHW      16529    25820000    75    86  0.466
##  8     1999 CIN      25137    33962761    96    67  0.589
##  9     1999 CLE      42820    73679962    97    65  0.599
## 10     1999 COL      42976    61935837    72    90  0.444
## # … with 620 more rows
  1. the pay index, comparing the individual team payroll to the average of all the teams that season, where 100 is the league average.

Note that this requires a group/ungroup within the pipe.

mlb_pay_wl <- mlb_pay_wl %>% 
  group_by(year_num) %>% 
  mutate(league_avg_pay = mean(est_payroll)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(pay_pct_league = est_payroll / league_avg_pay * 100)

## # A tibble: 630 × 9
##    year_num tm    attend_g est_payroll     w     l wl_pct league_avg_pay pay_pct_league
##       <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1     1999 ANA      27816    55633166    70    92  0.432      50119642.          111. 
##  2     1999 ARI      37280    68703999   100    62  0.617      50119642.          137. 
##  3     1999 ATL      40554    73341000   103    59  0.636      50119642.          146. 
##  4     1999 BAL      42385    80805863    78    84  0.481      50119642.          161. 
##  5     1999 BOS      30200    64097500    94    68  0.58       50119642.          128. 
##  6     1999 CHC      34739    62343000    67    95  0.414      50119642.          124. 
##  7     1999 CHW      16529    25820000    75    86  0.466      50119642.           51.5
##  8     1999 CIN      25137    33962761    96    67  0.589      50119642.           67.8
##  9     1999 CLE      42820    73679962    97    65  0.599      50119642.          147. 
## 10     1999 COL      42976    61935837    72    90  0.444      50119642.          124. 
## # … with 620 more rows

Let’s create a histogram to show the distribution of team payroll, relative to the league average:

mlb_pay_wl %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = pay_pct_league)) +

25.1.2 across()

The across() function:

makes it easy to apply the same transformation to multiple columns, allowing you to use select() semantics inside in “data-masking” functions like summarise() and mutate(). See

These examples are variations of the ones from the {dplyr} reference “Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns”. That resource, and the related vignette “colwise” have more examples and details.

For our examples, we will use the penguins data table from the {palmerpenguins} package.

## # A tibble: 344 × 8
##    species island    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex     year
##    <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int> <fct>  <int>
##  1 Adelie  Torgersen           39.1          18.7               181        3750 male    2007
##  2 Adelie  Torgersen           39.5          17.4               186        3800 female  2007
##  3 Adelie  Torgersen           40.3          18                 195        3250 female  2007
##  4 Adelie  Torgersen           NA            NA                  NA          NA <NA>    2007
##  5 Adelie  Torgersen           36.7          19.3               193        3450 female  2007
##  6 Adelie  Torgersen           39.3          20.6               190        3650 male    2007
##  7 Adelie  Torgersen           38.9          17.8               181        3625 female  2007
##  8 Adelie  Torgersen           39.2          19.6               195        4675 male    2007
##  9 Adelie  Torgersen           34.1          18.1               193        3475 <NA>    2007
## 10 Adelie  Torgersen           42            20.2               190        4250 <NA>    2007
## # … with 334 more rows

In this example, the rounding function is applied to the two bill measurements:

penguins %>%
  mutate(across(c(bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm), round))
## # A tibble: 344 × 8
##    species island    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex     year
##    <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int> <fct>  <int>
##  1 Adelie  Torgersen             39            19               181        3750 male    2007
##  2 Adelie  Torgersen             40            17               186        3800 female  2007
##  3 Adelie  Torgersen             40            18               195        3250 female  2007
##  4 Adelie  Torgersen             NA            NA                NA          NA <NA>    2007
##  5 Adelie  Torgersen             37            19               193        3450 female  2007
##  6 Adelie  Torgersen             39            21               190        3650 male    2007
##  7 Adelie  Torgersen             39            18               181        3625 female  2007
##  8 Adelie  Torgersen             39            20               195        4675 male    2007
##  9 Adelie  Torgersen             34            18               193        3475 <NA>    2007
## 10 Adelie  Torgersen             42            20               190        4250 <NA>    2007
## # … with 334 more rows

