Chapter 8 Localised Spatial Analysis
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Setting Up The Data Used in This Chapter
# Load tmap, tmaptools packages
# read in the shapefile for North Carolina SIDS (its in epsg:4326)
nc.sids <- read_shape(system.file("shapes/sids.shp",
# Transform to EPSG 2264 - and units in miles. We need the full proj4 string here to specify units
nc.sids.p <- set_projection(nc.sids,"+init=epsg:2264 +units=mi")
# Plot North Carolina
tm_shape(nc.sids.p,unit='miles') + tm_borders() + tm_scale_bar(position = c("left","bottom"))

Figure 8.1: North Carolina SIDS Data, County Map
8.2.1 Local Indicators of Spatial Association
# Compute the listw object for the North Carolina polygons
# Make sure nc.sids.p is in SpatialPolygonsDataFrame format
if ("sf" %in% class(nc.sids.p)) nc.sids.p <- as(nc.sids.p,"Spatial")
nc.lw <- nb2listw(poly2nb(nc.sids.p))
# Compute the SIDS rates (per 1000 births) for 1979
nc.sids.p$sidspm79 <- 1000*nc.sids.p$SID79/nc.sids.p$BIR79
# Compute the local Moran's I
nc.sids.p$lI <- localmoran(nc.sids.p$sidspm79,nc.lw)[,1]
tm_shape(nc.sids.p,unit='miles') +
tm_polygons(col='lI',title="Local Morans I",legend.format=list(flag="+")) +
tm_style_col_blind() + tm_scale_bar(width=0.15) +
tm_layout(legend.position = c("left","bottom"),

Figure 8.2: Standardised local Moran’s-I
# Create the local p-values
nc.sids.p$pval <- localmoran(nc.sids.p$sidspm79,nc.lw)[,5]
# Draw the map
tm_shape(nc.sids.p,unit='miles') +
border.col = "black",
palette = "-Greens") +
tm_scale_bar(width=0.15) +
tm_layout(legend.position = c("left","bottom"))

Figure 8.3: Local Moran’s-I p-values
Self Test Question 1 Verify the significance figures above by selecting and listing the counties for which p<0.05.
8.3 Further Issues With The Above Analysis
8.3.1 Multiple Hypothesis Testing
# Create the adjusted p-value
nc.sids.p$pval_bonf <- p.adjust(nc.sids.p$pval,method='bonferroni')
# Draw the map
tm_shape(nc.sids.p,unit='miles') +
border.col = "black",
palette = "-BuGn") +
tm_scale_bar(width=0.15) +
tm_layout(legend.position = c("left","bottom"))

Figure 8.4: Local Moran’s-I Bonferroni adjusted p-values