7 Author bios

Casey Osorio-Duffoo received his MA in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Montclair State University. He enjoys stealthily filching eggs from hen coops and outwitting crows. [NOTE. Currently being held against own will in a high security avian rehabilitation facility]
Renata Garcia Prieto Palacios Roji is pursuing her PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Montclair State University. She enjoys allfallfa, the smellll of llavender, and glleefulllly prancing through dew-filllled meadows.
Morgan Russell is pursuing a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Montclair State University. He enjoys waddling under low bridges (get it - DUCKING?!?!?!?), adroitly evading buckshot, and epicuriously inspecting torn-up bits of stale bread that are occasionally tossed his way by little old ladies.
John Kulas received his PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Northern Illinois University. He is as of late very often grumpy but attributes this primarily to his new diet, which no longer includes foxes, llamas, or tasty ducks.