Since those measures are of type “double” and the other two numeric measures are integer, we could identify the variables we want to round using the type, via the is.double argument:

penguins %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round))
## # A tibble: 344 × 8
##    species island    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex     year
##    <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int> <fct>  <int>
##  1 Adelie  Torgersen             39            19               181        3750 male    2007
##  2 Adelie  Torgersen             40            17               186        3800 female  2007
##  3 Adelie  Torgersen             40            18               195        3250 female  2007
##  4 Adelie  Torgersen             NA            NA                NA          NA <NA>    2007
##  5 Adelie  Torgersen             37            19               193        3450 female  2007
##  6 Adelie  Torgersen             39            21               190        3650 male    2007
##  7 Adelie  Torgersen             39            18               181        3625 female  2007
##  8 Adelie  Torgersen             39            20               195        4675 male    2007
##  9 Adelie  Torgersen             34            18               193        3475 <NA>    2007
## 10 Adelie  Torgersen             42            20               190        4250 <NA>    2007
## # … with 334 more rows

It’s also possible to use the across() function to apply the same function(s) to multiple variables. Here we will use the group-by() %>% summarize() functions to calculate the mean of the bill measurements.

  • Note also the starts_with() function that is used to identify the columns of interest.

  • The mean() function has a tilde in front. In R, the “~” is used to indicate a function, so

~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)

is a shortcut for

function(.x){mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)} where “.x” is a placeholder for every variable we have defined in our across() function.

(It might help to think of this like a looping function—for every variable, the summarise() loops through the mean() function.)

penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
                   ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
##   species   bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
##   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1 Adelie              38.8          18.3
## 2 Chinstrap           48.8          18.4
## 3 Gentoo              47.5          15.0

In this example, the list argument defines a list of functions to be applied. By putting the name of the function ahead of the function (e.g. mean = mean), that term gets appended to the name of the variables created by the summarise() function. (You may want to see what happens when you change this to mean, sd or cat = mean, dog = sd!)

penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
                   list(mean = mean, sd = sd), 
                   na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   species   bill_length_mm_mean bill_length_mm_sd bill_depth_mm_mean bill_depth_mm_sd
##   <fct>                   <dbl>             <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1 Adelie                   38.8              2.66               18.3            1.22 
## 2 Chinstrap                48.8              3.34               18.4            1.14 
## 3 Gentoo                   47.5              3.08               15.0            0.981

25.1.3 Calculations across rows

Another common data manipulation outcome we seek is the average across our variables…so far everything we’ve done has been down the variables. R is really good at the latter. Here’s some techniques to apply a function across a row.

(This is drawn from the {dplyr} vignette “Row-wise operations”)

First we create a little tibble:

df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 3:4, z = 5:6)
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
##       x     y     z
##   <int> <int> <int>
## 1     1     3     5
## 2     2     4     6

Then we apply the rowwise() function:

## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## # Rowwise: 
##       x     y     z
##   <int> <int> <int>
## 1     1     3     5
## 2     2     4     6

It looks just the same, but you will note the “Rowwise:” indicator above the table. This means that any functions that are applied will run across the rows instead of the usual columnwise direction.

df %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(m = mean(c(x, y, z)))
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
## # Rowwise: 
##       x     y     z     m
##   <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     1     3     5     3
## 2     2     4     6     4

Without the rowwise() function we get 3.5 for both rows. This the mean of “x” and “y” and “z” (that is, the mean of the integers 1 through 6):

df %>% 
  mutate(m = mean(c(x, y, z)))
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##       x     y     z     m
##   <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1     1     3     5   3.5
## 2     2     4     6   3.5

In the examples below, we will use a bigger tibble:

df2 <- tibble(id = letters[1:6], w = 10:15, x = 20:25, y = 30:35, z = 40:45)
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   id        w     x     y     z
##   <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 a        10    20    30    40
## 2 b        11    21    31    41
## 3 c        12    22    32    42
## 4 d        13    23    33    43
## 5 e        14    24    34    44
## 6 f        15    25    35    45

To calculate the sum of the columns, we could mutate() to get a new column, or summarize() for just the total.

By putting the “id” in the rowwise() function, it acts as a grouping variable across the rows.

