B Pilot conditions
Our four orderings of items were randomized within dimension (Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive or Dedication, Absorption, Vigor), “block” (Qualtrics designation for groupings of items), and item. The elements that were randomized are identified in the following tables by randomized element (A, B, C, or D):
Condition1 | Substantive | Attitudinal | Dimension | Block | Item |
I’m able to concentrate on my work without distractions | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | A |
I have a hard time detaching mentally from my work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | B |
Time passes quickly while I’m working | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | C |
I find it difficult to mentally disconnect from work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | D |
I enjoy thinking about work even when I’m not at work | Absorption | Affective | A | B | A |
Most days, I feel happiest when the workday is soon to be complete (r) | Absorption | Affective | A | B | B |
I am happiest when I am immersed in a project | Absorption | Affective | A | B | C |
I love starting my workday. | Absorption | Affective | A | B | D |
I devote more time than is expected of me. | Absorption | Behavioral | A | C | A |
I have to be reminded to take breaks while I’m at work | Absorption | Behavioral | A | C | B |
I never miss a work deadline. | Absorption | Behavioral | A | C | C |
I never allow distractions to interfere with my work | Absorption | Behavioral | A | C | D |
I devote my full attention to my work tasks throughout the day | Vigor | Cognitive | B | A | A |
Thinking about work saps my energy (r) | Vigor | Cognitive | B | A | B |
I would rather direct my focus toward a work task than a personal task | Vigor | Cognitive | B | A | C |
I’m able to maintain good levels of energy throughout the workday | Vigor | Cognitive | B | A | D |
I enjoy spending time completing my job tasks. | Vigor | Affective | B | B | A |
Most days I feel enthusiastic about starting my work day. | Vigor | Affective | B | B | B |
I feel motivated to go beyond what is asked of me | Vigor | Affective | B | B | C |
This job drains my energy (r) | Vigor | Affective | B | B | D |
When work is slow I find ways to be productive. | Vigor | Behavioral | B | C | A |
I express enthusiasm for my job while at work | Vigor | Behavioral | B | C | B |
I try my best to perform well at work | Vigor | Behavioral | B | C | C |
If I notice my energy level is low, I take corrective steps to re-energize. | Vigor | Behavioral | B | C | D |
I plan my future with this company. | Dedication | Cognitive | C | A | A |
I believe this company cares about my career goals | Dedication | Cognitive | C | A | B |
I often think about finding another job (r) | Dedication | Cognitive | C | A | C |
This organization challenges me to work at my full potential | Dedication | Cognitive | C | A | D |
I am proud to be a member of this organization. | Dedication | Affective | C | B | A |
I feel supported by my supervisor when I fail at a task | Dedication | Affective | C | B | B |
I feel proud of my accomplishments within this organization | Dedication | Affective | C | B | C |
My job makes me feel like I’m part of something meaningful | Dedication | Affective | C | B | D |
I make valued contributions to the organization | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | A |
I embrace challenging situations at work. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | B |
I speak positively about this organization to others. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | C |
This organization provides the resources necessary for me to successfully perform my job | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | D |
Condition2 | Substantive | Attitudinal | Dimension | Block | Item |
I’m able to concentrate on my work without distractions | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | A |
I have a hard time detaching mentally from my work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | B |
Time passes quickly while I’m working | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | C |
I find it difficult to mentally disconnect from work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A | D |
I devote my full attention to my work tasks throughout the day | Vigor | Cognitive | A | B | A |
Thinking about work saps my energy (r) | Vigor | Cognitive | A | B | B |
I would rather direct my focus toward a work task than a personal task | Vigor | Cognitive | A | B | C |
I’m able to maintain good levels of energy throughout the workday | Vigor | Cognitive | A | B | D |
I plan my future with this company. | Dedication | Cognitive | A | C | A |
I believe this company cares about my career goals | Dedication | Cognitive | A | C | B |
I often think about finding another job (r) | Dedication | Cognitive | A | C | C |
This organization challenges me to work at my full potential | Dedication | Cognitive | A | C | D |
I enjoy thinking about work even when I’m not at work | Absorption | Affective | B | A | A |
Most days, I feel happiest when the workday is soon to be complete (r) | Absorption | Affective | B | A | B |
I am happiest when I am immersed in a project | Absorption | Affective | B | A | C |
I love starting my workday. | Absorption | Affective | B | A | D |
I enjoy spending time completing my job tasks. | Vigor | Affective | B | B | A |
Most days I feel enthusiastic about starting my work day. | Vigor | Affective | B | B | B |
I feel motivated to go beyond what is asked of me | Vigor | Affective | B | B | C |
This job drains my energy (r) | Vigor | Affective | B | B | D |
I am proud to be a member of this organization. | Dedication | Affective | B | C | A |
I feel supported by my supervisor when I fail at a task | Dedication | Affective | B | C | B |
I feel proud of my accomplishments within this organization | Dedication | Affective | B | C | C |
My job makes me feel like I’m part of something meaningful | Dedication | Affective | B | C | D |
I devote more time than is expected of me. | Absorption | Behavioral | C | A | A |
I have to be reminded to take breaks while I’m at work | Absorption | Behavioral | C | A | B |
I never miss a work deadline. | Absorption | Behavioral | C | A | C |
I never allow distractions to interfere with my work | Absorption | Behavioral | C | A | D |
When work is slow I find ways to be productive. | Vigor | Behavioral | C | B | A |
I express enthusiasm for my job while at work | Vigor | Behavioral | C | B | B |
I try my best to perform well at work | Vigor | Behavioral | C | B | C |
If I notice my energy level is low, I take corrective steps to re-energize. | Vigor | Behavioral | C | B | D |
I make valued contributions to the organization | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | A |
