29 Gapminder: 200 Countries, 200 Years

29.1 Introduction

In this project, you will recreate single year versions of the chart Hans Rosling shows in the videos here:

The plots in both have the same information shown: income, life expectancy, population, and the continent.

29.2 Data files

The four files that you will need, downloaded from https://www.gapminder.org/data/, can be found in the “data” folder of this project.

There are CSV files for the following:

  • Income: “income_per_person_gdppercapita_ppp_inflation_adjusted.csv”

  • Life expectancy (years): “life_expectancy_years.csv”

  • Population: “population_total.csv”

In addition, there is an Excel file that you’ll need to use to get the region (continent) that each country is in. Use the variable “four_regions” for the continents.

  • “Data Geographies - v1 - by Gapminder.xlsx”, sheet = “list-of-countries-etc”

29.3 References

29.3.1 Animation of plots

It is possible to program animation of plots, using the package {gganimate}