# mutate for full table
df2 %>% 
  rowwise(id) %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(c(w, x, y, z))) 
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
## # Rowwise:  id
##   id        w     x     y     z total
##   <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 a        10    20    30    40   100
## 2 b        11    21    31    41   104
## 3 c        12    22    32    42   108
## 4 d        13    23    33    43   112
## 5 e        14    24    34    44   116
## 6 f        15    25    35    45   120
# summarize for the total only
df2 %>% 
  rowwise(id) %>% 
  summarize(total = sum(c(w, x, y, z))) 
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## # Groups:   id [6]
##   id    total
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 a       100
## 2 b       104
## 3 c       108
## 4 d       112
## 5 e       116
## 6 f       120

To streamline the specification of the variables we use, the c_across() function can be applied, indicating the range of the variables we want to sum and average:

df2 %>% 
  rowwise(id) %>% 
  summarize(total = sum(c_across(w:z)),
            average = mean(c_across(w:z))) 
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## # Groups:   id [6]
##   id    total average
##   <chr> <int>   <dbl>
## 1 a       100      25
## 2 b       104      26
## 3 c       108      27
## 4 d       112      28
## 5 e       116      29
## 6 f       120      30

There are two other functions that streamline this syntax still further: rowSums and rowMeans.

Note: this function has the rowwise() built in!

df2 %>% 
  mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric))))
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   id        w     x     y     z total
##   <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 a        10    20    30    40   100
## 2 b        11    21    31    41   104
## 3 c        12    22    32    42   108
## 4 d        13    23    33    43   112
## 5 e        14    24    34    44   116
## 6 f        15    25    35    45   120

25.1.4 Comparing values between rows

It is common in time series analysis to compare values that are in different rows. For example, in a data table with quarterly revenue data, you might want to report on the change from one quarter to the next. Or with monthly data where there is a strong seasonal trend comparing one month to the next might not be all that useful (think of the difference in retail sales in January compared to December), so a comparison to the same month of the previous year would reveal more insight. The New Housing Price Index example we saw earlier incorporates both month-over-month and year-over-year comparisions.

The {dplyr} package has two functions, lag() and lead(), that allow us access to the value in a different row. Exercies:

Using the {gapminder} data, find the country with biggest jump in life expectancy (between any two consecutive records) for each continent.

# One of many solutions
gapminder %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
  mutate(prev_lifeExp = lag(lifeExp),
         jump = lifeExp - prev_lifeExp) %>%
  arrange(desc(jump), continent)
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 8
## # Groups:   country [142]
##    country     continent  year lifeExp       pop gdpPercap prev_lifeExp  jump
##    <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>     <int>     <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Cambodia    Asia       1982    51.0   7272485      624.         31.2 19.7 
##  2 China       Asia       1967    58.4 754550000      613.         44.5 13.9 
##  3 Rwanda      Africa     1997    36.1   7212583      590.         23.6 12.5 
##  4 Rwanda      Africa     2002    43.4   7852401      786.         36.1  7.33
##  5 Mauritius   Africa     1957    58.1    609816     2034.         51.0  7.10
##  6 Bulgaria    Europe     1957    66.6   7651254     3009.         59.6  7.01
##  7 El Salvador Americas   1987    63.2   4842194     4140.         56.6  6.55
##  8 China       Asia       1957    50.5 637408000      576.         44    6.55
##  9 Myanmar     Asia       1957    41.9  21731844      350          36.3  5.59
## 10 Albania     Europe     1962    64.8   1728137     2313.         59.3  5.54
## # … with 1,694 more rows
# Another solution
gapminder %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
  mutate(prev_lifeExp = lag(lifeExp),
         jump = lifeExp - prev_lifeExp) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(continent) %>% 
  slice(which.max(jump)) %>% 
## # A tibble: 5 × 8
## # Groups:   continent [5]
##   country     continent  year lifeExp     pop gdpPercap prev_lifeExp  jump
##   <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>   <int>     <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Cambodia    Asia       1982    51.0 7272485      624.         31.2 19.7 
## 2 Rwanda      Africa     1997    36.1 7212583      590.         23.6 12.5 
## 3 Bulgaria    Europe     1957    66.6 7651254     3009.         59.6  7.01
## 4 El Salvador Americas   1987    63.2 4842194     4140.         56.6  6.55
## 5 New Zealand Oceania    1992    76.3 3437674    18363.         74.3  2.01
# Another solution
gapminder %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
  mutate(prev_lifeExp = lag(lifeExp),
         jump = lifeExp - prev_lifeExp) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(continent) %>% 
  slice_max(jump) %>% 
## # A tibble: 5 × 8
## # Groups:   continent [5]
##   country     continent  year lifeExp     pop gdpPercap prev_lifeExp  jump
##   <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>   <int>     <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Cambodia    Asia       1982    51.0 7272485      624.         31.2 19.7 
## 2 Rwanda      Africa     1997    36.1 7212583      590.         23.6 12.5 
## 3 Bulgaria    Europe     1957    66.6 7651254     3009.         59.6  7.01
## 4 El Salvador Americas   1987    63.2 4842194     4140.         56.6  6.55
## 5 New Zealand Oceania    1992    76.3 3437674    18363.         74.3  2.01