I embrace challenging situations at work. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | B |
I speak positively about this organization to others. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | C |
This organization provides the resources necessary for me to successfully perform my job | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C | D |
Condition3 | Substantive | Attitudinal | Dimension | Item |
I’m able to concentrate on my work without distractions | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A |
I enjoy thinking about work even when I’m not at work | Absorption | Affective | A | B |
I devote more time than is expected of me. | Absorption | Behavioral | A | C |
I have a hard time detaching mentally from my work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | D |
Most days, I feel happiest when the workday is soon to be complete (r) | Absorption | Affective | A | E |
I have to be reminded to take breaks while I’m at work | Absorption | Behavioral | A | F |
Time passes quickly while I’m working | Absorption | Cognitive | A | G |
I am happiest when I am immersed in a project | Absorption | Affective | A | H |
I never miss a work deadline. | Absorption | Behavioral | A | I |
I find it difficult to mentally disconnect from work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | J |
I love starting my workday. | Absorption | Affective | A | K |
I never allow distractions to interfere with my work | Absorption | Behavioral | A | L |
I devote my full attention to my work tasks throughout the day | Vigor | Cognitive | B | A |
I enjoy spending time completing my job tasks. | Vigor | Affective | B | B |
When work is slow I find ways to be productive. | Vigor | Behavioral | B | C |
Thinking about work saps my energy (r) | Vigor | Cognitive | B | D |
Most days I feel enthusiastic about starting my work day. | Vigor | Affective | B | E |
I express enthusiasm for my job while at work | Vigor | Behavioral | B | F |
I would rather direct my focus toward a work task than a personal task | Vigor | Cognitive | B | G |
I feel motivated to go beyond what is asked of me | Vigor | Affective | B | H |
I try my best to perform well at work | Vigor | Behavioral | B | I |
I’m able to maintain good levels of energy throughout the workday | Vigor | Cognitive | B | J |
This job drains my energy (r) | Vigor | Affective | B | K |
If I notice my energy level is low, I take corrective steps to re-energize. | Vigor | Behavioral | B | L |
I plan my future with this company. | Dedication | Cognitive | C | A |
I am proud to be a member of this organization. | Dedication | Affective | C | B |
I make valued contributions to the organization | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C |
I believe this company cares about my career goals | Dedication | Cognitive | C | D |
I feel supported by my supervisor when I fail at a task | Dedication | Affective | C | E |
I embrace challenging situations at work. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | F |
I often think about finding another job (r) | Dedication | Cognitive | C | G |
I feel proud of my accomplishments within this organization | Dedication | Affective | C | H |
I speak positively about this organization to others. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | I |
This organization challenges me to work at my full potential | Dedication | Cognitive | C | J |
My job makes me feel like I’m part of something meaningful | Dedication | Affective | C | K |
This organization provides the resources necessary for me to successfully perform my job | Dedication | Behavioral | C | L |
Condition4 | Substantive | Attitudinal | Dimension | Item |
I’m able to concentrate on my work without distractions | Absorption | Cognitive | A | A |
I devote my full attention to my work tasks throughout the day | Vigor | Cognitive | A | B |
I plan my future with this company. | Dedication | Cognitive | A | C |
I have a hard time detaching mentally from my work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | D |
Thinking about work saps my energy (r) | Vigor | Cognitive | A | E |
I believe this company cares about my career goals | Dedication | Cognitive | A | F |
Time passes quickly while I’m working | Absorption | Cognitive | A | G |
I would rather direct my focus toward a work task than a personal task | Vigor | Cognitive | A | H |
I often think about finding another job (r) | Dedication | Cognitive | A | I |
I find it difficult to mentally disconnect from work | Absorption | Cognitive | A | J |
I’m able to maintain good levels of energy throughout the workday | Vigor | Cognitive | A | K |
This organization challenges me to work at my full potential | Dedication | Cognitive | A | L |
I enjoy thinking about work even when I’m not at work | Absorption | Affective | B | A |
I enjoy spending time completing my job tasks. | Vigor | Affective | B | B |
I am proud to be a member of this organization. | Dedication | Affective | B | C |
Most days, I feel happiest when the workday is soon to be complete (r) | Absorption | Affective | B | D |
Most days I feel enthusiastic about starting my work day. | Vigor | Affective | B | E |
I feel supported by my supervisor when I fail at a task | Dedication | Affective | B | F |
I am happiest when I am immersed in a project | Absorption | Affective | B | G |
I feel motivated to go beyond what is asked of me | Vigor | Affective | B | H |
I feel proud of my accomplishments within this organization | Dedication | Affective | B | I |
I love starting my workday. | Absorption | Affective | B | J |
This job drains my energy (r) | Vigor | Affective | B | K |
My job makes me feel like I’m part of something meaningful | Dedication | Affective | B | L |
I devote more time than is expected of me. | Absorption | Behavioral | C | A |
When work is slow I find ways to be productive. | Vigor | Behavioral | C | B |
I make valued contributions to the organization | Dedication | Behavioral | C | C |
I have to be reminded to take breaks while I’m at work | Absorption | Behavioral | C | D |
I express enthusiasm for my job while at work | Vigor | Behavioral | C | E |
I embrace challenging situations at work. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | F |
I never miss a work deadline. | Absorption | Behavioral | C | G |
I try my best to perform well at work | Vigor | Behavioral | C | H |
I speak positively about this organization to others. | Dedication | Behavioral | C | I |
I never allow distractions to interfere with my work | Absorption | Behavioral | C | J |
If I notice my energy level is low, I take corrective steps to re-energize. | Vigor | Behavioral | C | K |
This organization provides the resources necessary for me to successfully perform my job | Dedication | Behavioral | C | L |