25.2 Recode variables with case_when()

We sometimes find ourselves in a situation where we want to recode our existing variables into other categories. For example, sometimes you have a handful of categories that make up the bulk of the total, and summarizing the smaller categories into an “all other” makes the table or plot easier to read. Think of the populations of the 13 Canadian provinces and territories: the four most populous provinces (Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta) account for roughly 85% of the country’s population…the other 15% are spread across nine provinces and territories. We might want to show a table with only five rows, with the smallest nine provinces and territories grouped into a single row.

We can do this with a function in {dplyr}, case_when().

canpop <- read_csv("data/canpop.csv")
## # A tibble: 13 × 2
##    province_territory        population
##    <chr>                          <dbl>
##  1 Ontario                     13448494
##  2 Quebec                       8164361
##  3 British Columbia             4648055
##  4 Alberta                      4067175
##  5 Manitoba                     1278365
##  6 Saskatchewan                 1098352
##  7 Nova Scotia                   923598
##  8 New Brunswick                 747101
##  9 Newfoundland and Labrador     519716
## 10 Prince Edward Island          142907
## 11 Northwest Territories          41786
## 12 Nunavut                        35944
## 13 Yukon                          35874

In this first solution, we name the largest provinces separately:

canpop %>% 
  mutate(pt_grp = case_when(
    # evaluation ~ new value
    province_territory == "Ontario" ~ "Ontario",
    province_territory == "Quebec" ~ "Quebec",
    province_territory == "British Columbia" ~ "British Columbia",
    province_territory == "Alberta" ~ "Alberta",
    # all others get recoded as "other"
    TRUE ~ "other"
## # A tibble: 13 × 3
##    province_territory        population pt_grp          
##    <chr>                          <dbl> <chr>           
##  1 Ontario                     13448494 Ontario         
##  2 Quebec                       8164361 Quebec          
##  3 British Columbia             4648055 British Columbia
##  4 Alberta                      4067175 Alberta         
##  5 Manitoba                     1278365 other           
##  6 Saskatchewan                 1098352 other           
##  7 Nova Scotia                   923598 other           
##  8 New Brunswick                 747101 other           
##  9 Newfoundland and Labrador     519716 other           
## 10 Prince Edward Island          142907 other           
## 11 Northwest Territories          41786 other           
## 12 Nunavut                        35944 other           
## 13 Yukon                          35874 other

But that’s a lot of typing. A more streamlined approach is to put the name of our provinces in a list, and then recode our new variable with the value from the original variable:

canpop %>% 
  mutate(pt_grp = case_when(
    province_territory %in% c("Ontario", "Quebec", "British Columbia", "Alberta") ~ province_territory,
    TRUE ~ "other"
## # A tibble: 13 × 3
##    province_territory        population pt_grp          
##    <chr>                          <dbl> <chr>           
##  1 Ontario                     13448494 Ontario         
##  2 Quebec                       8164361 Quebec          
##  3 British Columbia             4648055 British Columbia
##  4 Alberta                      4067175 Alberta         
##  5 Manitoba                     1278365 other           
##  6 Saskatchewan                 1098352 other           
##  7 Nova Scotia                   923598 other           
##  8 New Brunswick                 747101 other           
##  9 Newfoundland and Labrador     519716 other           
## 10 Prince Edward Island          142907 other           
## 11 Northwest Territories          41786 other           
## 12 Nunavut                        35944 other           
## 13 Yukon                          35874 other

But we can do even better, by using a comparison to create a population threshold:

canpop <- canpop %>% 
  mutate(pt_grp = case_when(
    population > 4000000 ~ province_territory,
    TRUE ~ "other"

## # A tibble: 13 × 3
##    province_territory        population pt_grp          
##    <chr>                          <dbl> <chr>           
##  1 Ontario                     13448494 Ontario         
##  2 Quebec                       8164361 Quebec          
##  3 British Columbia             4648055 British Columbia
##  4 Alberta                      4067175 Alberta         
##  5 Manitoba                     1278365 other           
##  6 Saskatchewan                 1098352 other           
##  7 Nova Scotia                   923598 other           
##  8 New Brunswick                 747101 other           
##  9 Newfoundland and Labrador     519716 other           
## 10 Prince Edward Island          142907 other           
## 11 Northwest Territories          41786 other           
## 12 Nunavut                        35944 other           
## 13 Yukon                          35874 other

Now we can use that new variable to group a table:

canpop %>% 
  group_by(pt_grp) %>% 
  summarise(pt_pop = sum(population)) %>% 
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   pt_grp             pt_pop
##   <chr>               <dbl>
## 1 Ontario          13448494
## 2 Quebec            8164361
## 3 other             4823643
## 4 British Columbia  4648055
## 5 Alberta           4067175

25.2.1 Multiple comparisons

In this example from the case_when() reference page:, it uses different combinations of three variables to create a single fourth variable. It uses the built-in data set “starwars”, a list of characters from the movies.

# case_when is particularly useful inside mutate when you want to
# create a new variable that relies on a complex combination of existing
# variables
## # A tibble: 87 × 14
##    name       height  mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex   gender homeworld species
##    <chr>       <int> <dbl> <chr>      <chr>      <chr>          <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <chr>     <chr>  
##  1 Luke Skyw…    172    77 blond      fair       blue            19   male  mascu… Tatooine  Human  
##  2 C-3PO         167    75 <NA>       gold       yellow         112   none  mascu… Tatooine  Droid  
##  3 R2-D2          96    32 <NA>       white, bl… red             33   none  mascu… Naboo     Droid  
##  4 Darth Vad…    202   136 none       white      yellow          41.9 male  mascu… Tatooine  Human  
##  5 Leia Orga…    150    49 brown      light      brown           19   fema… femin… Alderaan  Human  
##  6 Owen Lars     178   120 brown, gr… light      blue            52   male  mascu… Tatooine  Human  
##  7 Beru Whit…    165    75 brown      light      blue            47   fema… femin… Tatooine  Human  
##  8 R5-D4          97    32 <NA>       white, red red             NA   none  mascu… Tatooine  Droid  
##  9 Biggs Dar…    183    84 black      light      brown           24   male  mascu… Tatooine  Human  
## 10 Obi-Wan K…    182    77 auburn, w… fair       blue-gray       57   male  mascu… Stewjon   Human  
## # … with 77 more rows, and 3 more variables: films <list>, vehicles <list>, starships <list>

For this example, we mutate a new variable based on whether a character is a robot, or whether they are large (defined by height or mass).

starwars %>%
  select(name:mass, gender, species) %>%
    type = case_when(
      species == "Droid"        ~ "robot",
      height > 150 | mass > 200 ~ "large",
      TRUE                      ~ "other"
## # A tibble: 87 × 6
##    name               height  mass gender    species type 
##    <chr>               <int> <dbl> <chr>     <chr>   <chr>
##  1 Luke Skywalker        172    77 masculine Human   large
##  2 C-3PO                 167    75 masculine Droid   robot
##  3 R2-D2                  96    32 masculine Droid   robot
##  4 Darth Vader           202   136 masculine Human   large
##  5 Leia Organa           150    49 feminine  Human   other
##  6 Owen Lars             178   120 masculine Human   large
##  7 Beru Whitesun lars    165    75 feminine  Human   large
##  8 R5-D4                  97    32 masculine Droid   robot
##  9 Biggs Darklighter     183    84 masculine Human   large
## 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi        182    77 masculine Human   large
## # … with 77 more rows

And order matters! The function case_when() finds all of the cases that meet the first criteria, and then applies the second criteria to the remaining observations. If we switch the order and move “robot” below “large”, we find (as one example) that C-3PO is now in the large category, as they are over 150 cm in height.

# create "type" variable
starwars %>%
  select(name:mass, species) %>%
    type = case_when(
      # large first, then robot
      height > 150 | mass > 200 ~ "large",
      species == "Droid"        ~ "robot",
      TRUE                      ~ "other"
## # A tibble: 87 × 5
##    name               height  mass species type 
##    <chr>               <int> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>
##  1 Luke Skywalker        172    77 Human   large
##  2 C-3PO                 167    75 Droid   large
##  3 R2-D2                  96    32 Droid   robot
##  4 Darth Vader           202   136 Human   large
##  5 Leia Organa           150    49 Human   other
##  6 Owen Lars             178   120 Human   large
##  7 Beru Whitesun lars    165    75 Human   large
##  8 R5-D4                  97    32 Droid   robot
##  9 Biggs Darklighter     183    84 Human   large
## 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi        182    77 Human   large
## # … with 77 more rows
